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Shared Experiences!♡
by Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more Hey hey, everyone coming across this post. I hope you're doing well. 💛 Grief and loss, is something I feel most of us have experienced in different forms, with varied intensity of emotions, thoughts and emotional reactions to it. As earth-shatteringly difficult it is to experience loss of some kind and do not even get me started on loss of a love one hehe (oh but I definitely will come here too💛), or cope with it, I feel something that remotely, I say remotely because I'm not much of the opinion that anything ever truly helps or fills the void in your life and the hole in your heart! (Much love to you if you feel the same and Kudos to you if you found something that helped you in any way💛). Again, I feel something that *remotely* helps is that we aren't alone in our experiences! It's not like "seeing someone else in pain makes you feel better about yours", more like "seeing someone feel what you do, say what you cannot and understand what you find incomprehensible somewhere, somehow, in whatever small quantity possible too, makes you feel *seen*, makes your pain feel seen, reminds you that what you experienced is 'worthy' of a reaction from you, also helps you understand your feelings better, because sometimes you're not even sure what to really call that 'sudden feeling of a big lump forming in your throat when you're sitting around people giggling and doing their thing' when everything feels 'okay' around you". (Apologies for getting carried away haha, I'm not proof-reading this one, and it's just something straight from my heart, hopefully to yours, typos included😅) Anyway, circling back again, what I find remotely helpful is the idea of shared experiences, of people connected in their grief! Which is why I love reflecting on how someone perceives loss and grief for them, hearing what they have to say about it too! Sometimes it's these shared experiences, heart felt words and raw emotions that remind me I'm not alone, and a lot of times, this is comforting to know! Going forward, I'd like to share some quotes I find comforting with the hope that anyone coming across them here can have a little "oh you see it too?" moment, knowing they aren't alone either and someone has had experienced something as they have and stood by to share it with the world also. The massive amount of courage it takes to talk about it, to relive all of it all over again, to be *brave* for comforting someone else! Most people may not even realise how inspiring they are! 💛 Please feel welcome to share any quotes you like that provide you comfort or reflect on any you see here also! 💛
Defining Grief: Understanding Loss and Sorrow
by ASilentObserver
Last post
August 17th
...See more Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself.  This post is part of 2 Week's Group Support Event on Grief Awareness [].   Grief is a complex and personal experience that affects everyone differently. So, the forum thread will be the space to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences about grief. Let's explore what grief means to you, and how we can better understand and support one another during loss. What is grief?  Grief is a natural response to loss. It can be experienced in many different ways and at varying intensities.  I am sharing a few questions for this week's forum discussion on grief. Please feel free to share your thoughts on any or a few questions as per your comfort. Please include the question that you responding to so we can have a focused discussion.  Questions for discussion:  * Can you describe a time when you experienced grief? What did it feel like? * How does grief differ from sadness? * Are there different types of grief? If so, can you explain them? * How does culture or religion influence our understanding of grief? * What misconceptions about grief have you encountered? * How can we create a more open and supportive environment for those experiencing grief? Tagging a few friends for the discussion:  @marinsen, @summerkay2024, @Catunion, @jonghyunnie, @daydreammemories, @richvision, @mytwistedsoul, @communicativepond1728,  @reallyoverallofit, @tinywhisper11, @jaeteuk, @thoughtlight
Grief & Loss Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
July 20th
...See more Welcome to the Grief & Loss Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 9 September (updated by @tommy) @azuladragon34 @Char1984 @CordialBeing @GentleCalmness @HealingTalk @Jaeteuk @LeonardoMarino @mish3l @mytwistedsoul @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy
Supporting a friend through grief
by imreallygreat
Last post
...See more A close friend of mine lost a parent almost a year ago. The grief is of course still really bad and I’m don’t know what I can be doing to support.  They’re too nice and polite to ask me to do things when times are hard - any advice on what I can be doing to actually make their life easier while processing loss?
Hard grief
by SeekForgiveness730
Last post
September 9th
...See more I have had many losses in my life. My grandparents, my dad. Recently I’ve lost a cousin around my age.  I’m just feeling so overwhelmed with emotions and I’ve been crying for the last month.  I’m overwhelmed with sadness.  It’s triggering my depression. Sometimes I just want to scream.
I feel so sad
by helloPlum5764
Last post
August 30th
...See more I feel so sad 
Understanding the difference between the terms grief, mourning and bereavement.
by ThoughtLight
Last post
August 29th
...See more I just wanted to make a clarification in case anyone was ever unsure about the differences in these terms. We see them listed together all the time and I know for a long time the differences weren't clear to me. Grief is the internal feeling of loss and painful to everyone. Mourning is the outward physical display of our internal grief which does look very different between people. Some people don't like to be seen crying or upset. It doesn't mean the internal grief is any less than someone very openly expressing their feelings. Both are ok and normal. Bereavement is just the time period of typical mourning following a loss. Grief can apply to things or people well before we actually lose them. 
Passed away
Last post
August 12th
...See more A family member passed away and now I feel so sad and broken. Sorry I didn't know where to put this. I'm not talking to many people. Sorry if this is a stupid problem. 
Passing of Family Member
by wandamx26
Last post
August 10th
...See more I just joined this community. My grandma sadly passed away today. The way I found out was that my dad told me as I was just waking up from my nap. But I couldn't help but think about how he announced it to me. It was like he just told me casually and with no emotion. Then he just went on with his day as usual which I thought was odd. However I feel guilty for not spending more time with my grandma before her passing. She was battling cancer but due to her age (she is in her mid to late 90s) she couldn't do treatment. I wished the senior living center where my grandma was staying at gave updates to her health in her final days and we were invited to see her one last time. She was the only grandma I had left, but she could hardly remember me as she also had dementia. Her passing comes at an inconvenience when I have so much going on in my life. 
Grief & Loss Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
July 20th
...See more Welcome to the Grief & Loss Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 9 September (updated by @tommy) @azuladragon34 @Char1984 @CordialBeing @GentleCalmness @HealingTalk @Jaeteuk @LeonardoMarino @mish3l @mytwistedsoul @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy
Strange Grief
by Lianhua08
Last post
July 11th
...See more So I come from an Asian family and my great grandma passed away this week and it’s been a complex situation  she was the matriarch of my whole family like we all gathered specifically for her but now that she’s gone there’s no “excuse” to see each other i am sad she is gone but as I’ve grown up I’ve noticed the generational trauma my parents have that really affected my childhood which has made me honestly a little bit bitter and I kinda feel grief for that in itself but also I worry that my parents have sort of painted this villainous picture of some aspects or individuals in my family (tho they deny it now) im not really sure how to think or feel anymore but I managed to cry about it which is a step but my parents have been a very confusing sweet and sour since the news through the funeral and everything… I got more hugs in a weekend than a year from them but then they’d also snap at me later  I think I’m just sad and confused or sm but thanks for allowing my mini rant and congratulations if you could understand what I’m saying 😄
My Best Friend Died in a Motorcycle Accident
by kerryg
Last post
July 4th
...See more First time posting here. I needed to vent. This year I met someone with such infectious energy. We ended up talking on the phone every night, until one of us fell asleep. He encouraged me to get out of the house more. I had become a real shut in and he broke me out of my shell. He passed away last month. A car ran a stop sign and hit him while he was on his motorcycle. I threw up when I called his phone and his stepmom answered the phone to tell me the news. The funeral was a month ago. I am struggling not to go back to being shut in again and I am smiling around my friends and family when I visit with them. Yesterday I was playing the guitar, and ended up writing a song for him, crying. I realized that this hit me harder than I realized. This impacted me so much. I am trying to celebrate him but this mourning is unlike any other I have gone through. It feels like time was stolen from us. I don't talk on the phone with anyone for hours anymore. I feel so lonely without him.
One thing I wish I knew about grief is ___
by Hope
Last post
June 28th
...See more One thing I wish I knew about grief is ___
by Optimisticempath
Last post
May 4th
...See more What's the most unhelpful thing someone has said to you during your time of grief?  I think sometimes even if people mean well... they just use the weirdest phrasing ever and make it worse :( maybe it can help us to know what to avoid to say and what to say to someone who's grieving that may help more? also if you're grieving... what would you like to hear more? 💕💕💕💕
Grief Misconceptions and Addressing the Truth
by HopieRemi
Last post
April 15th
...See more Misconceptions are dangerous and hurtful. There are several myths about grief. It is important to know what is a myth to understand what's true. The first myth is that grief is an emotion. Believing grief is a feeling is a common misconception. It is easy to associate grief with depression. But grief is more than that. Grief is a process which is filled with many emotions. Some of these emotions are expected like sadness as then more surprising ones would be anger, frustration, guilt, and even shock. It is not uncommon to experience positive feelings during the grief process like relief (that the loved one is no longer in pain). It is also possible to just feel numb. The next myth is that grief is bad. Usually when people think of grief, they don't think of anything good. The grief process itself is healthy. Grief is the mechanism that allows people to deal with loss.  Grief is the brain's way to slowly alter its pathways to accommodate to the new reality (i.e. a world without your loved one). Another myth is that the more grief, the better. Just because some people show their grief more doesn't mean you aren't grieving. Some people naturally have an intense way of showing their grief, some don't. Both ways are healthy.  It is also a myth that there is a right way to grieve. While we widely know that the accepted psychological idea about grief having five stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.  This model was actually first made for explaining how people come to terms with their own terminal illnesses. Grief is not linear. People can go through these stages, can skip stages, repeat stages, and even experience things outside these five stages. Grief is more like a rollercoaster if we are being honest. Everyone grieves differently so don't fret if you don't match the "right" image of grief. Finally, it is a myth that grief counseling is harmful. While most people do not need grief counseling to process their grief, it can be helpful. Grief is something hardwired into the brain, something we have been dealing with since humans existed.  Most people can deal with their grief without professional help but this does not mean grief counseling cannot be useful. It has been shown for people struggling with their grief, counseling can help.  The one undeniable truth is that each and every one of us will eventually lose someone we love. We will all experience grief in one way or another. Grief can be a painful process and all we can do is take it one step at a time. We are not alone. Can you think of any other myths, stereotypes, or misconceptions people think about grief?  What can we do to educate people about the truths behind grief? What are some things you want someone who reads this to know about your personal experience with grief?

Our warmest welcome to the Grief & Loss Community!

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This is a caring and safe place to share your feelings arising from the loss of someone very important in your life. Might be a very recent loss, in the distant past, or any time in between.

You are invited to tell your story, write about your emotions, and also support others. Sort by "Recent" and answer their posts from your perspective and with your comforting words.

This is also a place to ask questions about the nature of grieving, how to cope with the pain, and also how to manage the disruption this loss might have caused in your life.

And then, get tentative answers from people who have been in the same situation.

Here we encourage and welcome remembering and honoring the memory of important people in your life who are no longer with you. You are invited to write about them, tell us what made them special, and tell us your feelings towards them.

You might join our Check-Ins too, where we meet and exchange ideas around a common topic.

What are the different forum topics for Grief & Loss?

Check-ins from the Community Team: Current and former check-ins for you to join the talk with other members of the Community around a common topic.
Resources for Grief and Processing Emotions: Find resources here to help overcome grief. 

Community Space: Short posts to share your opinion about different topics. 

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