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The Thinking Space Room Problems

PhoenixRise January 31st, 2016

I really think the thinking space room needs to be shut down or heavily monitored, a lot of people or members in there can be rude, abusive, sexual and many more things I won't go into. It is not helping 7 cups spread positivity or support at all. Please do something about it, thanks.

WilleZurMacht February 4th, 2016


I turned her logic against her to point out her childish behaviour. Then I get told by a moderator to behave better while the post I responded to didn't get reprimanded at all.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 5th, 2016

@NeoNeoNeoNeonPrune - Again I say it is more fruitful to focus on oneself than on the behaviors of others.

You replied: I turned her logic against her to point out her childish behaviour.

But why? Why "turn her logic against her"? Is this a contest? Why point out someone else's behavior and in so doing behave badly ourselves? Where's the value in that? How about demonstrating adult behavior?

Then I get told by a moderator to behave better while the post I responded to didn't get reprimanded at all.

Sounds like your plan to "turn" something "against" someone kind of backfired? Why does it matter if she got reprimanded?

How about trying to find constructive solutions to problems here and putting less energy into winning and argument or trying to make someone else look bad?

WilleZurMacht February 5th, 2016


Because it's the best way to get my point across. On top her first offense the only offense I made is just tit for tat.

Even if you disagree with me you still haven't shown any regret for the moderation in this situation or that you take my critique serious, which to me gives an impression that you are just here to put me down and defend Anamolia and don't really care about giving your honest opinion on Anamolia's moderation just now.

Anomalia February 5th, 2016

@NeoNeoNeoNeonPrune - As I responded before, I gave each of you a 'warning' so to speak. Because I edited a different post of Aly's, I felt it was redundant to comment again on this one, whereas I had not already sent a reminder to you. You are welcome to disagree with how I approached the situation, and if you would like to talk about it further, you can PM me directly.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 6th, 2016

@WilleZurMacht "tit for tat" is exactly my point. it is unproductive and goes nowhere.

conflict for its own sake is not the point of this site.

@Anomalia as far as I can tell explained her moderation just fine.

February 6th, 2016

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn. Be good if you could take your own advice and be that example

Anomalia February 4th, 2016

@NeoNeoNeoNeonPrune - You can also notice that I edited one of her posts below for unsupportive comments. I didn't feel yours required editing/deleting, but felt it still warranted a reminder. No double standard, just me posting as I feel appropriate to keep tones civil so that we don't fall into nasty arguments or personal attacks down the line.

If you wish to discuss further, you are welcome to PM me.

Alystem February 6th, 2016

Ah yes, one of the reasons I left the very room we are discussing...because people can't resist calling me childish....mmmm

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

"and it's against the rules"

Yeah if a site can't enforce its own rules it's a poorly managed site. Sure, continue joking about me. [edited by Anomalia for unsupportive content] That's why I'm here on this forum and not in that room anymore.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

And I mean if jokes about specific members are considered okay then I guess I signed on to the wrong site. And the wrong damn planet lol

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

If you want a place where you expect everyone to be all tough and not sensitive, you can claim the rest of the entire, vast internet for that.

If you think joking at other members is something that should be ok, I suggest you take it up with the founder of the site. It would be interesting to see what he would have to say. Lol.

I mean, unless I missed the memo and somehow this site is owned by and run by the members of thinking space...who only come here to be entertained by people who are hurting and have been rejected by every other place of society.

I feel bad for any weak newcomer. I guess thinking space practices a little bit of social darwinism...tough it out or die.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

Did tumblr and 4chan and reddit really get too boring for y'all? I'm really, really not understanding why people chose this site to get their thrills from.

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016


I saw, yet you're not locked out of the discussion, my original account is.

I'd like an honest answer, i was being very polite.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

I don't know what I'm answering since the posts were removed

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016


Incredibly dishonest of the OP to warrant a discussion about what goes on in Thinking Space, just to censor when legitemate criticism to the statement is given.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

I'm confused...

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016


I am as well, i would like an explaination from whoever erased our comments.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

I'm not entirely sure if it was intentional. If someone was "censoring", many of my more ...deserving...comments would have already been removed/modified by now. Idk. This site has so many glitches, I wouldnt even be surprised anymore if it was in fact just a glitch.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 3rd, 2016

@SuperDuperBrutalityChan - OP can't delete posts. only forum mods and admins can.

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I see, is it logged when someone actually "cleans up" a forum thread? i'd like to know, i didn't do anything wrong.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

...which is why it might have been a mistake or glitch, because it makes no sense for those posts to have been deleted.

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016


Doesn't hurt to check, it feels too specific to be just a glitch.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 3rd, 2016

@SuperDuperBrutalityChan - logged in a sense. it's like journaled data so changes can be filled back.

whomever moderated the posts ought say why I believe. often the post is left but edited to remove unsupportive content.

not sure who's been modding around here today.

I have admin privilege but rarely use them, most often to fix a typo or two.

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016


Hmm, how does that explain that Alystem is fine, but PentagramSuperstarChan got locked out? very strange.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 4th, 2016

@SuperDuperBrutalityChan - I don't know how or whether an account was locked out but there is an antispam mechhanism on the forum and when a new account posts too many times too quickly it is treated like spam and removed.

This prevents ads for ugg boots or whatever from filling up the forums.

mscoxie February 3rd, 2016

@SuperDuperBrutalityChan If I am not mistaken, when someone removes or edits a post, they are supposed to PM you or notify you in some maybe it is a glitch.

Amelia February 4th, 2016


That is correct--this is the rule. Can you confirm this @MonBon?

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

There's a difference between lighthearted chat and picking on people.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

And another thing, I didn't realize that the supportive nature that's encouraged on this site is supposed to be shut off once people enter a lighthearted room.

I guess I'm slow learner, derp!

And I mean its not like the other rooms have had much of a good reputation either. They're basically a watered down version of TS

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

Well, let the ship that is 7cups sink, like I've said before, I have no plans on going back into the group chats. I guess people will always be inclined to brush things off and turn the other way.

Keep trolling

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

And if you really want to deny that everyone's all buddy-buddy hive mind in there then fine. Not my loss. I'll just sit back and watch the wreckage from over here.

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

Not everyone needs a psychologist.

Some people just need a sense of belonging in this fcked up world.

SuperDuperBrutalityChan February 3rd, 2016

I'm intrigued to know why my (As PentagramSuperstarChan) comments were removed?

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

Some of mine were removed too.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 4th, 2016

@Alystem - I suspect the initial posts got caught by the spam filter (new account that posts too much to forums gets posts deleted) and your replies went with them.

Alystem February 6th, 2016

My account isn't new, I've been here for months and posted in the forums plenty of

Anomalia February 3rd, 2016

@SuperDuperBrutalityChan @Alystem - I've addressed below the best I can without knowing exactly what was deleted.

Anomalia February 3rd, 2016

Hi all,

I can't speak to why specific comments were removed as I didn't see them, but in general, our goal is not to delete unless a comment is wholly unsupportive (e.g., being abusive to another member with no other content). If points are being made, but with abusive language, comments may be edited to remove abusive content but leave the meaning behind the post.

I have made one edit in this thread, which was to remove the long tangent about 'Boo Hoo Hoo' because it was about 10 threads, all seemingly attacking different individuals or just expressing confusion as to what was going on with the 'joke' and it didn't add anything to the conversation. As I said, I can't speak to the other posts that have disappeared. If you remember any specifics, you're welcome to PM me directly and I'll let you know if I have thoughts on what may have happened.

In the meantime, I'll continue to follow this thread and ask that those who have been monitoring it be very careful about what you are editing or deleting. If you're not sure, you can always PM me first and I'm happy to take responsibility for it.

And a reminder to everyone - the forums are a great place to have discussion. We don't want to censor anyone's opinions as they are all valid, but please do remember to be respectful to each other when expressing them.

Laura February 4th, 2016


Thank you for clarifying and explaining this!

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 4th, 2016

@Laura @Anomalia - I don't think anyone moderated forum posts. I think one of the thread posters was in a new account and exceeded the number of posts in the amount of time new accounts are allowed to make (as a spam defense), triggering their deletion (they can be restored by asking @devTeam) along with any replies attached to them.

That's my working theory, anyway.