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To All The Secret Friends and Appreciators❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 31st, 2023

Hi hi everyone coming across, I hope you're being kind to self and holding strong, while navigating life! 💛

Do you believe in the idea of "silent admirers"?

I do. I feel it's possible that someone admires something in us, perhaps the way we smile or the sound of our laugh, or the way we speak, or the way we care for people, or the way we show up and the list goes on.

Something to admire and appreciate in those around. It's okay for whatever xyz reasons these people chose to remain "silent"/ not convey the appreciation.

I feel it's not the most common thing to do, irl lol, stopping someone on the street and telling them you admire something about them or appreciate them for something! (Sooo coooool, if you do it often 💛)

But okay, coming back to on-cups. Often times there's silent admirers also, and when some of them appreciate you anonymously, they become your secret appreciator/ friend!

We've had countless secret/ anonymous/ "only emojis" ~ you name it (irony much?😛) people who don't give away their name but they do give us away a few things about them, and today it's to honor these secret friends/ appreciators!

Dear Secret friend/ Appreciator/ Peer,

I'm extremely glad you're part of the 7 cups community, your presence truly does make a difference and so much, beyond your imagination even.

We don't always know your username/ the kind person behind the screen, but here's a couple of things you cannot hide even if you try your absolute best for it.

💛 You are Observant, I wouldn't agree if someone tells me they tick mark the qualities mentioned in the form without giving it a thought, it's so uncanny, for anyone to do it, when there's such a specific description next to that quality!

One would pick it *only* when they have some "backing" on it, some kinda memory play "oh yes, this person was so great at problem solving when Y thing happened" or "oooh I'm so grateful for the way they communicate~ empathy and optimism is deep rooted in their communication style".

So thankyou, for being so Attentive, Observant and Remembering people for their goodness!

💛 You are Thoughtful, Kind, Considerate, Reflective and super compassionate. It's reflected in the fact that you even think about appreciating someone.

💛 You are Generous with your time and care. No other reason you'd actually click on a form link and fill it for someone. (We know form filling isn't the most fun thing to do 😛)

💛 Clicking the form is only step one, but to mention the username (we need the correct/ complete usernames so we can tag the appreciated peers in the thread with their message) is another story.

It is so not easy remembering usernames sometimes, especially that are more common words/ have more syllables/ includes numbers and such.

So kudos to you for Remembering usernames (it means you remember the impact you felt from this person more closely).

💛 Now you've mentioned the username, and can see a good amount of qualities to choose.

Of-freaking-course, you're sitting by yourself now, with this person on your mind, remembering your interactions, remembering their qualities you've observed, and in general, remembering them.

[Being remembered is such a beautiful blessing honestly, imagine how gratifying it is, just someone taking out the time of their day to think about you, remembering you and cherishing your presence.~ it cannot get better than this lol 🥰]

💛 Time to express it. And how you do it and what you say does matter and makes it so much more special and personalized.

I've come across all kinds of appreciation notes, and it makes my day reading them, even when it's not for me haha, just seeing the love and care and friendships in the community is a gratifying experience altogether!

💛 The appreciation form can be and *is* used for a multitude of things.

To make someone feel seen, acknowledged, appreciated and valued for something they do/ did or for the way they are (or better, for both).

To congratulate someone, wish them well, and cheer them on.

To remind someone they aren't alone and are always supported and cared for.

Again, the list goes on!

In short, to make someone feel less alone, and more supported, more seen and more appreciated.

To send them a token of appreciation, gratitude and love.

💛 Yes, *you*, you sweet, loving, supportive, appreciative hooman, you brighten people's day and remind them of the good things they deserve~ hope, love, care, appreciation, support, happiness, friendships. (I can keep going :P)

💛 You are Selfless, Humble, Genuine and Altruistic.

Some people argue about doing things to only receive it back and similar or feeling discouraged when they don't get the same thing back, but, here, appreciating someone anonymously leaves much less room to know who was the kind soul behind the screen, so clearly, you've got no waiting to receive "anything" back or making it feel obligatory in any way to come back to you~ you appreciate them because you want to, and you truly believe they deserve it!

(Now trust me on this, appreciation karma comes back super fast around here and whether you want it or not, your kindness is felt and recieved and hopefully soon a ripple your selfless act of kindness created will embrace you too)

All of the above and so much more. Dear secret friend, you're too super *seen*, appreciated and loved. 💛

You probably already have some idea of the impact your kindness creates, because you do it for a reason~ you *want* to brighten someone's day, and make them feel better, you want to remind people of their appreciable qualities and all the times they did so fantastically, you want to honor people for who they are and you it all, with utmost love, compassion, care and gratitude! 💛

Thank*youuu* truly, from the bottom of my heart, for going above and beyond in reminding the community, of hope, of love, of friendships, of care, of support, of gratitude, of respect and most of all, of "community"~ without which none of us would be here. 💛


Please continue being amazing, and continue sharing the love and gratitude, it is so often, the only bright light, ahead of a dark tunnel. Thankyou for spreading light and thankyou, for being light! 💛

- Sunisshiningandsoare*you*

(your not-so-secret admirer😛)

💛Wanna be a secret appreciator? Click here!💛

SparkyGizmo March 31st, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 1st, 2023

@SparkyGizmo hugs-cuddle.gif

SparkyGizmo April 1st, 2023


You are sooooooo sweet my wonderful Spidey Twin! ❤️ 😊Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😊❤️ This is one of the very first things I get to see when signing on, gift from you, your sweet *hugs* ❤️ Ahhhhh.....feels good! Heart filled with joy, smiling from ear to ear....just happy! Life is good! 😊

big big *hugs* ❤️ Good Day Sunshine! Hoping for you, a very Happy Saturday! ❤️❤️❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 1st, 2023

@SparkyGizmo Aww seeing you happy makes me super happy, Sparkyyy Sparkk! Thankyouuu for being you and consistently! ❤

Happyyyy weekend! You made mine awesome already! 🥰

❤ *highest fives* and *biggest hugs back* 🤗

SparkyGizmo April 1st, 2023



wontwakewontsleep March 31st, 2023


Thank you for this

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 1st, 2023

@wontwakewontsleep Thank*you* for reading!💜

YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou What a long but beautiful read! Lol. I, too, feel happy reading all the appreciation notes that people write. Doesn't matter if it is for me either. I just light up when I see certain people being appreciated because I know they truly deserve it for how amazing they are. I was telling someone this morning that it isn't about quantity/the number of notes that come through but rather it is about the quality of the note. The notes that people write and send in for others... you know, the ones that you can tell was written truly from the heart... the ones that are detailed and heartfelt and just sweet... I just smile and say awwww. It is always beautiful reading them and it is always on honor of mine to be able to deliver those beautiful notes. Also, I have a lot of respect for the unknown people. Anonymous, secret friend, etc... whatever you call them, I respect the fact they take the time out of their day to appreciate others without seeking any recognition in return. And the secret friends who actually reach out to me to thank me for doing a beautiful job delivering their notes... it just fills my heart and gives me a whole new respect for that person. There are so many beautiful people on here and I am glad that people are utilizing and filling the form. I absolutely love the peer appreciation program and the purpose behind it. ♡♡♡♡ All love!

SparkyGizmo April 1st, 2023



YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

@SparkyGizmo Awwww, if it isn't my Sparky. Awwww. Hiiiiiii friend. ♡

SparkyGizmo April 1st, 2023


Hi my wonderful friend! 😊❤️ Loved what you said in the post! I love how you are as a human being, your thought process! Hoping for you, a very Happy Saturday! 😊❤️

big big *hugs* ❤️

YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

@SparkyGizmo Awwww, thank you so much! 🤗 It is 3:20a so I will be off to bed soon but my day is going great so far. Lol. Nice and quiet and in a happy mood. 😊 Xoxo. Hope you have a great day too. ♡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 1st, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Aww so well said and super duper relatable! Grateful to be a part of this lovely project, and share a team with people as wonderfully creative and beautifully talented as yourself! All hearts! ❤

Emerbliss April 26th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou, these words really my day. Thank you for posting such a kind and generous thread ❣️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 26th, 2023


Aww it's lovely to see you, and hear the post made your day. You're amazingggg! Thankyou for being *youu*!

Emerbliss April 26th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou, Thank YOU too❤️

Avaria April 29th, 2023

I just stumbled across this post and oh, my! It's awesome.
Secret appreciators truly don't get noticed enough and you're truly thoughtful for making this post. You're such a wonderful human being, sun :p

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 30th, 2023


Aww yes exactly! Sooo glad you stumbled upon this post hehe, thankyouu, wonderful Avaaaa! ❤