Proud of my realizations
So I went into the hospital a week ago or so, when I first went in there I complained about not needing help or needing to be there but after talking to one of the staff's there and explaining all I knew of why I was there, I realized I needed more help than I thought. I realized how selfish I was for not wanting help or denying the need for help. I realized how I never actually took the time to work on myself. I'm proud of the fact of me not only realizing all this but actually taking the step as far as me taking my hospitalization, when I was there, seriously and coming out, taking the steps of being honest and admitting when something is wrong, which is something I've had problems with for like 5-6 years. I've even accepted the chance of working with a trauma counselor, which is something I've denied doing for 2 years now, and I'm finally going to work on my major issues that's been bothering me this whole time. I'm so proud of myself and I feel the happiest knowing everyone is proud of me for something legit and not a lie I've made people believe before.
@NanaAthene This is so inspirational, you are right, realizing when you want and need help is that point of starting to recover, I am so glad I read this! It helped me understand a little more on how some others feel at times, Congrats on making this acoomplishment! May many more come your way!
This is amazing and so wonderful to hear :) Sometimes we don't realise when we need help and how much it is needed until someone confronts the issues. We all need guidance in our lives to help us understand ourselves. We also need a loving, caring environment with people to support us.
It wasn't selfish of you to not want help. Sometimes we just don't feel ready to get help for what we need or we find it too difficult to accept help offered. We all have our own recovery journeys, sometimes we choose to seek help, other times people who love us force us to for our own good. As long as your best interests are the focus nothing else matters.
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling so positive after this stay. I wish you luck with the rest of your journey, I know you'll progress and come out better in the end :)
Lots of love - DA
@discreetAcres6234 thank you soooo much! :) It took me a while to realize it but I'm happy at where I am now thanks for the encouragement
@NanaAthene anytime :) It's inspiring to see people making such big changes in their lives and getting better. Your happiness makes me happy :)
Wow, that was amazing!