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What’s in the box? 📦 | Stories for Good Life Series

February 12th

There was this man and he had come from the village and he was not very rich; he was quite poor actually. 

He was wearing tattered clothes and shoes and somehow he had lost his home and his hair was just all over the place; he barely had any money and he was quite worn out.

He went to the city to seek a job to try to bring his life back to normal again. And in his tattered shoes and clothes, he went to approach someone and lo and behold he got a really good job!

And he worked really really hard in his job. So in the beginning he was just a sweeper like a cleaner who was just helping to clean everything and then the boss said, “Well, do you know how to do some accounting?” He said, Yeah I.. I.. used to be a clerk in the village. I used to help in the village.” So he said, “Okay why not, let's see.”

So he started to do accounting and the boss really liked him and said, “Oh, do you know how to do some writing? You know we need also people to file things to maintain things.” And he said, “Yes I know how to do that.” So the boss gave him work and he was very very good at it. And the boss said, “Well, do you know how to coordinate and delegate work; you know, between people?” And so he said, “Yes I can try.”

And so the boss gave him that work and he succeeded.

So slowly, slowly, he was blooming in this company and other people were kind of jealous of him because you know he just barely got there and he was rising so fast. 

And so the boss said, “I.. I'm going to give you a place to stay; you're doing so well and I don't know where you're staying, I don't know what comforts you have but I'm going to give you two rooms in this office space. There are two rooms in the back; why don't you use that to stay?”

Because really this man had been living in just very very dire circumstances. So he said to the boss, “Thank you, thank you so much.”

So he had two rooms in the back; one was his bedroom. Every morning, before going to work, this man would come out of his bedroom, go to the other room, spend a few moments there and then lock that room and then come to work.

Those other people in the company were so jealous of him. They were always trying to find something wrong; what could be wrong with this man?

And so they saw he had this strange routine where he would come out of his bedroom every morning and go to the other room and stay there for a few minutes and then lock the door.

So they said he must be stealing money; he must be stealing money from the boss and hiding it in the room. That's why he's keeping it under lock and key and every day he must be counting money.

And so they went up to the boss, they said “You know this person who's been rising rising rising in the company who came from the village? We think he's a thief; we think he's stealing your money because every morning this is what he does and they narrated how he would go to that room.”

And the boss said, “I don't think so..”

They said, “No, no, you have to go and find out.” And the boss said, “Okay, I will find out.”

So the next morning, just like always, the man left his bedroom, went to that other room; and the boss knocked in that room.

He said, “Open the door!”

And so this man was startled and the boss said, “Open it right now! What are you doing?”

This man was just startled. He thought what to do and so he opened the door.

And the boss went in to look at that room to see if he had been stealing things if he'd been taking things.

But the room was empty. But there was a box and this box was locked. So the boss said, “What are you hiding there?” He said, “Nothing, nothing, I'm not hiding anything.” The boss said, “What are you hiding there??”

And he said nothing, and in the meantime, all of the other people were looking and peeking in the room; and the boss said, “Open the box!” He said, “No, it's okay, you don't need to see it.”

And the boss said, “No, open it right now!”

And so this man opened the box and when he opened the box the boss looked in and he was stunned; he said, “What is in the box? What's in the box?”

The boss looked at the man and said, “Why is this in your box?”

What was in the box were his old tattered clothes. His old shoes, his old watch, his old bag. He said, “Every morning after I wake up and I get ready for work I come to this box. Then I see where I have come from. I remember how I've come from the village and how my life used to be and I just feel grateful every morning for getting here and having the opportunity to work and serve. And I so deeply wish that I am always kept humble. And to be always reminded where I have come from.”

And at that moment the boss cried. He said, “You are too good. Now you are worthy to be my partner.” The boss looked at all of the other people around and said, “You were wrong about him and inside my heart, I knew it.”

Takeaway: No matter how high we go, just lay low. Play low. Let us always remember where we've come from and always live life with humility, with gratitude, with appreciation and love for the good that we see around, within ourselves, and in our lives.

Discussion questions:

1) What can we keep with us to remind us to always remain humble?

2) Reflect on this quote: “Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it, you have lost it.”

3) What should our attitude be when our friend or family member is rising and succeeding but we are falling behind? 


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Taglist: @Tinywhisper11 @SleepyPersonForever @communicativePond1728 @SparkyGizmo @CalmRosebud @sadcat13

Previous Story: The Broccoli Noodle Soup 🥣

CalmRosebud February 12th

I love this story!♥️🎶 You’re a Storyteller! This story fills me with happiness! Yes, I will try to stay humble. Thank you for this reminder.

communicativePond1728 February 12th


1) What can we keep with us to remind us to always remain humble?

Perhaps like the person in the story, we can keep something physical around us and spend time with it daily to reminds us to remain humble. Something seperate from our present, but that adds to it, not takes away from it. 

We could also set aside time daily to write down what we're grateful for, or do any other ritual such as prayer, meditation or reading certain books that enrich us.

Whatever connects us to those 'higher' aspects of ourselves and reminds us of what's important can be effective, especially at the beginning, middle and end of a day, as it can be tied with morning, evening and midday routines.

2) Reflect on this quote: “Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it, you have lost it."

With water, we must surrender to its specific nature if we're hoping to float, swim, surf, sail and simply enjoy and utilize in any way. We can't treat water like fire and expect it to perform, or vice versa. Likewise, with humility, we must respect and know its inherent quality and how it works in order to sow it in our lives and reap it's rewards.

3) What should our attitude be when our friend or family member is rising and succeeding but we are falling behind? 

Our attitude should be humble and grateful when our friend or family member is rising and succeeding while we are falling behind. We should see that everyone blooms in their own way and sets their own pace, including our parents, and including ourselves.

This doesn't mean more for some and less for others...boundaries don't mean someone is abandoning us or leaving us behind or we're doing this to others...its just a manual on how one needs to be treated for an optimal, moral, effective and reciprocal relationship.

While all this may take time to convince ourselves of and learn, it is possible. We can learn that rejection is redirection, with time and patience.

tranquilechoes February 12th


1) You know, I think keeping a little token of gratitude can do wonders for reminding us to stay humble. Maybe it's a picture of loved ones, a note from someone who believes in us, or even just a simple rock from a memorable place. Something tangible to ground us when our heads start to float a bit too high.

2) That quote really hits home, doesn't it? It's like humility is this elusive butterfly that flutters away the moment you think you've caught it. It's a reminder that humility isn't a destination but more like a constant journey of self-awareness and growth. Every time you feel like you've got it all figured out, that's probably the exact moment you need to take a step back and reassess.

3) Ah, that's a tough one, isn't it? I think the key is to genuinely celebrate their success while also being honest with ourselves about our own feelings. It's okay to feel a twinge of envy or frustration, but it's what we do with those feelings that really matters. Supporting our friend or family member wholeheartedly while also using their success as motivation for our own journey can strike that balance between genuine happiness for them and a healthy drive for our own progress. It's all about finding that sweet spot of encouragement and self-reflection.


fearlessWriter78 February 13th

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Tinywhisper11 February 13th

@Fristo I'm reminded every moment of every day where I came from, just by looking at my body. And I'm so grateful how far I've come since then. And I strongly believe in the saying "always stay humble and kind" and we should always be proud and happy , encouraging to people who are succeeding in life because jealousy is probably one of the worst emotions you can have. I love you fristo ❤

February 21st

@Tinywhisper11 cultivating good emotions in mind for a good and beautiful life 😀

Tinywhisper11 February 21st

@Fristo precisely ❤❤❤

considerateSummer1171 February 14th

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