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Help Wanted-Chatroom Listeners Urgently Needed

calmMango9611 May 27th

Hello Community:

We are in need of listeners, for our chatrooms on the adult side.

So if your able and willing to support and help our membership, in our Adult chatrooms, please stop in.

You are so needed and wanted.

The support that listeners give, is vital to our membership.

So if you're able, please consider, doing some listening and supporting, in our Adult chatrooms, here at 7cups.

Thanks in advance,


Lou73 May 29th


If anyone is interested in hosting Sharing Circles, PM me for more information on getting started šŸ˜ŠĀ 

cal1860 May 30th

@calmMango9611Ā  What does it entail & what requirements are needed, please?

tommy May 31st


Hey cal, you can find information and requirements for the roles hereĀ šŸ˜ƒ

LovingSparkle June 9th

@cal1860 you don't need a specific role. @calmMango9611 just asked for more listeners in adult group chats.

calmMango9611 OP June 9th

@cal1860 If you do want to have a leadership roll here at 7cups, that is up to you. We could always use more room supporters, for example. Please contact ASilentObserver in group support. Here is the contact information: ASilentOberver:Ā

Peacepoint11 June 3rd

Where i can join it ?

calmMango9611 OP June 3rd

@Peacepoint11 Here is the link:Ā

This link is for the chatrooms.

I hope this helps.

If you have further questions or need more help or have problems getting into the rooms, please pmĀ  ASilentobserverĀ Ā

Jones198633 June 7th


The link doesn't work

Peacepoint11 June 11th

the link is not valid

MistyMagic June 11th

@Peacepoint11 @Jones198633 You are right, that is the link we usually use but also try this one insteadĀĀ then click on Groups at the top and you will get a dropdown list of the chatrooms.


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Jones198633 June 7th

I'm will help

calmMango9611 OP June 7th

@Jones198633 Thank you for offering support and help. The chatrooms on the adult side are in need of listeners, badly. So any support and help is very much welcomed.

Jones198633 June 7th


Where do I applyĀ 

calmMango9611 OP June 7th

@Jones198633 Here is the link:ĀĀ That will get you to the chatrooms.

Jones198633 June 7th

Okay I'm three can u make me member

calmMango9611 OP June 7th

@Jones198633 You are a listener. We need listeners to help out. If you want to become a member that is fine, but I cannot make you a member. If you want to be a member, then you have to make your own account to be a member. You can also help some as a member as well, if you like. There are rolls at 7cups that both members and listeners can do. But that is up to you to decide. You know, how much time you have. I have no idea, how much time you have to spend on 7cups.

Jones198633 June 7th

I speed hole day on 7cups helping people just wondering if you can charged my tittle

calmMango9611 OP June 7th

@Jones198633 I have helped as much as I can. If you need more help please contact our group support manager here at 7cups: ASilentobserverĀ ĀĀ They can help you more.

Jones198633 June 7th

Okay np

Jones198633 June 7th

I'm stay in room anyways

MistyMagic June 11th

@Jones198633 lovely to see you supporting our members, well done!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

DrHarley June 19th

Hi is there a link to the sire?