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AMA with Turtle

brilliantTurtle89 October 7th, 2019

First of all, a B I G thank you to everyone who dropped into the Group Mod Zone or Teen Mod Zone to say Hi. It was lovely to see people in there. Keep dropping by. I really want it to be a place we can get together to chat, make friends and talk about our roles. And a place to share cookies!

To get the ball rolling for us to chat about our roles, I will be holding an AMA (ask me anything) in Group Mod Zone on Monday 21st October at 1pm EST. This is your chance to ask me anything you want to about my role here on 7 Cups, your role as mods, or anything else related to being a mod. I will do my very best to answer your questions honestly and accurately. I hope as many people as possile will be able to join.

I will be announcing a date and time soon when I will also be doing this in Teen Mod Zone.

Spread the word to all your mod friends. Let's enjoy this time to share.

frostyOcean72 October 9th, 2019


Ill be there! 3:)

brilliantTurtle89 OP October 10th, 2019


Looking forward to seeing you.

MistyMagic October 10th, 2019

@brilliantTurtle89 ooooh a turtle AMA ---- what can I ask ---- umm--- ooooooh----- I will have to figure out a good question, now where to look ?????!!

Listening .... One Step At A Time

brilliantTurtle89 OP October 10th, 2019


lol. I will brush up on Turtle knowledge.