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I'm proud of myself because... (Big thanks to everyone as well!)

Monarda July 13th, 2015

So I was bawling my eyes out today, but it was tears of happiness and sadness and I was really confused initially.
This person on YouTube had put together these Weibo challenges (Belly button challenge, collar bone challenge, etc) and the last "challenge" was to love yourself. When I heard that I just lost it because my body image and self-esteem are crap (partly because I'm genderqueer/AFABand y'know, dysphoria).
So I'm going to try and love myself a bit more, even though I think my stomach is too big, my thighs don't have a big gap, and I fail at the collarbone challenge (even though my collarbones are visible). I guess I'll try to do things a bit differently tomorrow and see how my mood changes :) Thank you guys for helping me get to this point. I couldn't have done this without you <3

Upbeat July 14th, 2015

@Monarda,Hey dear.It's certainly clear that you possess a great amount of strength. No matter what happens, you should always remember how proud you are of this achievement; it's truly inspiring!Loving yourself is the greatest and most infinite love of all. But look how strong you are, well done. c: I'm so so proud of you dear.

7 cups cares about you, because we want to see people happy, we want to make the world a better place, we want you to be happy or at least to have someone to talk to, because everyone needs someone to vent with and we will be that someone, you can talk with us, we will always be here, for you.You are such a strong person, never ever forget that! ❤Thank you for sharing the light of your heart with us.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."

Monarda OP July 14th, 2015

Thank you so much @Kash216, that made me smile :)

Upbeat July 14th, 2015

Yay I'm glad it made you smile. You matter so much. D'aww that's for you. Click Here. (:
