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What does self-love mean to you?

User Profile: khloemarie999
khloemarie999 January 18th

Self-love to me means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

Genuine self-love and self-acceptance feel like embracing who you are, flaws and all. It's about treating yourself with kindness, recognizing your worth, and not being too hard on yourself during tough times. It means setting boundaries, recognizing your needs, and prioritizing your well-being without guilt. 

Self-love is really about self-knowledge. If you knew who and what you are, it would be impossible not to love yourself. The more you understand yourself, the more you'll love yourself. And the more you love yourself, the more you'll love others. Rediscover the amazing person! 

“Be the love you never received.”


User Profile: askquestions
askquestions January 21st

@khloemarie999  This is such a helpful post! I was raised to believe that self-love was a bad thing, that it was conceited, selfish and uncaring toward others. My folks, especially my dad, believed that your purpose for being here was to give everything you've got to others, to the point of having nothing left, and that was somehow virtuous. He taught me that there were different types of people and that our type was born specifically to serve others (we were from a farming community, IDK, maybe they were treated as servants?) Anyway, to even think of yourself in any way was "wicked" in my dad's eyes. He used to say to me "No daughter of mine would act or think or feel like that so therefore I don't have a daughter anymore if you are selfish (or even if you have an opinion of your own)"

But he was very wrong! 🙁 and now I kinda feel sorry for him also.

User Profile: carefulPlace4854
carefulPlace4854 January 22nd

Perfectly written. And why do people try to destroy what I believe in myself.

User Profile: carefulPlace4854
carefulPlace4854 January 22nd

I mean I don’t let them change my love for myself but some get very pushy and I don’t deal with that kind at all