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Spotlight on Sharing Circle Hosting Heroes: Jan & Feb 2025

User Profile: ASilentObserver
ASilentObserver 1 day ago

Hello everyone,

Today I am taking a moment to acknowledge the Sharing Circle participants nominated as Hero Hosts and Hero Supporters for January and February 2025. We are grateful for your dedication, kindness, and willingness to go above and beyond to make a difference in our Sharing Circle sessions.

We have received heartfelt nominations showcasing the impact you have made. Whether it is been through hosting Sharing Circle, offering unwavering support, or simply spreading positivity. Please know your actions have not gone unnoticed.

🎉 Congratulations to all Hero Hosts 🎉 

@Brighteststarinnightssky @CommunityModAaron @Heartsandrosesandpaws @Lou73 @ShadowFaerie @ZenArashi


🎊Also Congratulations to all Hero Supporters 🎊

@FuzzySimba @LilTadpole @Okeyyyy @TesonL @ZenArashi


To all our Hero Hosts and Hero Supporters:

  • Your commitment to uplifting others is encouraging.
  • Your acts of kindness have created a ripple effect of positivity.
  • You are valued in our community, and we are deeply grateful for your contributions.

Thank you for making Sharing Circle a brighter and safer place to share and get support. ✨

Start thinking about who you'd like to nominate to be a Hero Host or Hero Supporter!


@ASilentObserver Thank you so much for your lovely post, Obs! 💓

A huge congratulation goes out to all our amazing Hero Hosts and Hero Supporters. I'm so happy that all your hard work, commitment and kindness is recognized. Thank you for doing what you do, and keep up the amazing work! ⭐

@Brighteststarinnightssky @CommunityModAaron @Heartsandrosesandpaws @Lou73 @ShadowFaerie @ZenArashi @FuzzySimba @LilTadpole @Okeyyyy @TesonL 


User Profile: HealingTalk
HealingTalk 1 day ago

Thank you for all you do to make the Sharing Circles such a massively supportive space! 

Hero Hosts

@Brighteststarinnightssky @CommunityModAaron @Heartsandrosesandpaws @Lou73 @ShadowFaerie @ZenArashi

Hero Supporters

@FuzzySimba @LilTadpole @Okeyyyy @TesonL @ZenArashi


User Profile: SolitaryBird
SolitaryBird 1 day ago

Thank you all for your dedication to helping others. Your dedication and compassion are deeply appreciated.


User Profile: ZenArashi
ZenArashi 1 day ago


Thank you to everyone who participated, shared and supported Sharing Circle. I’m just blessed to be part of the SC family. It’s not just one person’s feat but a collective effort in making it a success. Kudos to everyone involved in SC. 

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 18 hours ago

Thank you for everything you do to make the Sharing Circles such a supportive and welcoming place everyone! 

@Brighteststarinnightssky @CommunityModAaron @Heartsandrosesandpaws @ShadowFaerie @ZenArashi@FuzzySimba @LilTadpole @Okeyyyy @TesonL @ZenArashi


1 reply
User Profile: FuzzySimba
FuzzySimba 18 hours ago

@Lou73 You are very welcome and I am honored to be a part or this community and to help those who need it most, even if it is 7 minutes at a time. 

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User Profile: GlenM
GlenM 18 hours ago

Great work SCHH! The Sharing Circle is such an important group on 7 Cups. It creates a healing space with great structure and HUGE encouragement. It is power packed with therapeutic ingredients! Thank you for being our heroes! 

User Profile: Kieran000
Kieran000 9 hours ago


Congratulations, everyone.