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Most Positive Cupser🧐

User Profile: Optimisticempath
Optimisticempath September 11th, 2024

hi everyone 💕 I was seeing the posts in this forum and felt really nice how we have so many positive people in cups 😍

these are people who have a positive mindset and an optimistic attitude towards life no matter how hard it gets for them 

these are people who you can always find smiling or sharing a laugh around here 

these are people who are always busy motivating others and sending encouragement 

these are people whose positvity does not feel know like sometimes it can be very nauseating to witness over positivity? idk how to put this best ...just hope that you understand what i mean😅 ... like sometimes even when someone says something happy or positive it's not easily believable ... or just seems untrue 😅

so im only talking about people who have a genuine way of expressing and who are authentic in what they believe 

i think these people... they make 7 cups a more positive and warm place to be some of them I always spot around the site comforting others, replying to long posts also...appreciating and supporting everyone.. and idk if it's just me but i feel both surprised how some people have that radiating joy like aura and also vv inspired by them because they just make me feel more hopeful when I'm feeling down...and often times unknowingly because im gosh im so awkward at times and don't wanna interrupt any conversations i just notice from a distance xD and absorb their warmth a lil bit 🙈 or try to 🥺 

just wanted to shout out to them ... people who spread hope around and make us smile even when things are so difficult 💕💕 it means more than anything 🥺🥺

If you also know someone like this here and want to shout out to them also then please do tag or mention them 💕💕💕 even happy looking people can use some kindness and encouragement me thinks 😅🥰  


User Profile: Optimisticempath
Optimisticempath OP September 11th, 2024

will start with a few 💕💕

@SparkyGizmo  you are one of these people who always tries to look for the best in everything and everyone 💕 and my favorite thing is that you don't shy away from telling people that you love loudly and proudly 🥺 thanks for your vvv sweet message for me the other day 🥺🥺 me hopes that you always continue to stay true to your positive attitude and kind spirit 💓💓

@BlueDarkAurora you are a precious heart 💕 you always have the bestest things to say 💕 and me cannot tell you how much your gentle reminders and caring way of supporting means to me😭 keep being you 💕💕

@tinywhisper11 you make me question if your actually a human? and not an angel??🥺🧐🧐how can someone be as beautiful as you lolaluv🥺🥺 you've been through so much but you still manage to smile through it all and also make others smile and feel happy 💕💕😘 me luvs you 💕 you matter so much friend💕💕

@yougotmyback Am I know it's been a v long time but i often think of you and i find you very strong and inspiring 💕💕 you are so luving and positive always 🤗 hope you been taking good care of you 😘 me missie you

more for later 😮😮 meanwhile everyone else seeing this can shout out to other people and comment also 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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User Profile: Yougotmyback
Yougotmyback September 11th, 2024




You're the besttttt!! I missed you sooooo much. Yes, I've been quite inactive because a lot of things are going on:/ 

You know what? When I came back, I couldn't see all the previous chats. They have disappeared. Otherwise I would have texted you.😭❤️

But nvm. I hope you're doing okay. You're so so loved. 🥹❤️

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User Profile: BlueDarkAurora
BlueDarkAurora September 11th, 2024

@Optimisticempath T-T <3 


Ahem *-* I'll add the most adorable soul to this list.... You :D I still remember when I found your corner and you were so appreciative of the words I shared with you<3 The warmth and love we share grows so strong when beautiful souls like you are involved in the exchange. You've always been so appreciative of people and I always admire how strong you are with such a delicate heart full of love. This means a lot to me<3 Thank you so much for remembering me ^-^ I'll always remember you :D 

User Profile: MaeMae99
MaeMae99 September 11th, 2024


Not in forums but @DingusOlivia is always spreading positivity around in TCR 

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User Profile: MaeMae99
MaeMae99 September 11th, 2024


 I cant write paragraph on him rn but I will later... 

User Profile: DingusOlivia
DingusOlivia September 11th, 2024

@MaeMae99 awhhh tysm for saying that<3 I'm sure I'm not the most positive there, I too have my downs...

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User Profile: MaeMae99
MaeMae99 September 11th, 2024


We all do. 

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User Profile: SparkyGizmo
SparkyGizmo September 11th, 2024


Hi Opti! 😊 ❤️

My sweet friend, I really cannot thank you enough.❤️ This truly is quite a pivotal moment for me! You know, I sat here and I read your words, wiped away a few tears, cried a little bit, but in the good way. Read everything again, cried some more, and of the "good way". ❤️

This is high praise coming from one of my personal hero's here on the platform! ❤️ You have been a personal hero for me and for quite a long time! All of the goodness, authenticity, positivity and kind efforts that you are able to see in others here, truly is a reflection of all of the characteristics that you possess. 

You are an inspiration to me also and have been a great example to us all! I too get to sit back, be a witness to your great works. You also make 7 cups a more positive and warm place to be and you give hope to the rest of us too! You are one of the most amazing human beings that walks the halls of the site! You are the face of 7 cups! 🥰

Its been a gift 🎁 for me to see you in action around here! Yup, I get to be and learn folks, watch and learn! lol 😊 Personally, I love sitting back, watching you shine time and time again. I get to bask in your glow, be inspired and get the reminder of why it is that I am here on the platform. It's for and because of amazing people, just like you! 

My friend, you got the good stuff! Wooooooo-hooooo! 😊 For me, it has been an absolute privilege to witness your level of engagement. I have been able to see you do things that others cannot or either will not.

I have seen you disengage from high conflict scenarios, things that you did not bring upon yourself and that you did not deserve. You were the better person! Style and grace baby, all style and grace! Walk away, let them *say it to the back of your head* while you walk away in an effort to be peaceful. You had a choice and you made the mature one. What a great example to us all....a lesser person could not have done that. (Gizzie whispered behind the screen, teach us Opti).

You have always been a well spring of hope, joy, helpfulness, optimism and positivity. Only help, never harm. (Gizzie whispered behind the screen, teach us Opti).

You have shown us that it's okay, to not feel okay. It's okay to reach out for help and support. It's why we are all here. (Gizzie whispered behind the screen, teach us Opti).

You have given us helpful information, dropped links, shared with us your thoughts on best practices around here on what it is that we should do and how to best engage with one another. (Gizzie whispered behind the screen, teach us Opti). 

Thank you for "being the example" around here. Thank you for your leadership! (yes, leadership does come from within, no special badges required). Noice! 🌟

"these are people whose positvity does not feel know like sometimes it can be very nauseating to witness over positivity? idk how to put this best ...just hope that you understand what i mean😅 ... like sometimes even when someone says something happy or positive it's not easily believable ... or just seems untrue 😅

so im only talking about people who have a genuine way of expressing and who are authentic in what they believe"

The above quote from you ^ ..... oh my friend, you said it and quite well, indeed! I understand precisely what it is that you mean! Might I say, you have chosen your user name and quite wisely! You are incredibly optimistic, highly empathic and many times, what comes with those traits is also being highly intuitive. 😊

Having a highly intuitive nature about us can provide a really strong streak of realism to balance things out. You can fool some of the people, some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. 😁 Yup, best to keep it real! People are not entirely foolish and some really underestimate the intelligence of others. Walking a path of authenticity is in my opinion, the best path to walk. I'm confident that you are sensing things and correctly. I too have been able to see hollow, shallow responses and disingenuous attempts around here, sadly.

The magic happens around here everyday! Either we are able to see it or we are able to create it. 💫 Even better if we can do both! Thank you for your friendship, thank you for being such an amazing human being, thank you for being such a fantastic leader and teammate!

Thank you for being a magic maker! 💫 I am so very grateful for you my sweet friend!

*high fives* 😊 and big big *hugs*❤️ Keep rockin' the house Opti! And as always, Weeeeeeeeee-weeeeeeee! 😊

User Profile: competentTruth3079
competentTruth3079 September 16th, 2024

@Optimisticempath Artificial sweetener is nauseating, we like that real sugar on cups, not that passive manipulative "nice" brew. 💯💫

Nice guy behavior makes me gack too. 😹💯💫