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The Thinking Space Room Problems

PhoenixRise January 31st, 2016

I really think the thinking space room needs to be shut down or heavily monitored, a lot of people or members in there can be rude, abusive, sexual and many more things I won't go into. It is not helping 7 cups spread positivity or support at all. Please do something about it, thanks.

ladylazarus1971 January 31st, 2016

I hear you @PhoenixRise! I was so excited when I saw this room was added, and read about its purpose, which suggests that it is a forum to discuss in depth subjects other than what may be covered in the other rooms. Apparently, what the in-depth discussions part actually means is nothing but sexual ijn-jokes to the same dozen or so people who dominate the room, and the rebuffing of anyone who attempts to bring up any REAL topics for thoughtful conversation.

I'm sad about it, truth be told, and gave up on finding a semi-intellectual interaction spot on 7 Cups. I wish there was a way to make The Thinking Space functional!

Jennalovely2 January 31st, 2016


Every Saturday 10-11pm EST I hold a discussion in Thinking Space on Current Events and Ethics! I think you may think differently about the room if you join us for one! laugh

I hope to see you there!

ladylazarus1971 January 31st, 2016

@Jennalovely2 Thank you! I would love that! I had yet to see a scheduled event there (probably not looking in the right spots for that info) and I would very much enjoy a structured discussion like that. Hopefully, I'll meet with you there and then.

Jennalovely2 January 31st, 2016


Alright! I am looking you forward to you joining smiley

NumberDividedByZero February 2nd, 2016


The discussions have been more intellectual lately but its only a small group of the dozen or so mentioned earlier. Plus, though you do a good job, it only accounts for 1 of the 168 hours in the week and also the room tends to grumble when other mods or listeners do pop ups. You make a great effort but the room needs more to take care of the big picture problem that as @alystem said, is not a new issue.

Jennalovely2 February 3rd, 2016


MsCoxie and the rest of the TS team are currently working on the discussions this room has and there will be more in the near future laugh

NumberDividedByZero February 3rd, 2016


Can't wait to see when these will be scheduled and what the content will be as well as frequency and participation rate. Good luck :D

Heather February 6th, 2016

@ladylazarus1971 - You check our events calendar to see what's on :)

Sody February 2nd, 2016

@Jennalovely2. Jenna I'm glad you stick up for your room....oops I mean TS and you are on team. One discussion a week doesn't put a picture of how TS is. And yes I don't claim to be the innocent one either. I too, can get into the mess there.

But whenever I bring up a "thoughtful topic" I'm bullied, bad mouthed and cussed at. So I know how it is there.

Like I said 1 current events group time isn't enough for that room. Why not seriously ask the room what they want as topics. Many people in there are great and smart people....just bored. TS needs more topics more positives in there.

Anyways ...any who....I'm not one of the TS favorites, but I do have tough skin to deal with the brutal Ness as well as the love at times.

mscoxie February 2nd, 2016

@scribblez while you make some valid points, it seems that I only receive complaints when someone is not modding the room. The thinking space has 11 current members, all of whom are expected to mod and hold discussion in that room. If they are not, it should be reported so we can work it out. Also, there is an entire forum section devoted to the Thinking Space which includes a section asking people on discussion input yet very few have posted there. We are working hard to keep things in line, but we all need to work together rather than sit here cutting each other down. If there is a problem, message me. Whenever someone does message me about an issue, I resolve it promptly but I cannot fix problems that go unreported.

Sody February 2nd, 2016

@mscoxie miss oxide I do understand you have alot to handle in TS. I'm not "cutting up" no one. I claim to not be an angel in TS. But I see things from certain mods on your team that will never change. I'm not knocking no one.

You seem to see TS is a wonderful room. Talk all good about it.....haha even I know that isn't true and many here as well. Why don't you see many new comers stay in there? And the other "new comers" are those that make new accounts.

Don't get me wrong I do love TS room alot, and love all the wonderful creative out spoken down to earth members there. I'M NOT KNOCKING THEM.

Please know exactly what is going on in there instead of always saying is lovely and wonderful. And I know you do lots here for this room. Not knocking you either. But actions speak louder then words.

TS will always be the the "special room"

mscoxie February 3rd, 2016

@scribblez I understand what you are saying. I never said i was all lovely and wonderful. However i did say we are trying and that we cannot do anything about problems that are not reported. Thank you for your input.

Sody February 3rd, 2016

@mscoxie I kinda felt you shut me up there. I ask questions about TS and I never get the truth. Or its the same lines. Like I said I'm not knocking you.

You did say you get good message when a mod isn't there....hmm

Where was one a few hours ago? We go get them and many can't do ts. I'm just saying.

Anyways, members know what is being done and not. Not gonna keep doing tit for tat here.

I'm going to graphics my pocket chair out and popcorn and watch your words turn to action words.

Tell me how I can help TS

Alystem February 3rd, 2016

Oh, I was supposed to report every little thing that made me uncomfortable? I didn't know that.

I don't think reporting should be the brush-aside solution, I think the room was being looked after properly there wouldn't be that question.

Reporting does nothing anyway...

Jennalovely2 February 3rd, 2016


Hi there Scribblez heart

Thank you! I am currently working on changing my discussion up a bit so it can be more suiting for all of us :)

And I don't think I've seen them do that to you there Scribblez. Next time it does please let me know smiley

Sody February 3rd, 2016

@Jennalovely2 Jenna aaawww so sweet of you.

Next time??? There will be no next time. I'm fine in TS and if I see a TS mod I CAN TRUST I will let them know my issies.

Sitting back enjoying TS and seeing the changes.


ladylazarus1971 February 7th, 2016

@Jennalovely2 Gosh, well, I popped in, found you, and said hello. But no one ever said hi back, you left, and no guided discussion ever began. I was so hoping to enjoy the room at your suggestion, and possibly exercise my brain. But no such luck. What a shame. I'm pretty disappointed.

Thus it goes with TS.

Jennalovely2 February 7th, 2016


Hey there!

Please send me a message so I can explain..

As things were pretty chaotic today.

Alystem January 31st, 2016

Y'all are acting like this is new. But Thinking Space has been like this for most of its existence. It's breeding ground for trouble. It's like one of those stagnant ponds where mosquitos lay their eggs that hatch into terror for the innocent passerby. And if you don't happen to become "one of them", you will end up wanting to do horrible things to yourself... That's right, it's not the guests that are the problem...

But I think, in a way, it's too late. Even if they do completely get rid of Thinking Space, the legion will disperse into other rooms and continue telling people their lives don't matter, they are just a joke, etc...

So, you may be wondering, is there any hope? Or will 7cups plunge into a culture dominated by people who just go tell you to... do things to yourself...

Thinking Space is not a room. It's a society. They can't be controlled by closed rooms and ban after ban.

So what I propose, to be the thing that will save this proper modding. (Yep, everyone who didn't already hate me hates me now. Good thing I don't come around here much anymore so it doesn't matter, jokes on you haters lol) And what I mean by that is having at least 1 mod in each room at all times, but preferably more than 1. Including those mythical group mod leaders, keeping the mods from abusing their power.


Because I've seen it work! I've seen trolls and unsupportive people quickly and cleanly dealt with, instead of it being ignored and then people get hurt...on a support site....ain't that funny. Hilarious. Sometimes, this site should win the irony award.

But the excuses arise. " there's not enough mods, they volunteer!"...oh well. Bye bye 7cups, I'm inching my way outta here before it descends into full madness.

Jennalovely2 January 31st, 2016


I agree with what you are saying as Thinking Space is full of very strong personalities and we (and myself) are trying our best to mod TS accordingly.

Long time, no see btw! heart

Jennalovely2 January 31st, 2016

Hi there!

I am sorry you feel this way about Thinking Space.

As a Thinking Space Team Support member/mod I can assure you we are all trying very hard to keep the room a positive and safe environment! If you have any questions or concerns you can send me a message laugh

January 31st, 2016

The one thing good I find about the room is that you can always count on it to have people talking in it. When all the other rooms are dead, you can just watch that room. I don't see many "thoughtful conversation" in that room. Ask your self this though How many Moderators do you see around and how many actually provide structure for others.

Jennalovely2 January 31st, 2016


What do you mean?

Im a bit confused on what you mean about the mods part?

Sody February 2nd, 2016

@Fear333. Fear you have a great point. How many mods do actually "try" and get involved and DO WHAT A MOD IS TO DO UNDER MOD RESPONSIBILITIES IN A GROUP CHAT. 😯

Like I said mods in there are people's best friend or ignore or say they didn't catch this or that, or act dahhhh like what do you mean.

I love TS and am a brat to, but I to would love to see a change in there

Jennalovely2 February 3rd, 2016


Do "we" really?

As I do not think I do that.

If so you can let me know Scribblez as I do love TS and work hard to make it the best it can be!

February 3rd, 2016

@scribblez. I feel like some people get it and some people don't. If you don't see the problem then that is the problem. -Fear.

Sody February 3rd, 2016

@Fear333. AR I totally get you on tgis. I'm really understanding the TS team really working hard to stop this. But there are issues in there quite visible...

1. Mods know several people come in with many users name. It's ignore

2. Bullying. It is allowed and SOMETHING mods will take action right away. And no I'm nor screaming this. I take care of my own or I pm a mod and ask questions.

3. There is mention of change....Wjen? Where?? How long has ts been a "special room"

Anyways, it seems to me this is Mt own obsession and I'm letting it get to me. Like I said before I am not angel either. And I love the people in tjere. And yes many of us are very strongly opinionated. Change would be nice with all of us wonderful people in TS

February 3rd, 2016

@scribblez I just want peace. You know I do have a life and other things that matter more to me. :p There are many people out there that will imply that opinions don't matter. I feel like everyone is special and deserves to be heard and treated with respect. That's where im coming from. I say don't let anyone push you around online or in real life. Do and say what you feel is right. Some opinions can be facts when you got a load of people saying the same thing over and over again. I seen bullying happening in the chat rooms. I seen people support this and play favors. Even Glen said he is behind on lots of things. Im going to say why not include us in what's going on. Not everyone reads these forums. If him or anyone else is messing up we should have the right to express our selfs.

Sody February 3rd, 2016

@Fear333 AR I know. Latly today I've been thinking this of TS

Is TS the way it is cause members (me too) have to push boundaries, wanna break rules, be rebellious, say what we want no matter how others feel.....


Is TS poorly moderated due to lack of consistancy, same rules followed by every mod, lack of direction or lead, .....

I'm not putting blame anywhere, it could be combination here


Alystem February 3rd, 2016

In regards to #1, apparently it IS okay to have multiple accounts...? Not sure what to believe anymore lol

February 4th, 2016

@Alystem. Just saying. But every a moderator that I have reported is still here. One time there was three or four of us that reported the same moderator. I think many people are scared do not report. Most people won't complain and that's how it is in real life. It's no secret that many people paint me a certain way on here. I am very vocal about certain things. I don't appreciate people who disrespect me or talk to me all snarky. We have people on here who I feel like in real life they probably have much conflict, or they think they can get away by being a smarty pants.

Slowly I was working on a thread and it probably might be my last thread that I put on here. When it gets closer to releasing it I hope that no one has a problem with me advertising or promoting it whatever you wanna call it. I feel like it's more for the members and I'm going to be real with people and I hope that they appreciate that someone real is not ignoring the 600 pound gorillas in the room.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn February 4th, 2016

@Fear333 - been looking forward to this epic thread since you started promising it!

February 5th, 2016


???? Sounds creepy

Heather February 4th, 2016

@Alystem - We ask that every user has only one listener and one member account. This guideline has not changed.

AffyAvo February 5th, 2016

@Heather Why is that rule not enforced? Right in this thread there's an example that seems to have been ignored based on multiple posts.

February 5th, 2016

@AffyAvo be a moderator then you can enforce the rules as you want.

AffyAvo February 5th, 2016

@Fear333 It's not possible to do so as a member.

February 5th, 2016

@AffyAvo. Oh. Well I would say that if you really wanted to it would take about a month to be a moderator that is if you don't have any trouble getting one of the badges. I remember one time this person and I think it was a member posted something on the threads and it wasn't their own thread but it was something I felt was pretty funny and well said. I'm sure many other members would feel the same way because of course they are the ones who are mostly in the chat rooms and live it so to speak instead of the forum listeners and moderators that say that there is no problem and that if there is then just ignore it. He basically wrote all the rules down or copy them lol. Then he wrote underneath what they really meant and/or his honest opinion about them. I felt like that could have been a good thread itself because we do need to examine these rules more carefully and so many are up for interpretation and are so broad.

Eunoia February 6th, 2016



Being a moderator is not the only solution to the problems in chatrooms. And a mod is not the only person in this site, who is responsible for the rules. All members and listeners are encouraged to enforce them too. Some other ways to help make the chatrooms more supportive is by posting the problems you noiticed in the forums (so everyone becomes aware of it and try's to find a solution) And also, posting what you might think is the best solution for this is really helpful too.

Jennalovely2 February 6th, 2016


Couldn't of said it better myself wink