I've been trying to make myself cry for many months now and nothing has worked from sad music to subliminal videos nothing I've done has worked and I'm worried something may be wrong with me and my inability to cry. Does anyone have any advice for triggering my body to cry?
I'm so sorry you've felt the constant need to cry for many months, how horrible. Do you mind if I ask what it is that makes you feel this way?
But to answer your question, I tend to cry very easily. But I've had times I wanted to and couldn't. What I do then is either watch a movie that I can empathize with a sad scene, and I have a few examples if you like. But if that doesn't work, I'll try watching one where I wish my life could end like the protagonist's, such as "It's a Wonderful Life" (being Christmas time and all). Finally, if that doesn't work either, I think of the most devas+a+ing thing that could happen which would hur+ me the most. In my case, right now, I'd think of how I'll be affected when my pet dog Mr. Wilson goes, because I know it'll be soon. I've had him for twelve years after re$cuing him from the pound (he was scheduled to be put down the day after I re$cued him) and he's been my rock, gotten me through a lot of emo+ional crìsìses, and we have a very special and deep bond. But he's 14+ now and just acts like he's waiting to dìe a lot of the time.
Not sure any of that will work for you, but each are worth a try, anyway.
If I can help any other way, please don't hesitate too let me know. And I hope you feel better soon. 🌹
Thanks for the advice, I want to cry because I haven't done it in so long and I just think it's not healthy to let it build up this much.
It wasn't advice, exactly, but you're welcome. Glad to hear your reasoning, and that your wanting to cry is solely because it's been awhile. 😁
I, for one, would completely and happily embrace not crying for months. To me, that would be a gift, not something that needed resolution. I envy it's an issue, for lack of a better term, for you rather than the alternative. Because it shows you're not having painful emotions which are needing an outlet, or escape.
I hope this status lasts many more months for you, and I do NOT mean that in a derogatory way, honest. ❤️
@TarumSimara I found that I cried more easily at a sad movie than at my own life (for the most part, I’ve had traumatic life events that had me crying 3 or 4 times a day for a few months, but that is in the distant past). Anyway, at first I thought it was weird that I could get more emotional from a movie than my own life. Now I’m not so sure. I did hear that cathartic crying could be good for people. I think that is true under certain circumstances, but I think it depends. The crying may indicate the processing of emotions, but I don’t think crying in and of itself is therapeutic. Just like coughing is a symptom of a cold, but coughing isn’t the cure. So maybe you shouldn’t worry about not crying?