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humorousKiwi7843 October 6th, 2022

Ive been going through alot I've been crying my best friend is mad at me and she said I'm not friends with her anymore she said I got her in trouble because she took the ID badge off my collar and the teacher said if her back her I'd badge and she said I got her in trouble and I was crying and used I couldn't stop crying I need a support group and her name is jalynn I'm not friends with her anymore and I done everything for her I stood up for her she flipped me off and called me fatty and meany

fruityPond7887 October 7th, 2022

@humorousKiwi7843 Hi! I hope you are doing okay! I am sorry to hear about the trouble with your friend. I want you to know that you definitely did not get her in trouble. If she was not doing what she was supposed to be doing, that is not your fault. She shouldn't have said those mean things to you and I promise you that they aren't true. Please don't hesitate to talk to an adult about these things because you don't deserve to be treated this way. I promise everything will be okay and we are here for you!

humorousKiwi7843 OP October 7th, 2022

What can I do to get use to it

fruityPond7887 October 9th, 2022

@humorousKiwi7843 I definitely don't think you should get used to it! You don't deserve to be treated that way. Please consider saying something because you deserve better and they shouldn't be saying these things to you. Wishing you the best!

Mojha424 March 1st, 2023

It sounds like stuff that is difficult to go through. I had good friends stop being my friend because I did things that "got them into trouble." Sometimes we have to. Those "friends" may not be the friends you need. You can't change what happened. You can move away from it. Since you mentioned a teacher, I assume you are in school. Some schools have counselors. Maybe see if your school does.


Mojha424 March 1st, 2023

school has counselors.

miakitten9123 March 1st, 2023

@humorousKiwi7843 I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time. It sounds like you're feeling hurt and betrayed by your friend's actions. It's important to remember that other people's behavior is not always in our control and it's okay to feel upset about it. It might be helpful to reach out to someone you trust, such as a family member or another friend, and talk to them about what you're going through. You might also consider looking into support groups in your area or online where you can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Remember to take care of yourself during this time and prioritize your own