Happy Birthday Syd!
Haaaapppyyy birthday to you
Happy birthday to youuuu
Happy birthday dearrrr Syddddd
Happy birthday to youuuu
Syd, I made this post to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have an amazing year. I have loved the past 2 years being friends with you. I have loved watching you grow so much. Life may not be easy right now but I will always be here for you. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I hope 16 teaches you well. Team rocket forever!
Please use this thread to say awesome things about our awesome friend, Syd or to reminisce on memories!
@Syd113 @Hope @ASilentObserver @TayTayy @Spencerf202 @positivePumpkin22 @Samar27 @River @DreamTouch @CodaFlux @CommunityModAnne @CommunityModCharlie @CommunityModKay @midnightraven999 @CommunityModAlex @CommunityModEllie @CommunityModAaron @CommunityModElliot @CommunityModJennie @Amy @freddieonyx
@Zoup woah! belated happy birthday syd <3
keep growing and progressing
❤️ Happy birthday, Syd! I kind of already told you what you mean to me, but your awesomeness never rests! You are supreme, a jewel, a gemstone, supportive, efficient, considerate, thoughtful, selfless, caring, sweet, funny, kind, keen, smart, responsible, impressive, wondrous, empathetic, radiant, talented, unique, opulent, prominent, luminous, humble, hardworking, generous, gorgeous, fantastic, flabbergasting, dazzling, formidable, spectacular, amorous, creative, virtuous, beautiful, bright, nurturing, magnificent and just beyond words. Thank you for your endless shine that lights up every room and warms all hearts. Thank you for being exactly who you are. Thank you for deserving all of the appreciation, support, care and love in this world, and for providing it while being your special self. You are loved, important and unequalled. Thank you for everything ❤️
Thank you so much Daf <3
@Zoup Happy birthday syd, we all love you <3