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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment

ASilentObserver September 20th

Hello everyone, 

Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone

This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat. 

We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden: 

Sharing Circle is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings.

Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.  

1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session: 


  • Host-L stands for assigned listener host 
  • Host-M stands for covered by community mod
  • Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours. 

2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide. 

3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here! 

The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th


Clearer rules and guidelines make facilitating and participating in supportive chatroom sessions even better. Thanks for putting this together!💗

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you Sun. I hope it helps all to explore their thoughts in a structured and effective way, 

VictoriaLove7 September 20th


Thank you for this information, Obs! 🐘 (..◜ᴗ◝..)

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you Victoria for the support. much appreciated 

Gettingbettertoday September 20th


In the guide it says "Exploring without joining the queue to avoid time limits will not be allowed".

What does this mean?

Jenna September 20th


I believe it means if you're not in the queue to share/explore, you're not able to take a turn to avoid jumping ahead of others or sharing while someone else is currently sharing.

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@Gettingbettertoday Hi Getting, good questions, and thank you to @Jenna for explaining it. It simply means we maintain the structure and guidelines of the session to ensure everyone gets an equal chance to explore their thoughts. Your support and help would mean a lot. Thank you 

Jenna September 20th


Thanks, Obs. Things are nicer when structured and organized to help the purpose of something grow. I hope this new schedule brings the room back to its full potential and motivates us to bring on more hosts.

LabeledBPD September 21st


How does this create  a new opportunity that wasn’t already there for new hosts?

it wasn’t a inhospitable environment so I’m wondering how? 

Is it that the obligation is actually documented and clearly defined? Or that due to the such unexpected changes people may voluntarily become a host?

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@LabeledBPD Great questions Labeled.  Thank you for bringing them up. 

  • How does this create  a new opportunity that wasn’t already there for new hosts?

There was an opportunity for everyone earlier too but we hoped as we tried to streamline it, it would make it clearer for all and you all could step up to organize structured and inclusive sessions for all. 

  • it wasn’t an inhospitable environment so I’m wondering how? 

It wasn't. We never said that it was. But based on the feedback from you all, the request was to make it more structured so we can stay on track and everyone gets an equal opportunity to share and explore their thoughts. So it is an effort in that direction and we will continue to make further efforts to strengthen these sessions.  

  • Is it that the obligation is actually documented and clearly defined? Or that due to the such unexpected changes people may voluntarily become a host?

It is clearly defined and something you all can refer to at any point and share with anyone during the session to ensure we all follow the guidelines to participate in it. And it is something you all requested for. 

I  appreciate your support and help and I hope all can adapt and follow a structured environment for participation. 

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@Jenna Thank you, Jenna. That is what we are hoping too. 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 20th


I understand the change ...🥺💜 hearts to all the EG fam. love you guys 

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue Thank you Blue, appreciate your support in exploration garden sessions. 

Fallonbird14 September 20th

Thank you for the update. I understand the change but I feel sad about it.

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 20th


💜hearts fallon

Fallonbird14 September 20th

Thanks. I finally had a place where I mattered is all but it's all good.

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 21st


I felt the same way... EG was home for me. I even painted it. It feels like a major loss

Fallonbird14 September 21st

I know it is not gone completely and I try to go to other rooms, but I get ignored. If I'm lucky I will get a "hello" but then it's like what's the point of being here if all I do is watch others talk. Oh well, its all good.

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@Fallonbird14 I understand it is upsetting a bit, but I hope we can eventually able to get full coverage as well. i appreciate your support. 

LabeledBPD September 20th


I've advocated for improvements for a long time as EG garden has seen (at points) a significant deterioration. Joy was mortar and bricks, that’s to much to sustain alone.

makes sense that as exploration is not venting and most likely not to be such a imminent requirement. Therefore time used wisely.

i really, really, really wish however prior notice was given. As cutting people off without notice hurts especially if you came to explore and find it’s gone. Let alone the lack of opportunity to say goodbye.  

Us member interaction between members is valued between us. We don’t even get to say goodbye or prepare for the change. 

Thanks silent 

HealingGriz September 21st

@LabeledBPD this!!! I have really enjoyed consistently being present at 10pm ET. I have connected with so many amazing people and followed their stories and to just have it cut off like this makes me feel really sad. I feel like I just lost my support group without any closure. 😥 I need to be able to share some days. Other days I can help host, but I don't know which days are which until I get there. I am just shattered right now. 

LabeledBPD September 21st


i know right. Hope you wasn’t needing or trying to explore when this change was realised. 

You build an understanding of people and become part of their journey, they become part of yours. A false sense of belonging and belief you’d have such a knowledgeable and supportive set of people who are there.

exploring is not always desired but supporting others who you have grown to know has/had so many benefits.

it’s difficult I know. You are not alone in feeling this way. I’m sorry. 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 21st


Feeling the same way , griz. I just can't muster to find the words for it. It's a loss for us, especially given that the "schedule" above is not panning out. Miss you and everyone.

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@HealingGriz I am sorry Griz :( I hear you are feeling sad. I get that this is an important group chat for you. Whenever you are available and like to take lead on hosting, maybe you can do onspot hosting and we can help you lead sessions but  we would need to maintain the environment and its structure of these sessions. Feel free to message me in case you like to discuss more about onspot hosting. 

HealingGriz September 24th

Thanks @ASilentObserver . I appreciate the offer. I will consider this. I am completely overwhelmed in so many areas right now, I can't do anything for the moment. I will contemplate on it though and reach out if I decide to take you up on it.

pinkWalker7121 Wednesday

@HealingGriz same I’m angry 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 21st


Thank you for putting so many of my thoughts into words.💜

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@LabeledBPD I hear you Labeled. I can understand how frustrating it  feels when changes happen. It is so natural to feel mixed emotions about it. I appreciate you for recognizing the efforts of everyone to maintain the environment of the session. But also, I get that you are a bit disappointed. I would definitely incorporate your feedback in future updates and try to ensure that we get an early heads-up before the changes get into effect. 

LabeledBPD September 24th


i don’t believe you.

Everyone please stop saying change is difficult.

i don’t mind change, sort of sick of my reaction being labelled as my inability to adjust to change. I actually actively welcome change provided it’s ultimately good and positively beneficial change for everyone. 

The EG garden how now become a scripted, therefore insincere environment. A place where your story and emerging emotions are reduced to script and rules that have removed all sense of community.

people do not want to support as they are not scripted humans , or even share as exploration hour may not suit their current desired intentions to explore. Not to mention the overbearing and ridged rules are easy to unintentionally break. 

It’s left many of us who would support in what would now be deemed an unorthodox method (personal, taking the whole humans experience into consideration) that we was either useless or unsupportive in enabling exploitation.  We can’t adjust to being scripted and it pains us when not thinking we was actually not preventing true exploration as the new rules would make some feel.

innateJoy9602 September 21st


excited to see feedback implemented to continue making the eg a safe space for all!
thanks obs and H for constantly working to help make the space healthier for everyone!!!💗🌼

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@innateJoy9602 thank you to you too Joy for all your thoughtful work and leadership there. much appreciated . it is our collective efforts to bring these changes with the hope to support our community better. 

pinkWalker7121 Wednesday

@innateJoy9602 Jim jam 

StoicSteamStoker September 21st

So, I get why 7cups would want to make this change. EG definitely had a tendency to get off track with people socializing in between explorations. However, simply closing the room half the time (or in the case of good ol' Positivity Corner, all the time) doesn't solve the underlying problem, which is that we need a casual, positive chatroom available. Don't say Member Community Room, that is not the place we need. If it was, we'd be in there. 

A lot of folks are feeling like their support group has been cut off, obliterated, without warning. I'm surprised that 7cups would make this mistake AGAIN, making a drastic change to chatrooms with almost no advance warning to the users, and leaving them in the dark after the fact. I had to ask a mod in Sharing Circle what happened, and some users are showing up in other rooms asking where EG went. Yes, you've made a forum post, but a lot of us don't touch the forums, I'm only touching it because said mod gave me the link, and as you can see, I have some thoughts. This kind of move has hurt people before, and it's hurting people again. 

Bottom line,  A: can we please get some more advance warning when changes like this are in the pipeline, preferably in the actual chatrooms they affect, and B: can we please get some kind of casual, positive support room in the lineup? It's sorely lacking.

Thanks for reading.

LabeledBPD September 21st



Ironic to macerated as a mental health and wellbeing site. 

Your actions are anything but 7cups!

you won’t ever make everyone happy but at the very least In decency and respect you let people know your actions if they may hurt people. Making a active effort to establish if your attempt to inform people has even reached at least one member 

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@StoicSteamStoker Thank you for sharing your thoughts Stoic. I admire and appreciate your support in the group chats. I understand how frustrating this is for you and many others. I hear your feedback and work on that to apply it in future updates. I will try my best to give an advanced heads-up whenever these changes are in process. 

And a good point on how many of you did not look into forum posts, so a forum post isn't enough. We will try to share the updates in the group chat too so all can follow. Or at least roll out the forum post link, so you all can check 

Also, you all can ask Community Mod on shift to open Positivity Corner when you all want it to be open. I would encourage all of us to come forward and help with overseeing a casual and positive support chat. Also I am open for further discussion on this front and feel free to send me a message and we can discuss together. <3 

HopieRemi September 21st


Thank you 

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@HopieRemi Thank you Remi 

kindEyes9789 September 22nd

@ASilentObserver Hello! Honestly, I don't understand how closing EG is deemed a solution to run an "effective" exploration session. 

Yesterday, I went to EG at 10 AM EST as usual like my routine. I went out and was surprised that EG was closed at 11 AM. Now I knew because a mod gave me this link, but oh well. 

So yeah, I was disappointed that the changes were not communicated in the said group (EG). We don't get prior notice of the changes. But oh well, it happened. 7 Cups do have a habit of doing things without notice, it's fine, I guess, but I do hope it can be changed. 

Now, here are my thoughts a bit about the changes. 7 Cups tend to see the world as black and white, good or bad. From these changes, I think you just see that the "lighthearted convo" in EG is bad and needs to be fixed immediately, hence closing EG when there's no facilitator is a solution. But no, a lighthearted convo when there's no share or no facilitator is not entirely bad. Like all humans, we too need a break from all the deep stuff and this lighthearted convo helps that, like asking each other how we are doing or things that you call "superficial".

There will be no deep exploration without a lighthearted convo (just like how there's no light without darkness). Lighthearted convos help the sharer to be more at ease and comfortable in sharing deep stuff. Not all of us like to share deep stuff when we don't know how the other person will react. So this lighthearted talk helps to understand and ease the sharer that EG is a safe space for deep exploration (at least, that's actually my first impression of EG and why I kept going back at it, but these changes just robbed that experience entirely, lol). 

Now here is the feedback after the changes have been implemented. After the changes, the other groups are getting a bit more chaotic and disorganized. Well, it's predictable, of course, the groups are getting lesser. But here is the hard truth on why the changes might not be working: you guys don't have the human resources to maintain all of these. Hosts and mods are getting less and more inactive. Even there are times when people are not acting according to the guidelines and making people uncomfortable when hosts and mods are there. But yeah, the hosts and mods are not fast enough to tackle them. I don't blame them though, it's a human thing and everyone is just voluntary here. 

With the hard truth that groups don't have the human resources to maintain everything, there can be 2 solutions, either let EG be maintained by the people there without a facilitator, or close it when there's no facilitator. Honestly, closing it means that you don't need help from the people in EG to help maintain it. So, I strongly hope that the facilitator will be prepared for the consequences. 

All those aside, I would like to know why closing EG is a solution here. Honestly, I'm just Asian so the scheduled timezone is not working for me, lol. So, I'm okay if what I can get from EG can sometimes be just a lighthearted convo between members. Sadly, the other groups are too chaotic and disorganized for my taste. 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue September 22nd


well said , eyes. 💜💐

ASilentObserver OP September 23rd

@kindEyes9789 Thank you for sharing detailed feedback, Eyes. I appreciate you. I hear how you value the lighthearted conversations within EG as a way to build comfort and create a safe space for deeper explorations. And, the changes have impacted your experience, causing you to feel disappointed and frustrated. But please also know that these changes are based on the feedback shared by you all. I get your feedback and will work with the team.