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A different approach to Random Acts of Kindness - G&L Community Event February 2024

Kristynsmama February 5th


Today I would like to share a different perspective of RAK (Random Acts of Kindness).  When someone is grieving a significant loss of any type, they need support and help to just do normal daily activities of life.  When I lost my daughter, the only thing I could do for the first few months after she passed away was sit on my bed and rock back and forth asking myself, “why me?”  If it wasn’t for the kindness of my friends and family, I would have never survived that devastating and life altering time in my life.  Many people would tell me, “Call me if you need me,” or “I’m here if you need anything.”  These are the two most insignificant ways of trying to be supportive.  After the loss of my daughter I was literally unable to ask for what I needed.  I couldn’t even identify that I needed to go to the grocery store or that I needed to take a shower much less know who to call for what.  A dear friend of mine came over the day after the funeral.  She took all of the cards from the flowers, my thank you notes, and my Rolodex and told me that no parent should be expected to write thank you notes after burying their child.  I would have never known to ask someone to do this for me and it is the one act of kindness that someone did for me that has stayed with me to this very day.  In this post, I am going to share a list of things that I needed in the early days after Kristyn’s death.  If you are grieving this is a great list of things you can ask your friends and family to do to help you.  And if you have a friend who has just lost a loved one and are wondering what you can do to help, these are some suggestions:

1.  Write thank you notes for flowers.  Take Rolodex, cards from flowers, and thank you notes and write them for the person who is grieving.

2.  Many of you might have heard of this.  It’s called grief groceries.  Pick up basic necessities:  bread, milk, etc…. And deliver them and then send a text to the person telling them there are groceries on their porch.  The bereaved person won’t have to deal with going to the grocery store or seeing anyone but they will still get the items they need.

3.  When the bereaved person is ready to go through their loved ones belongings, they could probably use the support of friends or family to decide what to do with the deceased loved ones belongings.

4.  Chore help:  A person who is coping with a significant loss needs help just to maintain their household chores:  dishes, vacuuming, laundry, mowing the lawn, etc are all things that could be helpful.

5.  Avoid making food to fill a fridge.  While that is a good gesture, everyone thinks to bring food and the last thing someone wants to do is eat when they are grieving.  And they have so much food.  It is better to get a gift card for groceries or a restaurant that they can use when they need it.

6. Everyone is there for a grieving person right after the loss of their loved one.  But 6 months down the line, everyone has gone back to their normal life, except the grieving person is still grieving.  A random card in the mail, text message, or email telling them you are still thinking of them and remembering their loved one can mean more than you know.



Aww I love this approach, Kristyn, thank youu for sharing and such wonderful ways, specially #6 which is so so true.💛💛💛

Tinywhisper11 February 9th

@Kristynsmama 😭😭😭😭

4Jasmine February 13th


My heart and support are with all who are and have been going through this. There are too many days of tears and heartache. Yet, thankfully there are also days when life moves us carefully forward. Forgetting does not ever happen, but putting our focus elsewhere, in the name of our loved ones, is a very healthy and helpful thing for us to do. Tears are inevitable; but remembering those glorious times with our loved ones, gives us opportunities to smile and find laughter in our memories as well.💖   

Tinywhisper11 February 14th

@4Jasmine ❤❤❤

4Jasmine February 14th


Find today's smiles and laughter admits internal sorrow! You can do it!😊

Kristynsmama OP February 14th



gentle hugs for you if you want them.

countrygirl9988 February 24th

@Kristynsmama the only people who know want grief is one that has lose someone in their life in last 3 months has been hard time every my life my dad memories and legacy live on after he died me my brother my mom my niece and nephew my sister in law and my man will remember my dad as hard worker funny smart love his family and had good heart and but last few months my dad really sick just did not want see that he died and thought my dad like superman that he never died and he went never left us beyond but he did that November 13 2023 morning and never wake again