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Spread The Love – Community Shout-Outs

samc95xc July 1st, 2014

My dear brotherand sister members in 7 cups ,many of you have positive experiences with 7 Cups of Tea, and you want to praise individuals(listeners) in our community. So, without further ado, I would like to create a place for all of youto share the love . This will be a place for you to show your appreciation I encourage you to post when someone impresses you, helps you out or gives you support! In other words, just show the love!

heart Sam

H8me February 18th, 2015

shout out to my babes of 7 cups @apple74 @pennylovexx @galaxyace @whittycat @abundleofhugs @ej @suri @lemoncheesekake @tootsie @mandapanda @tekrus @flora @pm229 @nazz @zeek @crimsonbike @southy @wanda @davidthefirst @ninfan @scarlet @nikko aka tortyyyyy and if i forgot you im sorry but there is so many names of ppl i love and care for here, i just want to express how much i do love and care for you guys and to all let you know that my 7 cups jorney is coming to and end, it breaks my heart to leave you guys but it seems admin and support don't listen and hackers are always muting and its getting to much for me to handle, i love you all to the moon and back and hope your lifes are full of joy and happiness :) love adz/dean/h8mexoxoxoxox :*

politeCup86 February 18th, 2015

I'm sorry to hear ur leaving :( what is bothering u?

Tekrus February 18th, 2015

Awww, Adz!
I hope you come back once (if) they get the hacker problem under control, you're such a precious part of the Waiting Room!
Take care<3

lemoncheesekake February 18th, 2015

Sorry to hear that Adz. ILY, I will miss you. Take care <3

pm229 February 19th, 2015

Love you Dean, and you know it. You are among the very first people who made me feel welcome here. Always stay safe babeheart

Suri2 February 19th, 2015

I just saw a member asking about you.I hope you come back soon.I'll be waiting here for ya.:* I hate doing this but I am not good at goodbye's.Please do come or else I might hunt you,then cook you with the broth and serve you as a feast..XD(J/K)

Apple74 February 19th, 2015

Dean, I am really sad to hear this. I wish you all the best and I hope you come back soon.

Zeek February 19th, 2015

Dean :'( Please come back soon.

Torty February 19th, 2015

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(

RenRen February 19th, 2015


Adz, Aww I'm so sorry to here this. You added so much joy and laughter into the WR and were so positive. I understand your frustration but I really hope you might decide to come back after a break because many of us looked forward to talking to you, including me. You brought me many laughs to the point of tears when I felt it wasn't possible for me. Thank you for spreading joy and I hope our paths cross again. 💗🌺💖💐🍀

Pennylovexx February 19th, 2015

You're leaving?


You just had to do this didn't you? IM GONNA LOSE ANOTHER BEST FRIEND [edited by Forum Moderator - Offensive]

In any case.

Take care. I love you <3 And please, PLEASE try and come back. If not for anyone else but for Penny.

TheGreatWent February 19th, 2015

You seemed like a nice guy. Sorry to see you go :/

lostchild2 February 19th, 2015

H8me...Dean you will be missed, don't stay away long please. 💛💙💜💚❤💓💓💓💓💓💋💋💋💋💋💖💖💖💖💖😽😽😽

lostchild2 February 19th, 2015

This goes out to all the listeners that have helped me when i needed it the all thoes who have becrended me on here and have made the journey easy. To thoes who have allowed me to help others in my own way even though I'm m not a listener. I love you all. 💜💓💋💖

Pennylovexx February 19th, 2015

Thank you for this AMAZING idea, I've wanted a member/listener appreciation forum for ages now :)

ZaraSmiles February 26th, 2015

This is a quick little shoutout to @luvtorun

Hey there ? You're an incredibly sweet and supportive person, and I just wanted to let you know that your kindness is recognised and appreciated! You come to this site for support for yourself, yet you are quick to offer words of encouragement, praise and understanding to others! You truly possess a heart of wonder and goodness! You're a star, stay awesome! ✰✰✰

Lots of hugs and cookies ~Zara❀

luvtorun February 26th, 2015


Thank you Zara! I cannot share with you how much I appreciate your recognition and encouragement! It took me a while to find that warm heart that was buried under pain and a facade of trying to survive and be strong for so long. I had to break before I could become whole again. I could not have healed without 7cups being apart of my support system. I was so lucky to have some great listeners help me through the worst of times. I am so thankful for this site, I truly believe in what it's working to provide for everyone and I hope to continue to contribute to the site and to others anyway I can.

We all need to be heard, we all need to feel safe, and to feel loved. Zara you have done a wonderful thing by meeting some of these needs for members on 7cups by supporting them with your forum posts, shoutouts and much more! You take the time to acknowledge each member for who they are, what their challenges are and what their strengths are:) Keep up the good work! Thank you for spreading your warm heart on this site, your commitment and encouragement for others is inspiring and motivating to us all!

Shady2 March 4th, 2015

@CompassionateHeart2 ... You are an amazing and kind person.. I'm glad i met you.. God bless you!!

CompassionateHeart2 March 5th, 2015

Thank You! You are an amazing person as well and remember I'm always here for you as a listener and as a friend. :D

Cadence March 6th, 2015

This is a shoutout for the lovely forum mentor leader and quality mentor leader @Iara.

She is legitimately one of the kindest people that I've met on this site, and knowing that there's someone who's unconditionally on your team is incredibly uplifting. She never makes you feel stupid, and always validates your thoughts and feelings. Overall, she's a special listener, and honestly I swear her heart is made of gold.

Thank you for everything, Iara! <3

Cadence March 7th, 2015

This is a Shoutout for the beautiful and lovely @Jessica.

It doesn't take a lot to see how much she does for this site. She's awesome to work with, and I look forward to working with her much more in the future!! <3

kingSARAkickSASS May 30th, 2015

SHOUT OUT to @dreamz for being the best mod on this site. I am a fan of your work.

Dreamz May 30th, 2015

Thanks for this, Sara. :)

kingSARAkickSASS May 30th, 2015


you are the best mod on this site, stay helping people we love you. I am a fan of your work and i love you.

Upbeat July 10th, 2015

You are all so awesome.thankyou members for allowing us to come in to your lives, hear your stories and help you heal! ❤️

This shoutout for the followings-

@CallMeVespers -You are an amazing individual. You alwaystake care to greet others and to build supportive networks with other members. Every time I see you, I find yet another thing to admire. Keep doing what you do!I highly appreciate that, keep spreading love and never change! I send love and hugs! Actually words aren't enough to express my love for you. (:

@lazyKatz -You always have good input and positive, encouraging things to say. Very glad to have you here on 7 Cups, and I hope being here helps you in return too!You are a super active member of our community, always being attentive to others by sharing yourexperience with them in the forums! You are unique and inspire me to keep a positiveattitude towards life, thank you for being here and for being willing to be vulnerable with us.

@Jessica797 - You arealways being a lovely and supportive member to others well donekeep it up! :)I admire your kindness and willingness to give to others the best you have.Thank you for being here, you certainly brighten up the forums with your lovely posts. I loveyou, gurl!

@Sherly -It makes me very happy to see our membersinteracting and bonding with each other in a supportive and positive way. You are a star,I?m glad to have you as part of our community.Keep it up and we are lucky enough to have an amazing member like you. Ilove you loads. (:

@JustShade - I haven't seen you quite lately around here. I hope you are doing well.You show great strength and an amazing will power to move forward. Stay awesome! I miss talking to you via forums. Please never stop being you. I love you and sending lots of love on yourway. (:

Jessica797 July 10th, 2015

Aww thank you! (Hugs)☺️

Upbeat July 10th, 2015

You totally deserve that! *hugs back*heart


lazyKatz July 10th, 2015

What a beautiful message thank you so much. Everyone else mentioned must be just at touched by it. Your a lovely person @Kashx

Upbeat July 10th, 2015

Aw, so are you. Youdeserve it :) such a lovely individual.heart


CallMeVespers July 10th, 2015

Aww thank you @Kash216. This has truly made my day :) *lotsa hugs* Thank you for your endlessly kind words and support.

Upbeat July 11th, 2015

Yay.You're awesome, remember that! ❤


Sherly July 11th, 2015

What a beautiful surprise! :) the people working their hearts in this supportive community are inspiring, that makes me want to do the same too, thanks to you @kash

Upbeat July 11th, 2015

You arean absolute sweetheart! I'm so happy that you are part of this amazing community. With you here, just makes that much more amazing! (:


PeacefulCharlie July 15th, 2015

Shoutout to @allTheLove for being such a lovely person, I spoke to you a while ago now and you have always been a nice person but today you made me smile, I spoke to you and although we didn't speak long it was nice having a great person like you to talk to, you cared and that was nice, thank you.

Another shoutout to @Renaenae You also made me smile, you sent me a PM and was very nice to me although we have not spoken much before it was very nice to receive a message from another person who cares, thank you for that.

You're both amazing people, thank you. I hope you're both having a great day! Thank you so much :)

Also I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. If it is please let me know so I know not to do it here again.

ItsJoel July 15th, 2015

No problem hun! I am always here for you and everyone! Never be afraid to send me a message

allTheLove July 15th, 2015

Thank you @PeacefulCharlie for those very kind words.. Indeed it is the right place for shout-outs ;) And i just want to let you know, that your shout-out made me very hapoy when i saw it.. Thank you for it, kind sweet human being ;)

FlowerInDisguise19 August 14th, 2015

A big shout out to some lovely members!

You guys inspire me everyday and I wanted to let you all know that youre truly appreciated! You are loved, you are amazing!

❤️ @littleMe14, @selfconfidentOwl4738, @Hks979, @AnonymousAccount123, @ Jamma, @forcefulShip9045, @Leanne19, @Annawillneverstopfighting06, @Kennedyraeeee20, @braveGio, @affableApple63


Kaylee October 29th, 2015

@FlowerInDisguise19 This is Gorgeous. :o

warrioroflight August 31st, 2015

this shout is for the following people:

@Luis191919 =u were the 1st person i talked to and i cant explain how good u made me feel,how much u helped me.uve been gone ever since i don't know why but i pray youre fine.please come back soon.people need people like u.

@Dhara94=ure the antidepressant remember?thankyou so much for everything sweety.

@UserNameUnderCounstruction=thankyou soooo much for being such an amazing listener.keep up the excellent work

@MisterGreenEyes=thankyou so much for being there and for being such an appreciative and loving person.

@KIndOak=thankyou my friend for healing and showering ur kindness upon every1.

@GlenM=what you have done here for every1,i have no words to express my gratitude.lots of prayers going to you.

im grateful to every1 who has even made me sorry im not mentioning here all those people,i just wanted to make it a special shout out for the listeners.GOD Bless you all, people are doing a heaven of a job.i love you all.

Dhara94 August 31st, 2015

Aww <3 I still treasure your review,you're so amazing. heart I learned a lot from you @warrioroflight . Thankfully, I met you:')