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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Bubbles2025 November 30th, 2023

*Ring Ring* 📞 What time is it? ⏰ Its appreciation time with yours truly...Bubbles!

We have some awesome members and listeners that need to be appreciated. 😇 I love seeing all these appreciation forms coming through, reading them makes my heart melt!

This appreciation post is super special... because... it's a secret! A secret friend would like to appreciate @Suryansh ! I love it when it's anonymous, it makes it fun to guess who wrote it!

Their Message To Surya Reads: 

How sweet is that message?! Just so heart warming. 🥰 On top of this beautifully written message, your secret friend chose some of their favorite qualities about you: 

💫 Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals 

💗  Supportive - They are kind and helpful

💫  Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone

💗 Cheerful - They are fun to be around 

💫  Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong 

💗  Positive - They focus on good qualities in others

💫   Open-Minded - They are able to see things from others’ point of view 

Surya, you are such an amazing person and a great addition to 7 cups. You are so kind and understanding. You are always there to answer my questions or handle a situation when I need it. Thank you for training me and working with me to become the best listener I can be. ~ bubbles 

Lastly, your secret friend wanted to send you some warm hugs for when you are feeling low


LoveMyMoonflowers November 30th, 2023


awwe 🥺 this is a vv sweet post, bubbles. i love the soft purple vibes 💜 it’s cute! 

Bubbles2025 November 30th, 2023

*Knock Knock* ✊ whats that sound? 🦻 It sounds like it's time for another appreciation post! How exciting! 

We have yet another secret friend wanting to spread their appreciation to different people. The lucky recipient  in this post is.....@VerseArt 

Friends message reads as: 


Along with this heartfelt message, your secret friend wanted to let you know some of their favorite qualities: 

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong

 Positive - They focus on good qualities in others

Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Open-Minded - They are able to see things from others’ point of view

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Last but not least, they wanted to send you some flowers : )


VerseArt December 1st, 2023

Hello @Bubbles2025 😊

Thank you so much for creating this beautiful post and sharing such wonderful messages. <3

Kristynsmama November 30th, 2023

@InternalAcceptance received this special appreciation from @Bubbles2025

Here’s what Bubbles has to say:

Internal, where do I even start with you. you were the first person to message me and acknowledge me coming back from break. I was given a very nasty message and you handled it with grace. Since then our friendship has continued to grow. You are always there for me no matter what. You are always helping me and giving me the safe space I never had. Thank you for being someone I know has my back and thank you for never failing to be there for me. Words can’t even begin to express how grateful I am to have you in my 7 cups life. 

And Bubbkes spotted these special characteristics in InternalAcceptance:

Rational - They are sensible, not moody., Supportive - They are kind and helpful., Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act., Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone., Cheerful - They are fun to be around., Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.



And Bubbles is sending this healing tea to InternalAcceptance:


BrightIndigo December 1st, 2023

💙🌻💜 @Orca03 has sent a lovely message and flowers to the always wonderful @Alaya22 💜🌻💙



Orca03 also mentioned the following qualities:


Cheers to you both for spreading love and good vibes all around! 🤗💜

VictoriaLove7 December 1st, 2023


There is a Sunflower 🌻 in the graphic to show the flowers for Alaya ☺

Sunflower 🌻 heart Sunflower 🌻 heart ☺

Alaya22 December 1st, 2023

This is so sweet!! Oh my god. I was having a rough day and just saw this. It just made me so happy! Thank you so much @Orca03 ❤️🥺 Thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot to me 🥺

BrightIndigo December 1st, 2023

💛😃💚 @Kristynsmama has sent a lovely message and a Smile to the always wonderful @OllieRNLI999 💚😃💛



Kristynsmama also mentioned the following qualities:


We're lucky to have yall here, spreading the warm and good vibes 💜😄


EmpathysGarden December 1st, 2023


hello everyone,

@Sunisshiningandsoarethey is sending Warm Hugs and an Important message to 

@AnyaThePickleInAPickle !

@sunisshiningandsoarethey’s message reads: Hiya lovely being, you are such a caring, supportive, warm, compassionate and endearing presence around, it’s so nice to come across your sweet replies to people in the forumland. Thank you for being such a loud reminder of goodness and kindness in the world. You are truly appreciated. I hope you receive all the love and kindness back 1000 times and more, yesss, you deserve it too ❤️

Additionally, @Sunisshiningandsoarethey wanted to highlight some of your best traits: 

Supportive-They are kind and and helpful. Empathetic-they look to understand and share the feelings of another. 

Friendly-They are caring and nice to everyone. 

Respectful-They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood. 

Purposeful-They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place. 

Anya, you are such a fantastic addition to our 7 cups family. I’m so thrilled to see a wonderful individual like you in the forums. You are Dedicated, Self-Aware, Hard Working, Vulnerable, and Brave! Thank you for all the time you spend online making the platform a better place. 

Sun, you are one of the largest forces for positivity, I have ever encountered. I am always so inspired and uplifted in your presence. Thank you for spreading so much love and appreciation to our listeners and members. 

It was my absolute pleasure to bring this daily kindness alive in our Peer Appreciation Corner for @Sunisshiningandsoarethey and @AnyaThePickleInAPickle




VictoriaLove7 December 1st, 2023


I like the Sunflowers 🌻 motifs in the first graphic with Sunshine's 🌞❤ @Sunisshiningandsoareyou message for Anya Pickle ☺ It is a cute Sunflower 🌻 & yellow flowers graphic, Emp! ☺

The hugs graphic is Sunflowers 🌻 with in various hug poses, hihi ☺



How lovely, thank youu for your kind words and posting this for @AnyaThePickleInAPickle for me, Riley, you are amazinggg!💖

AnyaThePickleInAPickle January 18th

I'm choking up 😢 Thank you so much for the kind words, Sun! 😭 I didn't realize how much I'd be moved by the act of being noticed and appreciated. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear those things, thank you so so much...

You are amazing. The mere fact that you took time out of your day to write and submit something so nice about me is amazing. Thank you so much, you are truly shining like the sun.

sadcat13 December 1st, 2023

We have a special message and some flowers from @Orca03 for our amazing @Happybutterflymoon 

Orca specially highlighted these of your qualities: 

🌺 Cheerful - They are fun to be around.
🌺 Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals
🌺 Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone
🌺 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Orca´s special message for you:

Your kindness has been a beacon of light for people, and your understanding has made a world of difference. 🌟 Your help has been invaluable, and connecting with you has been a true blessing for the people🌸✨. People in your life are undoubtedly lucky to have someone as loving and caring as you🌈. Keep up the Great work , you are an wonderful listener🔥


VictoriaLove7 December 1st, 2023


It is a newspaper appreciation graphic theme, & the flowers 💐 are in the photo, and there is a bear holding a heart, hehe ☺

Happybutterflymoon December 1st, 2023

Thank you so much for this appreciation @ocra03.

It really means so much to me.

It's a pleasure to meet such good people like you.

sadcat13 December 1st, 2023

@Happybutterflymoon you switched up two letters, corrected it for u @Orca03

Bubbles2025 December 1st, 2023

Drum Roll please *Drum Rolls*, we have yet another appreciation post for you all today! Are you the lucky recipient?! keep on reading to find out 😝

*Intense Pause* A secret friend would like to appreciate..... @ASilentObvserver !

Friend message reads as: 


Along with this beautifully written message, friend pointed out some of Observers best qualities. 


Friend also wanted to send you some warm hugs for when you are feeling down : ) 


Observer, thank you so much for everything you do for cups. We appreciate all your head work and the time you have put into this platform. Keep up the amazing work. ~ Bubbles 

VictoriaLove7 December 1st, 2023


The letters are in soft purplish, blue, and red, because the background of the graphics are soft purplish and blue for the Olaf hug graphic, & there are little Olafs ☃️ 

*Intense pause* hihi, Bubbles 🐧🧋 it is a cute graphic & fun opening for the appreciation for  @ASilentObserver  ☺

sadcat13 December 1st, 2023

We are back with another appreciation! This time, we have a message and some warm hugs for @yourbuddy30 sent by a secret friend.


Your secret friend highlighted these of your qualities:

💎 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
💎 Positive - They focus on good qualities in others
💎 Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone
💎 Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together
💎 Cheerful - They are fun to be around
💎 Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions
💎 Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals


Your secret friend´s special message for you:

Hello buddy, my dear friend, how are you? I hope you are well today. I want to appreciate you today because I find many best qualities that a person seeks in others. And you deserve to be appreciated. I wish I could select more quality from the above list… but you know? I respect you a lot straight through my heart. For everything, your support to the community, helping people around, helping me also. And respecting everyone. I really love to see you around in the rooms and when I say you "Hello Buddy, welcome in... 😊". I also miss when we chat in pms and share thoughts. Those are just wonderful memories. I am glad that I found such a wonderful friend on cups who holded my hands in my difficult time by understanding my situation. According to me, you are just perfect. I never saw any fault or anything that you need to improve on… but you are someone who is just a blessing. Thank you buddy for always supporting me, showing me the path and helping me to see a big picture. Your efforts really mean me a lot. I will always keep you in my heart. I will always miss you my dear friend. It's time for me to leave now. If it is in our destiny, we will meet again. It's time for me to work on myself and become a better person. But till then, I want to wish you - may God bless you and may your dreams come true. Never lose hope. Take care, have a wonderful journey ahead, be happy, see you soon and be careful here. Things are changing now. And thank you for always believing in me. I hope you know remember me. *Hugs* 😊❤️


yourbuddy30 December 2nd, 2023

@sadcat13 I am so touched by this message. Thank you Cat! I do know who this person is and I'm not sure if they are reading this but lots of love and support from my side. I really hope you are well and I wish the best for you. Thank you! This is one of the sweetest messages I have received. 

Bubbles2025 December 1st, 2023

Ring Ring ⏰ its time for another appreciation post....are you the lucky winner? Stay and come find out! 

A secret friend wants to share warm hugs and an appreciation too @SparkyGizmo 🥰

The message reads as: 


Your Warm Hug ! 


Lastly, your secret friend wanted to point out some of your best qualities. 

💫 Cheerful - They are fun to be around

🫶 Coachable - They have a desire to improve

💫 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

🫶 Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone

💫 Supportive - They are kind and helpful

🫶 Open Minded - They are able to see things from others’ point of view

💫 Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong


Bubbles2025 December 1st, 2023


Oh no! The graphic did't work : 0 

here is the message from your secret friend @SparkyGizmo

Hey gizmooooooo 😮, how are you my dear friend? I hope you are doing well… Sorry I can't select more than 7 qualities… lol… But you know how much I respect you… You are really my inspiration. I really love to talk to you in pms and groups. You are such a cheerful person that I love to see you in the room. I love how you bring positivity in the room and you always stay energetic. I wish I could have the same amount of energy over time. Lol. Well, i want to thank you gizmo my dear friend for always supporting me and guiding me. You really did well and you deserve to be appreciated. I wish I could do more for you, but I can only appreciate you and my pms are always open for you. Please let me know if I can be helpful to you. You are such a lovely soul that I feel glad to find you here on this platform. I really respect your time, efforts, and roles here in making this platform secure and better for every listener and members. I will miss how we used to chat in rooms and pm. You will always be in my heart gizmo my dear friend. I will be taking leave now. I have to work on myself. If it is in our destiny, we will cross our path one day. But till then, I have to work on myself and become a better person. I have a lot to say… but I know this form is not enough to express everything. So at last, I want to wish you luck. Please take care of yourself, I love the way you are. Never get change. See you soon and be safe here. Things are changing. May your dreams come true. I hope, now you know me. My best wishes are always with you my dear best friend gizmoooooo… 😮 *hugs* 😊❤️

SparkyGizmo December 3rd, 2023


Hi Bubbles! 😊 ❤️ Thank you so very much for making this appreciation post come to fruition! Thank you for all of the time spent on this and for all that you do for others here on the platform as well.

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

Hi My Secret Appreciator! 😊 ❤️  Thank you so very much my friend! You have no idea, how very much this means to me. I'm so grateful that you did this kindness for me. 

It's so incredibly impactful to read your beautiful words and kind thoughts in regard to me. It means a lot that you feel this way. I'm so glad that I have been there for you in the moments that you needed it. The pleasure was all mine my friend! 

I think I may have an indication of who it is that you are? Well, I guess you and I know the outcome now if I have guessed correctly. 

In an effort to bring you comfort, first I'll say that we all make mistakes. To be human is to be fallible. We all make them. I don't stand in judgement of you as I understand this concept. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones". I would be hard pressed to find anyone on the planet that feels as if they never made a mistake and if I were to find said person....I would be quite concerned about engaging with them further. 😳

I have deep admiration and respect for how it is that you are handling all of this. You are taking ownership of the problem and you are also seeing this as an opportunity for growth and change in a positive direction. Sometimes, in life, it's not about what happens to us, but more about how it is that we respond to it. How we see things as a "teachable moment" and learn and grow from it so that we don't make the same mistake again. 

7 cups is the land of second chances. Fall down, get up, fall down, get up. 😊 There is more to be said about a man/woman in how they got back up than in how they fell down in the first place. I'll be here waiting for you to *extend a hand* to help and lift you. I'll be waiting with *open arms* ❤️ .  

In the mean time, rest assured, you will be truly missed. ❤️ This isn't goodbye it's simply....see you soon! 

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Bubbles2025 December 2nd, 2023

*Yawwwwns* good day everyone! I hope you are all doing well. You know what time it is, it is appreciation time : )

                                                                @Dancat1128 🐱 


Can you guess who it is from?? well.....its from @Kirstynsmama : ) They wanted to take the time to appreciate you and send you some sunshine. On top of that, here are some of their favorite qualities of you: 


Dan, thank you for everything you do for cups. We love having you here. ~ Bubbles 


Bubbles2025 December 2nd, 2023


ughhh the graphic! i am so sorry. here it is 

Bubbles2025 December 2nd, 2023



VictoriaLove7 December 2nd, 2023


The Sunshine 🌞❤ with halo is cute, and also the snoopy, Bubbles 🐧🧋! Hihi ☺

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 2nd, 2023

Hey hey @enigmaticpanda4152I hope this tag finds you doing well. I really admire people who acknowledge the power of self-kindness and take out time to appreciate themself. So happy to see two sweet self-appreciations under your name!💚



Appreciation is certainly like a reward and it does act as a motivational boost. Keep on being your pandastic self, Panda!💚

Ooh and it's nice to see you send yourself some smiles too. Yes please, the smile looks beautiful on you!💚


LoveMyMoonflowers December 2nd, 2023


the graphics are vvv lovely sunnie bean 🥰 this posting is cute 🌈

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 2nd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers hehe thank youu, Niibuddy. *pandahugsss youu*🤗❤

LoveMyMoonflowers December 2nd, 2023


hugglleeesss ❤️

VictoriaLove7 December 2nd, 2023


It is a cute panda graphic to show Enigmaticpanda! 🐼

The letters color is brown just like the message color in the graphic, and the color for the names is peach because it is the font color for the names in the graphic and the color of the panda 🐼 blushes. The hearts are green just like the color of the bamboos! ©️ Sunshine's 🌞❤ original cute style! 🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 2nd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you, Vic!❤

VictoriaLove7 December 2nd, 2023


Thank *youu*, Sunshine 🌞❤ for your works in making cute graphic that is full of meanings ❤ The graphics you created prettify the appreciation! 🤗❤

enigmaticpanda4152 December 20th, 2023


Thanks Sunnie.. These graphics are so brilliantly created.. I couldn't imagine myself in so beautiful sparkly way.. Totally loved it.. Couldn't be more gracious to you for creating this mater piece. 

Lots of love ❣❣ and Panda Hugs.. 🤗🤗

Sunnie.. May be always be bright and keep showering your light.. 🧡 🧡


Aw I missed this tag earlier, but somehow had the upvote notification still lol, sooo glad, thank youuu Pandaaa. Lots of love and sparkles your way!💗💗💗

Bubbles2025 December 3rd, 2023

*Knock Knock* It's appreciation time with bubbles. We have some lovely messages that need to be sent, and I have the honor of sharing a few of them today. 



A secret friend wanted to send you a warm hug along with their appreciation letter


Your Qualities they pointed out: 

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Positive - They focus on good qualities in others

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong

Friendly - They are caring and nice to everyone


VictoriaLove7 December 3rd, 2023


The letters colors are blue and brown, because the background of the graphic is blue, because it is for blueriver and the font color of the hug is brown ☺ Bubbles opening is funny, knock knock hihi 🐧🧋

BlueRivercares December 5th, 2023

@Bubbles2025 thanks for posting and doing the graphics
@chetan1408 chetaaannn i know it's you without any doubt xD. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. You hold a special place in my heart as well. I cherish our conversations and the techy stuff we share. I will miss you dearly in chatrooms as well as pms :'). Hopefully you come back some day..and i can't wait for that day to come because i will be excited to see you. take care, have fun and have good life ahead. (psst don't drift too much xD )