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Shared Experiences!♡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 7th, 2023

Hey hey, everyone coming across this post. I hope you're doing well. 💛

Grief and loss, is something I feel most of us have experienced in different forms, with varied intensity of emotions, thoughts and emotional reactions to it.

As earth-shatteringly difficult it is to experience loss of some kind and do not even get me started on loss of a love one hehe (oh but I definitely will come here too💛), or cope with it, I feel something that remotely, I say remotely because I'm not much of the opinion that anything ever truly helps or fills the void in your life and the hole in your heart! (Much love to you if you feel the same and Kudos to you if you found something that helped you in any way💛).

Again, I feel something that *remotely* helps is that we aren't alone in our experiences!

It's not like "seeing someone else in pain makes you feel better about yours", more like "seeing someone feel what you do, say what you cannot and understand what you find incomprehensible somewhere, somehow, in whatever small quantity possible too, makes you feel *seen*, makes your pain feel seen, reminds you that what you experienced is 'worthy' of a reaction from you, also helps you understand your feelings better, because sometimes you're not even sure what to really call that 'sudden feeling of a big lump forming in your throat when you're sitting around people giggling and doing their thing' when everything feels 'okay' around you".

(Apologies for getting carried away haha, I'm not proof-reading this one, and it's just something straight from my heart, hopefully to yours, typos included😅)

Anyway, circling back again, what I find remotely helpful is the idea of shared experiences, of people connected in their grief! Which is why I love reflecting on how someone perceives loss and grief for them, hearing what they have to say about it too!

Sometimes it's these shared experiences, heart felt words and raw emotions that remind me I'm not alone, and a lot of times, this is comforting to know!

Going forward, I'd like to share some quotes I find comforting with the hope that anyone coming across them here can have a little "oh you see it too?" moment, knowing they aren't alone either and someone has had experienced something as they have and stood by to share it with the world also. The massive amount of courage it takes to talk about it, to relive all of it all over again, to be *brave* for comforting someone else! Most people may not even realise how inspiring they are! 💛

Please feel welcome to share any quotes you like that provide you comfort or reflect on any you see here also! 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023


Lovely Pat, you are always such a pleasant hooman to come across here. Always smiling at your spelled out "sun is shining and so are you" for me hehe. 

Thank you for the kind assurance and the sweetest encouragement for me to continue speaking my heart around here more, it means a lot to me. 

To be honest, I had to set aside everything to be here, sit with a calmer mind to reply to you, I didn't want my reply to you as something just a "reply" , specially when I see you've left a big piece of your heart here and I wanted to make this beautiful piece of your beautiful big heart as seen and appreciated as I could, across the screen.

I wanted you to know that I've read this multiple times ever since you've posted and that every time it gets to me and I let out a lil tear and feel overwhelmingly-grateful, just for you being you, for you stopping by to share and so generously, so honestly, so lovingly.

Also incredibly grateful to know that you could find this a safe space to share, it was all what this post was intended for, so thank you again reaffirming my "whys" behind this post, in the very first place. 

You are spot on, I believe the same, our love ones haven't truly left, we can hold onto their memories and "things" we attach with them as long we want to, they are around. I love the memory corner mention, I have one too. ❤

It breaks my heart to hear about your daughter's friend. :( So many wrongs in our world, if only people could be more accepting and kind towards each other, would make tremendous difference, I feel. (':

I've heard/ read about something similar to what the Monk said during the funeral, it is definitely a thought-provoking idea and true in so many ways. We do hold onto things and people, despite knowing about it being temporary.

I like to think of attachment as a way of love too (or likely a "means" to express it better) so there's this attachment of holding people we've loved close to us, in our memories (yes, in the truest most sense~ that's all one ever leaves behind for their love ones, I feel hehe) and gosh, yes, what a beautiful way of honoring our love for our love ones, by doing good or least, trying to.

I'm a believer too. Do good, without expecting good. Have your intentions in the right place and do you, while trying to make it a better place for those co-existing with you. It is all that counts.

How we make people feel, what we say, how we say it, what we do~ our karma and trying to just be a good hooman, spreading out love and kindness in whatever little ways possible (if we really see it, it's always possible~ a profound quote by Dalai Lama mentions the same) and somewhere in the universe's tally, it should count hehe.

I cannot tell you how deeply moved I am with your beautiful response here (ramble if you call it lol, it is always okay to ramble/ share of freaking course), thank youuu for such an enlightened perspective about grieving and honoring our love ones as we try to do good for others and perhaps, the good we do makes our heart feel a lil lighter too (still in a very altruistic sense, the lighter feeling is merely a pro bono effect accompanying the good karma)

Pat, thank *youuu* for being a gift yourself, full of sparkles hinting at kindness and wrapped with a ribbon of compassion, with a sweet rose on the top that smells like love. Supremely grateful to you and for you. 

(You best believe I'll read this post often and heart it as many times, I get the chance too. My way of  embracing your gift of kindness and trying my best to follow through and do as much good as possible also. A life-long lesson, this one is, thank youuuuu! ❤)

PatienceImpatiens October 18th, 2023


Thank you dear sun is shining and so are you,

This response meant so much to me. I was just having these feelings today.

I am so grateful to you.

Thank you!



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens *sitting with you and hugging youu tight* 🤗❤

PatienceImpatiens October 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You are a very special person indeed. In word and in deed.



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023


Aw now you're just making me cry more lol. Coming from a special person this means extraaaa lots to me, thank youuuu oh so much! 😭❤

PatienceImpatiens October 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Please don't cry. You are very special. I care about you a lot. Maybe you are doing too much. I don't know. Anyway, loads of hugs to you.

Tinywhisper11 October 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😟 sunny, gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤squeezes you tightly. I'm sorry I didn't find this post earlier😞 I know I'm not a listener, but I love you sunny and if you ever want to talk of vent just drop me a message. Losing a loved one is indeed very hard. The first person I ever loved was taken away from me too quickly. I hope your ok ❤❤ huggs you

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 13th, 2023


Awww just Lolaabeaan being the sweetest always.😭

I'm okie hehe, and it's okay to find the post when you did, the post is for everyone to share and feel less alone since many of us have similar experiences and have been through loss and are grieving too.

It is always superrrr awesome seeing you in the forumland spreading all things love and kindness and of course, specialerrr Lolabean hugs!❤

Your lil angel in heaven really would be smiling looking down upon his beautiful, strong, loving mama you know? I wish fate had different plans and y'all beautiful people could love each other in-person too.🥺 Both of you deserved so so so so so much better. *hugs tightlyyyy* I love you moreeee and I'm here with youu too okiee!❤

Tinywhisper11 October 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks sunny ❤ gives you one of my specialer giant tiny hugs ❤ ok so there people are calling me lola bean now😂😂😂😂

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 hehe probably, lolabeann is the best beaniee in the entire universe!🤗❤

VictoriaLove7 October 18th, 2023


If you live to be 100,
I hope I live to
be 100 minus 1 day.
So I never have to live without you. 🤗❤

(Winnie the Pooh)


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023


They have the bestest, most heart-touching quotes hehe, thank you for sharing! ❤

VictoriaLove7 October 18th, 2023


Thank *you* for this owlsome topic, Sunshine! 🌞❤ 🤗❤

Waterbottleglass October 18th, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 18th, 2023


Aw thank you for sharing! <3

CalmRosebud October 18th, 2023


Sun is shining and so are you, you are a beautiful person and I hope you never forget it. Hugggggsssss.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 22nd, 2023


Aww thank youu, lovely Tasss, so are youu! *hugs backkk*🤗❤

Swordpsalm October 22nd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou My wife and my mother are former widows. And now their health is in jeopardy. I am not sure I can be strong for them. I rely heavily on God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. God forgive me for loving them so much. You, Lord are the anchor of my soul, the rock of my salvation. Please grant us some miracles and heal all of my loved ones. Your precious child, Swordpsalm.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 22nd, 2023


How kind of you to seek blessings from Almighty. Sending lots of love and kindness y'alls way. 💛

VictoriaLove7 October 22nd, 2023


"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy."
(Eskimo proverb)



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 22nd, 2023


Love this one!⭐

VictoriaLove7 October 22nd, 2023


Thank you, Sunshine! 🌞❤ 

Yes yes, it is a beautiful proverb ⭐, I love it too! ❤

you wrote a topic that is very thoughtful and beautiful too, Sunshine! 🌞❤ 🤗❤

OnlyWinter October 22nd, 2023


🐡 The only cure to grief is to grief 🐡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 22nd, 2023


Similar to how we say "the only way out, is through", thank you for sharing! 🐡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 24th, 2023


Be gentle to everyone you meet, including yourself, especially yourself.💛

SparkyGizmo October 24th, 2023


Hi Good Day Sunshine! 😊 ❤️ Thank you for this amazing forum post! This deeply resonates with me as I say so many times that we should be extra kind to others as we may have no idea what it is that they are going through at the moment. 

Your forum post reminds me of a story I once heard: 

A man got on a bus with his two children. He sat down and his children found seats elsewhere on the bus. The children were loud, boisterous, interacting with other passengers. They were seemingly out of control, would not stay seated and being quite the nuisance to others around them.

Many passengers were becoming quite agitated with having to deal with the deplorable behavior and one woman finally spoke up. She addressed the father of the children that was paying no mind to them and simply looking off into the distance. 

She told him that she felt he was a horrible parent. That good parenting starts at home and that clearly he had done none of this. She felt it shameful that he would allow his children to behave this way, that he was ignoring them and that clearly they were out of control with him doing nothing about it.

Once being addressed, the man came out of this daze and quickly apologized. He told the woman "I'm so sorry. We are just coming from the hospital. My wife and their mother just died and I guess none of us aren't taking things so well at the moment". 

Please be gentle, please be kind to yourself as well as to others. One never knows what the other person is going through at the moment. 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 24th, 2023


Aww I'm sure it did, Sparkyyy Sparkkk, you're one of the loudest and most genuine while staying consistent at it,  when it comes to practicing kindness and preaching kindness, it is a delight to *feel* everything you say, simply for how incredibly heart-felt it always is, reminding everyone of the supreme power of being kind to oneself and others. ❤

🤗*high fives and big hugs back*🤗

Thank youu for sharing this heart touching story, Sparkyyy Sparkk, it's so true, we simply never know how one is truly feeling, where they are coming from or what do they have to go home to, or the most unfortunate situation, if they even have somewhere they can refer as "home" to. 

While being kindness may not do a whole lot to help someone's situation, it matters and makes a lot of difference, as often times, people need that teeny reminder of the good in the world, of hope, of love and of kindness and sometimes our little (not even an "actively thought-out") kind act can be that lil glimmer of hope they need/ could use, at the time. 

I feel, on the streets, every little smile too counts. Smiles are contagious, if someone doesn't have one on them, we can lend them ours. Kindness can be practiced as simply as that! 🥰

Thank you again for sharing, Sparkyyy Sparkk, you always have something of deep value to share, and your very sweet way of making me feel so *seen* always, incredibly grateful to you, all day, everyday! ❤ 


SparkyGizmo October 24th, 2023



VictoriaLove7 October 24th, 2023


It is beautiful, Sunshine! 🌞❤

Thank you for this thoughtful poem and the reminder! Remember to owlways be gentle to you too! 🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 24th, 2023


Aw thank you. You as well!❤

VictoriaLove7 October 24th, 2023


🤗❤ thank you, Sunshine! 🌞❤


Waterbottleglass October 24th, 2023


I know the feeling of some of those things. 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP October 24th, 2023

@Waterbottleglass *offers hugs* 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 26th, 2023

On remembrance:

"I keep the memory somewhere inside me~ where it's safe. I take it out and look at it when I need to. As if it were a photograph." 

VictoriaLove7 November 27th, 2023


It is so beautiful, Sunshine! 🌞❤ 

It is so true, a memory being kept safe and it can be looked at like a photograph 🥺❤🤗❤


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 31st


CalmRosebud January 31st


Bites Sun's knee gently though.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP January 31st


Hahaha lovely Rosey Rose xD gentle bites are okiee lol. 🙈

CalmRosebud January 31st


Okey ♥️

VictoriaLove7 February 1st


It is a beautiful poem, Sunshine! 🌞❤

Two seats 🪑🪑, one is Laughing life and the other one is aching grief. 

Me hopes that there will be more laughing life for youu! ❤ 

Also, we can sit there, you can take the laughing life seat 🪑, Sunshine 🌞❤ & me will take the aching grief seat 🪑, so that you will have more happiness! 🤗❤