Huddles Season 2.5: Sign Up to Make More Connections!
Hi everyone,
After 2 successful Huddle seasons, we have upgraded our Huddles structures and protocols and are excited to announce 2 shorter Huddles for the upcoming holiday season!.
What are Huddles?
A Huddle is a closed group chat where 10-20 participants regularly chat to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over 6 weeks.
Some of the new changes for this season include the private group chats being open 24/7, upgraded therapeutic protocols, and adding in listeners!
Goals and Benefits
Explore issues in more depth
Feel less alone and more supported
Learn from other participants
Receive consistently high-quality listening support
Structure of a Huddle
Each huddle group will share access to a private group chat and forum community with weekly discussions, topics to explore and activities to try. Huddlers will also get access to the Common Room (a group chat) to connect with Huddlers from other groups. Each huddle will also have 5+ listeners who will be there to support the deeper exploration of the topics discussed while gaining connections in the process as well.
Huddle topics
Wellness Huddle
Self-Care Huddle
Who Can Sign-Up?
Are you interested in being a Huddler and want to experience powerful discussions and closer interactions with users? This opportunity might interest you if you:
Are a member who is ready to commit to 6 weeks of exploring the huddle topic that you choose - both new and older members can sign up! Your huddle connections will hopefully last for a long time even after the official agenda items have been explored.
Are impacted by the available huddle topics and feel like the huddle experience can benefit you.
- Are interested in sharing your own story while participating in a group where other users are also exploring a similar topic. As a Huddler you are encouraged to support others, ask supportive questions, or share reflections regarding your personal experiences as well as reflections that may benefit the group. Our huddles focus on deeper exploration to promote reflection and exchange of ideas. As a Huddler, you are not obliged to answer questions that make you uncomfortable.
Note that because we continue to explore the potential of such private groups, we will ask for feedback at different stages. Your feedback will be used by admins to improve this feature and will always be valued.
We hope to launch this next season of Huddles during the coming week of December 12th.
Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here.
Are you a Listener willing to join? Read more here.
So nice to see these rolling, kudos team and good wishes to everyone taking the plunge. ❤️
Very excited about this Soulfully!
Does this mean that the fixed meeting times have been dropped?
@cloudySummer yes
@SoulfullyAButterfly Thanks!
Would the huddles be happening at specific times on specific days? The last ones were, and I couldn't sign up to them because the times wouldn't have worked for me. I'm interested to join but I don't know what times these will be at, so I don't know if I would be able to?
@SleepyShyCat no they will not be - the new structure will give you access to 1) private forum community with a weekly agenda 2) access to your Huddle room 24/7 so you could check-in with your group at any time that feels suitable (both forum + chat support) 3) access to the common room for additional connection.
I hope these changes will help you to give it a try!
Thanks! Yes those changes are very helpful for me 😸
If I signed up for one of these, does it then limit my ability to sign up for future ones? (last time I was looking into the autism or lgbtq huddle)
Can you tell me more about each of the huddles please.
What are they going to discuss in regard to self care and what in wellness. Is there a difference in the two? Thanks 😊
@emotionalMaple9419 Good questions, I'd love to know a bit more, too, than just the headlines.
@SoulfullyAButterfly Did you see the question by Maple?
@IsayUncle This is where I learned about them.
Is this for adult members only?
Hey @Slytherin4thYear2022, I think this is for adult listeners (as facilitators) and members only at the time, given that the application form to sign up has age groups mentioned that start from 18.
I hope the teens can have something like this soon also! 💛
I went to the huddle room this last Friday and was all set to apologize as well as share good news: I got a puppy last Thursday night! For myself and my daughter. It’s a tiny chihuahua and she is helping to make keeping things clean easier lol. Anyway, i waited a while and when nobody showed up I realized it had probably ended. I would love to sign up again and if I’m given the chance to do writing for wellness again, I am committed to not missing and sessions. I felt very sad realizing I had missed the last one so my fingers are crossed! I’d love a redo lol. It was a great journey and I want to dig deeper, so that my free time isn’t only cleaning and gaming.
Oops I got excited before I read to see what was available, I’m still applying and hopeful, but I’ll have to do my writing for wellness with a bit more self discipline…thank you for those wonderful sessions, the writing for wellness was really helpful for me, and it was a pleasure :)
@SoulfullyAButterfly Can you check back with tech support? I just got an invitation to a huddle chat room that I'm not a member of. Is this an explainable misclick, or is it a technical issue?
@cloudySummer thank you, this was an alert setting error and has been corrected
@SoulfullyAButterfly Thanks!
Amazing , this is a true exciting project i signed up and I would love to be apart of this .