Something I am thankful for that starts with the letter "B" is........
Something I am thankful for that starts with the letter "B" is baloons! That's a wonderful thing that is always makes me happy!
Babies they re so cute
@PuppyLove13 a breeze is one of my faces too!
@Remember2Breathe Aww ❤❤
Books - my favourite way to relax
Books! They're amazing :) They can be so many things!
Brothers,they always lighten me up and we did a lot of things together. I am also thankful because they are good and always supporting me.
I'm learning to be thankful for boundaries, not just on here, but in my life as well. It's only been in the the last few years I've been understanding the benefits of healthy boundaries.
My Brother.
Bliss <3
Those moments where I have nothing but pure joy and I am fully mindful andin the present moment !
I'm thankful for books because they kept me company when no one else did and even taught me about interesting subjects and far away lands.