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lets show a little gratitude in your life!!

EmmyMarie06 January 29th

My challenge for you is to share a story on this thread of something hard you have gone through, but also explain how you are grateful for it! Going through rough things makes you a stronger person. having gratitude for those hard things makes you even stronger. :D    to kick things off, ill start

My dad is terminally ill. the doctors after 12 years of searching for what was wrong with him found the issue. he has a rare illness called MALS. he was a week away from the surgery when all the sudden he had his second heart attack.  he was put on blood thinners so they couldnt do the surgery for another year. finally after yet another year of late night hospital visits and stays, of my dad suffering and my family being broke my dad finally got the surgury. a few week later we found out that the MALS was only a small part of the problem. all summer my dad was recovering from surgery. he has a feeding tube put in his arm and after the surgery was probably the hardest its ever been. soon after summer started my dad had a third heart attack, and he almost died. my dad has recovered from the heart attack but is on blood thinners and medicine to help his heart. is currently on a different type of feeding tube, and still making regular hospital visits in hope to ease the pain hes constantly in. the doctors have finally admitted that they have no idea what is wrong with him, but my family is keeping hope that some day they will find what is wrong. Through all this my mom has been the only stable worker in the family, making just enough to live paycheck to paycheck. on top of that she is biopolar, and struggling to hold herself together for the family. but shes strong and through the mercy of god she has been able to keep going. 

going through all this with my family has been very hard, but im grateful for this experience because not only has it shown me how faith can carry you through hard times, but it has taught me patience, it has taught me to be grateful for the small things. its shown me that there is always a bigger thing, and things can always get worse no matter how bad things may be. its taught me self control with money, and its taught me to support my family through the midst of all this.  


Heather225 February 1st


What an incredibly powerful message of finding meaning and strength even in the midst of immense challenges. Your ability to see the silver linings, even amongst the pain, is truly inspiring. It's clear you have a deep appreciation for your family and the lessons this experience has taught you. Sending much love and support to you and your dad.

EmmyMarie06 OP February 2nd

@Heather225   Thank you so much!! this really means a lot :D

kindRiver6 February 1st

I’m grateful for my resilience

EmmyMarie06 OP February 2nd

@kindRiver6    thats an admirably great trait to have! keep up the good work!!

hopingcandle February 1st


I appreciate your courage in sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about the challenges your family is facing. It's evident that you've gained strength, patience, gratitude, and resilience through this difficult journey. Your ability to find lessons in adversity and support your family is truly inspiring. Wishing you and your family continued strength and healing.

EmmyMarie06 OP February 2nd

@hopingcandle     Thanks a bunch! this really means a lot :D

steph8402 February 2nd

emmy *hugs if ok* you are so so strong and amazing for going through that!! and im glad things are going good with you dad. your mom sounds like such an amazing person. and You! you’re so so awesome!!

whiel i would say my challenge it’s still a little hard to talk about so it’ll take a hot second for me to get the courage to say. but till then. i support you! i here for you! and i admire you! you are so strong

EmmyMarie06 OP February 2nd

@steph8402    (of course its okay to hug!!) thank you! Its definitly not the hardest thing ive ever been through, but its the most recent lol. thank you so much for your good words all the time! im 100% sure you are a strong person too, and feel no pressure to share your story too, but im sure if you wanted to you could do it!!