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Petals of a flower 🌻

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 23rd, 2021
Hey hey Lovelieees, hoping July has been treating yall well. ❤

Petals of a Flower ~ serve a lot of purposes, but the prominent ones include attracting pollinators and protecting the flower. So now, doesn't a flower petal hold a lot of value for the flower?
I believe it's the diverse qualities of these petals - colour, shape, size etc that make us admire a flower even more.

So now relating the flower as YOU and the petals being those values/things/qualities that make you *YOU*, colour you as you are, are important values we deem close to us in life ~ ones that are attractive for others, ones that protect us, ones that add beauty and a sense of unique charm to us.

What are some values that you hold close to yourself, values that colour you, values that protect you ~ keep you grounded and most importantly ~ those that make you, *YOU*?

Consider you're a Penta flower ( a flower with 5 petals ) and do share below what 5 qualities make your 5 petals. 🌻

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lueurspace July 24th, 2021


This is so original and such a beautiful question for this community! Thank you so much, Sunnie for making it for us and giving us something to reflect upon!

What are some values that you hold close for yourself , values that colour you , values that protect you ~ keep you grounded and most importantly ~ those that make you , *YOU* ?

So, these are my top 5 values I can think of:

1. Showing kindness to everyone I come across

2. Valuing personal growth and development

3. Knowledge, in the sense, valuing the importance of learning and putting in efforts for it

4. Responsibility, in the sense, that you take accountability in your life for at least something and try your best to show up for it

5. Love, loving others and loving yourself, loving anything and everything one can

What about you, Sunnie? Would you like to share your values with us? Red heart

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 5th, 2021

Hey hey @lueurspace , so glad you found this original , beautiful and something to reflect on 🤗
Being kind to everyone, valuing your personal growth , development , knowledge and learning with an effort, Being accountable , responsible and showing up with your best self for things in life and ofcourse loving oneself and loving all who come across ~ such beautiful values , no wonder your values make you the most beautiful flower with petals in colours of kindness and responsiblity, oozing so much love and empathy , in any garden in the whole wide world !

Thankyou for sharing , Luuu ! Stay beautiful always ❤🌻
July 25th, 2021

What are some values that you hold close for yourself , values that colour you , values that protect you ~ keep you grounded and most importantly ~ those that make you , *YOU* ?

1) Firm belief in God, Jesus, and God's this way, believing this way and making this what my life is about.
2) Being good to others, loving others, caring for others, being very considerate of others, listening to others, and helping others.
3) Being responsible for all I do, say, don't do, what my alters do, ---all of this at all times.
Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 5th, 2021
Hello @Amelia2324 , Belief in God ~ acceptance of life as it comes , Loving, Caring , Helpful towards people and being accountable for yourself as well as your alters , are super awesome values and make you such a vibrant flower with a radiance of love , strength, compassion and warmth on the petals .
Thankyou for sharing with us ❤🌻
LovetoGod August 7th, 2021

Oh my gosh!!! Such a beautiful, pretty post. Sunnnnnyyyyy why are you making me to fall in love with your every post?? I hope I can get collection of your such beautiful and special posts. It makes my day. It gives me si positivity. I really love such content. I love you❤❤
I love flowers. I really love nature a lot. I want lots of petals just not 5 lol. I want my flower having tricolor. Red, white and pinkish mix. Now 5 qualities I want to have-:
1. Being helpful and kind to everyone always
2. Being a learner. Just want to learn always
3. Believing in myself, loving myself caring about myself
4. Never give up, no matter what. You have to go so far
5. Just want to be positive and enjoy my life. Nothing more I want ❤

August 7th, 2021


What wonderful qualities you feel are important to you heart It shows just how special you are. smiley

LovetoGod August 7th, 2021

Awwww that's really sweet. Thanks sweetheart. I love your qualities as well. It also shows how beautiful you are ❤✨

VictoriaLove7 April 12th, 2023


I love this topic, it is like the philosophy of flower. Even the title makes me curious, 'Petals of Flower'. You are vv original, Sunshine! 🌞

I tried to find some values but these might sound more like my traits. 😄

trustworthiness, love for details, service to those I love, observant, and hardworking.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 14th, 2023


Awww thankyouu for always being so appreciative, Viccc, your encouraging compliments mean a lot to me. ❤

Wooohoo such lovely qualities/ values- "trustworthiness, love for details, service to those I love, observant, and hardworking"~ you're truly remarkable! ❤

magnificentNutella August 9th, 2023


Hihi I came across this post through the peer appreciation forum😀

The qualities I value the most in myself are:

*showing kindness to everyone and treating them how I always and want to be treated as💓

*appreciating, respecting and loving everyone especially my own self💜

*making sure to always fill my heart & brain with knowledge especially spiritual one💫

*making sure that I always turn the stumbling stones in my life into stepping stones🌌

*making everyone in the room feel included and also making them laugh so everyone feels the warmth and comfort😀

Here a lavender field for you and any beautiful soul that comes across this:


Aristotle said "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts"

We all humans have a spectrum of qualities within us, together they all make us great and make us the human we are today💙💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 11th, 2023


Ahhh Nutttyyyy, I kept trying to quote parts of what I want to emphasize more but I highlighted the entire text you shared lol, it's so so so lovely to read more about what your values look like for you and make you the *magnificent* you that you are. Thanks so much for sharing and also for the beautiful lavender field. This sweet share made my day 100 times better! 💜🫂

magnificentNutella August 11th, 2023


Sunnnn💜💫 you just made my day with your presence. You and your words radiate kindness and love wherever you are at. May you always have this light inside you. A virtual choco & teddy from nutttyyyy to Sunn🍫🧸

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 11th, 2023

@magnificentNutella Thankyouuuu, sweet one! 😭🥰♥️

Me xD
