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The Thinking Space Room Problems

PhoenixRise January 31st, 2016

I really think the thinking space room needs to be shut down or heavily monitored, a lot of people or members in there can be rude, abusive, sexual and many more things I won't go into. It is not helping 7 cups spread positivity or support at all. Please do something about it, thanks.

Siri14 February 10th, 2016

@ladylazarus1971 hello lady, I am a ts regular, it is not cool to call people virus. We are real people.

Hydr0ponicus February 12th, 2016

@Siri14 what should we call you? ive been in that room and tried to play along nicely but was treated like crud... so yea i agree with lady... get rid of the virus at any and all costs... =)

Siri14 February 12th, 2016

@Hydr0ponicus I don't know, try calling us people or humans, we are real people, just because you think we are less human than you guys, doesn't mean we actually are less human. It's not cool to discriminate or generalize bruh, at least not here :)

Anomalia February 12th, 2016

@Hydr0ponicus - Please remember to keep this respectful. It's okay to be upset or to disagree with how TS has been, but it's not okay to attack individuals or suggest they don't belong here - 7 Cups can be a place for everyone; we just need to find a path where we can all exist here together.

Hydr0ponicus November 7th, 2016


cant exist with members who are rude and refuse to help others in pain.... this place is a joke now and isnt safe... too many cliques and stuck up sobs... not to mention the influx of these twenty-something crowd that has just about ruined everything they come in contact with... open your eyes for once and see the truth of it all...

ladylazarus1971 February 9th, 2016

Considering how vehemently the regular or self-identified members of TS have been regarding how passionate they are about keeping the room accessible to themselves, where they had been playing court in a cultic atmosphere, one would imagine they would have jumped at the chance to take the compassion course. And since, as the members vociferously contested, they actually had been exercising compassion all along, it should have been of no concern to take the course and pass with flying colors. They should all already be up and running back at TS headquarters, right?

Not so. Either they are unable to pass the compassion course, or are too undedicated to take it., or simply chose to spread their negative poison across the spectrum of 7 Cups.

Who could have foreseen this? Everyone. But only if they expected the worst from the members who had been using TS to form a nasty little in-group, instead of hoping that they would rise to the challenge of becoming what those folks woundedly claimed to be-- a vital, witty, and welcoming 7 Cups community.

Sometimes it really stinks to be right.

House2011 February 9th, 2016


I'm wondering what members you're seeing. Maybe you've mistaken the regulars in whatever room you frequent for thinking space people. I honestly don't see what people's issues were with the room.

Just seems entirely that certain people can't deal with an opposing opinion and want to silence anything that challenges their delicate world views, because in my time on this site ts remained the friendliest and most likely to welcome new people, whereas several other rooms won't even say a word to you other than to insult you if you're not part of their little cliques.

kailee316 February 10th, 2016


I don't like the compassion course because it's as if we have to prove ourselves as members just to stay where we feel we belong. I believe when you aren't feeling well enough to give support on a listener account, you are asked to attend the site on your member account. There's a reason for that. Because the problems could be triggering, and more than likely, you're just not in a state to help others. I believe the thinking space members managed to find a way to support one another without constantly ruminating on the troubles that brought them here in the first place. I find that avoiding those troubles is a better coping mechanism for me, personally. If it's not for other members, I understand. There are other resources for them here on this website. It's not as if the thinking space members purposely ignore newcomers. It's just that it's a busy room and new people are often overlooked as the messages go by fast, or they don't choose to involve themselves in the conversation. If you feel as if you have personally been ignored there, I remember your presence in thinking space on three different occasions. Firstly, I remember seeing you the day David Bowie passed (I believe it was him, it could have been someone else). You were involved in the conversation, and it was quite calm then. The second time I remember seeing you was when the chatroom was really busy. I remember myself and another member greeting you, but your messages, as well as mine, were "buffered out" as you like to say. Which I understand the frustration with this, but it's a busy chatroom and in order for your messages to be seen, yousort of have to comment often. That's how it is with a busy chatroom. And lastly, I believe I remember seeing you the day Jenna's discussion was bumped up to an earlier time. I don't think there were many people in the chatroom at that point, but I remember informing you that the time had changed. If any of these instances were not you, I apologize. But I'm pretty sure I've seen you around, and you weren't completely ignored.

I'd also like to mention, that if we're apparently so bad with treating newcomers, and you're trying to help us be supportive, why make it so that new people find it more difficult to get into thinking space? I love seeing new personalities in there. Thinking space is a diverse chatroom, and I love that. It's upsetting to me that there will be less newer people. I don't know why, but I'm just the kind of person who likes to greet people and answer their questions about the site if they have any. But there will be no need for that anymore, it seems. Also, I feel like thinking space is one of the lesser of the intimidating rooms because the topic is not specified; Therefore, people who are new to the website might feel more comfortable there because they don't feel pressured to talk about their depression or whatever they're dealing with right away. They can ease themselves into the format of an online chatroom by talking about something more tame, such as sports or something. I understand thinking space gets chaotic, so that point might be contradicted, but it's not always like that, and some people might find it amusing. I recall multitudes of people saying that they felt better after being in thinking space because we made them laugh and have a good time. But sure, let's make them take a test in order to get that.

Versatchy February 10th, 2016


How does it feel to be 45?

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 11th, 2016

@Versatchy - what is the point of that question, may I ask?

ladylazarus1971 February 11th, 2016

@Versatchy That's a fantastic question, and probably best answered by someone who is 45. However, I am not. You have to be careful when you make assumptions based on incomplete information. Looks like there's a lot of faulty logic running rampant in here.

And, thank you for the question @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn. The asking does seem out of place. I am in no way offended by it, regardless of whatever my age might be. I can only imagine the question was meant to be hurtful in some way; but, if so, it would qualify as an epic fail. No assumption on my part here-- I am merely guessing.

Just another taste of what passes for compassion among some TS acolytes....

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 11th, 2016

@ladylazarus1971 - yes it did come off as a weak form of trolling to me. i've noticed a pattern from some community members of sarcastic, hit-and-run posts that tend to hint at rather than state things outright.

it is a postings style more suited to reddit or other free-for-all sites and doesn't really suit here.

i find it interesting to ask people to unpack, explain, and stand behind their comments, but some just duck and run...

House2011 February 11th, 2016


But yet again you only call out one member and ignore another's unsupportive behavior that doesn't belong on this site.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 11th, 2016

@House2011 - I'm happy to condemn negativity or hit-and-run posting with no constructive contribution wherever I notice it, but rather than being concerned that everyone is chastised equally, how about seeking positive, constructive solutions instead?

House2011 February 11th, 2016


How would you propose we constructively solve the problem of being continually insulted in this thread?

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 12th, 2016

@House2011 - i'd start by avoiding personalizing it.

then i'd try to see if we can get any agreement on the nature of the problems (because I don't see that consensus here so I don't see how we solve problems if not everyone agrees they are problems or on what the problems are).

Siri14 February 12th, 2016

@House2011 the problem is that people in here think we are less human so we get less rights than them and it's ok to think that way. THEY HATE PEOPLE IN THINKING SPACE SO THEY DON'T WANT US ON 7CUPS and they expect us resolve the 'problem' i.e., us by not taking it personally and leave this site. To sum it up, this forum says, dear thinking space people, nothing personal but we hate you so get out of 7cups.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 16th, 2016

@Siri14 - it's hard for me to distinguish between rhetoric (exaggeration for effect) and simple misconceptions, but taking you literally at your word i feel compelled to reply:

the problem is that people in here think we are less human

That's simply not true and I don't think there's really any evidence for it.

so we get less rights than them and it's ok to think that way.

I wonder what rights you feel others have here that you do not?


Not sure who they are, but I know I don't hate anyone in thinking space. In fact some of the people who have complained about the climate in thinking space are themselves people in thinking space! Wacky, huh?

and they expect us resolve the 'problem' i.e., us by not taking it personally and leave this site.

Again, I don't think we would spend 1/10th the energy we have on trying to address these problems and resolve them in positive ways if we just wanted people to leave.

I think one problem is the idea of labeling individual people as "trolls" or "harassers" or "bullies" which turns it into a value judgment about a person when we need to take about the behaviors that are unwelcome ("trolling, harassing, bullying").

Siri14 February 16th, 2016

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I see you nicely analyzed every sentence there, it would be great if you could analyze all the hate posts against ts people here too :) You can't just insult someone and say you meant it was their behavior and not the person. Or may be you are right and I'm just exaggerating, idk how to take 'they are spreading the ts virus' or 'breeding like mosquitoes' in a positive and constructive way.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 16th, 2016

@Siri14 - it was a reply, not an analyiss, and if there is a "hate post" you feel I should have replied to in kind please point it out to me so I can do so.

idk how to take 'they are spreading the ts virus' or 'breeding like mosquitoes' in a positive and constructive way.

Well, the way to start is by trying to understand someone's point of view that differs from your own. What do you think they feel is spreading? Why would someone react this way to the behavior they've seen?

Siri14 February 11th, 2016

@ladylazarus1971 sorry lady, I'm sure you calling TS regulars a virus was not meant to be hurtful in any way either.

Versatchy February 11th, 2016


My name is Rabies - a viral disease most commonly spread through the saliva in both animals and humans. I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 16th, 2016

@Versatchy - have you considered creative fiction in the horror genre? You have a real talent from grand guignol!

February 9th, 2016

Hmmm. So one person gets four upvotes and another person gets zero votes. There must be something wrong with that room if they took it away and then now you have to pass a test to get in. Hmmm. I could imagine a person saying why did they do that. There's nothing wrong with that room. They see themselves as a nice person. I think that other people might not see it that way. What if they are the problem. What if.

House2011 February 9th, 2016


Hmm. [edited for non-supportive content]

February 9th, 2016

@House2011. I was confused? If you want to PM me and talk about anything I'm here for you. I won't censor you :)

House2011 February 9th, 2016


Nothing important, just poking at your obvious dig at thinking space regulars. Apparently it's fine to insult us but anything we do is wrong.

kailee316 February 10th, 2016

Thinking Space is described as a place for thoughtful conversation. We all had a preconceived notion of what thoughtful conversation means based on our own opinions and views. But just because it doesnt measure up to what you personally thought it would be, doesnt mean that its bad and should be removed from the site. Thoughtful is an ambiguous term, but generally it is defined as involving thought. Its a vague definition for a reason. People have different ideas as to what thoughtful means. Im guessing people want conversation that is political, philosophical, and religious in nature as previously described. I agree that would be nice, but every time I have tried to bring up a topic involving one of those categories, a moderator will ask us to move on from that topic. Also, I have experienced other members asking to not talk about it anymore because someone held an opposing view. So these topics are clearly sensitive. Anything is a sensitive topic, and thats why people are here in this forum. They were offended with what they saw, or the room didnt fit their ideals for what a thinking space should be.

I see people are complaining about regular members in this forum. And I also see former regular members complaining, although they partook in the same shenanigans theyre complaining about. Theres a lot of pointing fingers here, which I dont find all that helpful. In reference to the comment about regular members making it difficult for newcomers to join in on conversation, that occurs in every chatroom on this website, so to single out thinking space wouldnt be productive. Even the regulars were new at some point. There is a lot of traffic in thinking space, so the messages do go fast, and its hard to notice every message that is sent. But thats just one of the things that comes with a popular chatroom. Not to mention, I find that thinking space is incredibly welcoming to the newcomers. Just about everyone is greeted there, and if a newcomer wasnt greeted, then its more than likely just because there were too many messages being sent, and theirs was overlooked.

As for moderating the room, there are a few moderators who I absolutely love because they actually come into the room and have a conversation with us members. The other moderators just lurk about and warn people, and never show themselves to explain what the warning is for. This creates a frenzy because the members get upset obviously that them and their friends are being warned and muted, for sometimes seemingly no reason at all, and there is no explanation for this; Additionally, we are urged to report a moderator if this happens, but how can we report a moderator if we dont know who they are in the first place? And if a moderator deletes a message, how are we supposed to even show that they warned/muted unfairly?

Thinking space is a nice place for me to take my mind off of all the things going on in my life. Its the only room I personally have felt comfortable in and welcomed, so its the one I frequent. If I dont like a room, I tend to just avoid it. Its one out of sixteen rooms and all of them have similar dynamics meaning there are regulars in each and even quarrels and trolls. Singling out thinking space is unfair and unproductive.

Jennalovely2 February 10th, 2016


Hi Kailee..

I understand what you mean and I am sorry.. I am happy TS made you feel so comfortable!

I know this change is sudden and difficult, TS is still TS.. The change is made so no unsupportive can go in and go into TS and it can remain a safe and supportive environment like it almost always has for everyone.

I'm sorry Kailee honey, I know it doesn't seem fair but I think it was meant for the best heart

kailee316 February 10th, 2016


It's alright. I understand the complaints, I just don't know why thinking space was singled out in all of this.

Jennalovely2 February 10th, 2016


Wow typos galore!! Oops!

Sody February 10th, 2016

I like TS room alot. You all taught me to grow walnuts and get tough skin and to look outside the "specail"box. So I know how it is for change also. But trust me it will be ok.

Please can you all share good positive things about TS that you enjoyed and remembered?? Hearing good things sometimes we lack once in awhile

MrSherlockHolmes February 10th, 2016

Why do people have such strong opinions against Thinking Space? If you don't like it, you don't use it. Isn't that simple enough?

I'm new to TS and I must admit that although it can get a little chaotic in there almost everyone I've met there is extremely friendly.

VillianByChoice5 February 10th, 2016

its pretty funny how much people are willing to let the best and HAPPIEST chatroom die off. and you mods are being SOO biased, its kinda scary? like, i had no idea this was a oligarchy :/

to say that what we do it not "within the rules" is total bs cause we go on there to have fun and be weird. something we cant do out in the real world cause we are too shy or really depressed. soooooooo, i hope you feel better with yourselves by killing off a place that is actually helping people make friends and feel good about themseleves. but tbh its triggering as hell :)

kailee316 February 10th, 2016


kailee316 February 10th, 2016

​-_- Anyway, that post is 10/10

W3llThatSettlesIt February 10th, 2016

I recommend you take a look at the psychology behind group dynamics. It's imminent that any socially functioning crowd tends to associate with a certain dynamics which resonates with their common dissonance towards intergroups. TS is neither an exception nor is it the only paradigm as it is being subjected by the rest of the site. Each room on this site has its own intragroup synergy and a strong behavior modification as they get deeply engulfed and comfortable with their group that it's psychologically numbing to associate with the other groups.

I am a TS regular. TS is my home. I have a strong affinity towards each of its members. What's more absurd than being accused by the entire site is how none of the TS regulars have ever stepped into another room complaining on their functioning. Neither have we ever whined on and on about how unfair the other groups are coz it doesn't resonate with our thoughts. We just don't care to go beyond our boundaries to make you uncomfortable like you've been exploiting us. We do not complain how dysfunctional each of the other groups are, so have some respect and reciprocate the same towards us.

And also to all those who complain about being rebuffed and alienated as an "outsider", let me enlighten you the semantics of socio-psychological bond within any group. It's always easy to adhere to an emerging group than one that is entrenched. TS is an entrenched group. To get yourself acquainted, you need to observe, resonate and then attach. Understand how open and closed off the group is, make initial attempts to contact, if there's nothing in it that you like, just leave it. It's also ignorant to how you speculate a particular type of coping mechanism to be acceptable and anything other than the ordinary as delinquent. And I'm beyond proud how none of this bashing has belittled any of the TS members. You're just making us stronger and popular. Thanks :)

greenFig1623 October 7th, 2016

@W3llThatSettlesIt - Deep af! You go Gwen Colo!

Hydr0ponicus November 7th, 2016


nice speech, but the truth is... you kids in TS refuse to allow newcomers to be part of the group... you like to ignore them and treat them like an abandoned animal left out in the cold... you talk about respect? not one of the members in that room have respect...

NadineH February 10th, 2016

I love this, and I love the fact that you all are showing exactly what TS is about, and fighting for it, fighting for the great times you spend there and I'm glad to say that I'm part of it and I enjoy it there!

The fact that you all show the true colors of what it is there and you are embracing it.. I'm so proud of you all guys! Even if we all lose it sometimes and things get our of hand we manage to stay clear, yes there is troubles caused but that doesn't mean that TS has to be singled out.

Yes a lot of wrong things happened and sometimes mistakes happen but that doesn't mean that it should be shut down completely, I like how there is a course taken to be able to come there, even if some disagree, this made it easier for everyone, who want to join is, is very welcome to take the course and join us all, if not I'm sad you feel that way but you have so many other rooms to fit in if you don't see, to like TS or have a problem with it..

Even if the members did disagree on the fact that there is a course to take, most of the regulars did take the test, because they love it there and they treat it like home and you can't just give up on that, so even though they didn't like it, they did it, and that just shows how much this room is important to them.

I know a lot of you have always may have countered some problems in TS but it's changing and you should put all this emotions aside and give it another chance or move on..