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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

YourCaringConfidant May 15th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awww this is soo cute! So much happiness 😊. Great job, 🌞.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Always the best smiler ever!❀

zaatarHoney May 15th, 2023


I am SO caught off-guard in the most positively wonderful kind of way. I've always loved sending anonymous appreciation because I've always believed it makes you look out to the world with a lovely kinda suspicion, lol! πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯°

To the kind heart who thought of me and took the time to help me feel special like this- I wish upon you constant surprises that give you a depth of indescribable joy that inspires you through all life's adversities and challenges indefinitely. β™₯︎ Thank you.

& Sun, I wish the same for youu, this was such a beautiful graphic!!! I love how my lil pfp and color scheme was worked into it too, keke. This is such a truly meaningful work of art on so many levels and I appreciate you so much too!! 🀯😭

I feel teary-eyed and so grateful. Thank youu, thank you, thank you. Never expected but never ever taken for granted.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023


Awwww you're so welcome, Zaatiii, you've been such a beautiful presence around, completely deserving of this appreciation and more. I'm so happy you could see the meaning in everything, it means a lot to me how you care enough to notice and appreciate that as well ~ just another example here of "why" you deserve more appreciations. \❀_❀/

YourCaringConfidant May 15th, 2023


πŸ’— 🌸 πŸ’— 🌸 πŸ’— 🌸

You are such a sweet and special person that it brings me much joy to be able to deliver the following appreciation notes to you!

Your appreciators literally wrote to you from the heart... and there's nothing that I can say about you that hasn't already been covered! Happy reading, Tabby!

From: @mysteriousclover


Click here to view image larger.

ο»ΏFrom: @amiableBunny4016





πŸ’— 🌸 πŸ’— 🌸 πŸ’— 🌸

Qualities: optimistic, agile, resilient, supportive, authentic, respectful, cheerful, great communicator, patient, and consistent.

Tabby, didn't I tell you that they covered it all? That was such a long but sweet read and I know you must be crying tears of joy. Clover and Bunny really love you and it shows! Tabby, you deserve all the happiness in the world and you are blessed to have such sweet people to care about you.

Clover and Bunny, I wanted to thank you both for thinking of Tabby and sending her such sweet notes. You both are the absolute sweetest and I hope you get all that love and more back! Have a beautiful day!

TabbyCat97 May 15th, 2023


oouhh mii gooddnass :') Myy heart has completely melted :') eeee you sweet sweet lovely people. I cant thank you enough β™‘ Your words mean the absolute world to me, and you have made me smile so so wide! This has totalllyy and completelly made myy whole entire day ~ waiiit honestlly my entire year πŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ.

Desiireee - the beautiful, out of this world amaazingg graphics and layout :') and your sweet sweet words as usual lovely desiiree! awweeeee β™‘ we are so so sooo luckkyy to have you on PAT, you have the most warm, loving and caring heart ever β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌ thank you so much for this posting, I hope you are having a lovely day β™‘ -huuggs if okiii- heheh!


Cloovsss❀️ Thank you so much, so so so so soooo much! My goodness buddy, how does a person as amazzingg as you exist eeeeee? I know things are tough right now for you :( β™‘ ~ but you still spent time writing me this super kind and really lovely appreciation :') thattt totally melts my heart lovely ~ yoou never ever stop giving out so much love, kindness and care, you have such amazing qualities Clovs β™‘ I am so proud of you, you are so very brave and I am always always here for you. I love our chats so much, through bad times and good happy memory filled times ~ I got you, I am by your side :') β™‘ You are an incredible person, and I believe in you - keep shining my caring clover friend β™‘ Not only are you so awesome to talk to on pms, but you also, truly, bring those amazing, caring, welcoming and supportive vibes to chatrooms :') My smile always widens, and my day brightens when I see you in chatrooms, I just know it will be a super fun, awesome conversation β™‘ ~and the way you support your friends, and peers, with such love and care melts my heart also - a thouusand times overrr bud! eeeeee *happyy daancee from seeing a message from Clovs* heheh β™‘


oouhh twinnie! bunweee πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­β€οΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌ I am totallyy and utterllyy speechlesss! this must have took so so much time lovely β™‘ oouhh my golly gosh goodness me girlypops! I am so so sooo happy we met, you have been so incredibly welcoming , and supportive ~ with congratulating me on my achievements :') ~ siinnce day 1 of meeting you! β™‘ you have the sweetest most selfless, caring of hearts. You never ever fail to put a smile on my face πŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ you are incredibly brave and so very inspiring with all your amazing words, all your wonderful poems - and how resilient you have been through everything β™‘ I am so proud of you, beyyond words proud. I know things are so tough and difficult, but I am always by your side! TabbyLand (pms hehe) isss alwayys open, so so much choccaattee and spaaggheettii is awaaiiting youu! β™‘ oouuh my goodness :') I am just smiling from ear to ear right now. You have such a positive impact on so many, all you ever do is love and care and appreciate others, doing anything and everything you possibly can to make sure they are okie, and that they are appreciated for what they do, and looked after β™‘ you deserve the entire world - you truly do :') β™‘ -huuggss- -shares chocateee- the amazing funny memories :') I will never everrr forgettt them you knowww?! heheh , tab tab will neevverr forget all the funny spelling mistakes, all the laughs and fun and jokes. Throughout such difficult times, bunny always is and continues to be the funniest, sweetest and appreciative bunweee in the entire universe ! I hope the brain cell we share with the cat is doing okie :p β™‘ always here for youu

-grabbss tissueee becausee I cannott with these amazing messages from bunweee and clooovss- eeeee!! β™‘


VictoriaLove7 May 15th, 2023
Hey everyone! \( ^o^ )/

We have a very special appreciation for

@heather225 🦜
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞
@asilentobserver 🐘
@GlenM β˜•
@laura 🌸

It is an honor and a joy for me to present this appreciation for each one of you whom I deeply admire.

Your care for this community, your leadership, your compassion, and your selfless spirit are appreciated by a secret friend. πŸ₯³



From me

To Secret Friend Thank you for giving this well-deserved appreciation! You are a wonderful person, I hope you be kind to yourself too! πŸŽ‰

To @Heather225 Thank you for leading our community with your intuitive leadership, for making time to share your insights with us and for your quick way to solve things efficiently and improve things in our community. 🦜

To @Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for your innumerable contributions to Cups. Your willingness to go above and beyond in your efforts have made a significant impact on this community. Your hard work do not go unnoticed. We are so lucky to have you in this community. Thank you for making a difference, Sunshine, I'm truly blessed to know you and to have you. ❀

To @ASilentObserver Thank you for being supportive and for your thoughtful feedback. Thank you also for your hard work in managing the chatrooms and for keep looking for ways to improve things in this community. 🐘

To @GlenM Thank you for founding this platform and for making mental health support accessible to all. T h a n k y o u for being an example of a humble and compassionate leader. β˜•

To @laura Thank you for your kind presence that stays with us through the forum. Hope you are doing well and know that your kindness is still felt by many! 🌸

YourCaringConfidant May 15th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Victoria, the graphic with the cups and icon to represent them is sooooooooo cute! Love it. This posting I can tell you put some love into it. So personalized! Fabulous πŸ‘Œ job! β™‘

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2023


*brb crying* 😭😭❀❀

VictoriaLove7 May 15th, 2023


πŸ€— You deserve this appreciation, and more than this, Sunshine! 🌞 You have worked hard and made a significant impact in this community. Thank *you* for everything you have done and all that you still do. ❀

GlenM May 15th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 thank you for being an endless source of compassion and love for our community! You lift us all up with your kind words ✨

VictoriaLove7 May 16th, 2023


Thank you so much, Glen for your kind words and encouragement! It means a lot coming from you. Thank you for being a great example of leadership. You inspire me, and I have learned so much from you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023


Omigoshhh haha, I really needed to take some off for getting back to this one. 🀧

I wrote an entire post for secret friends- but I'd soooo love to know who this is from, so I can personally thank them as well.

For #1 Thinking of me

#2 Observing/ Noticing/ Being positively-impacted with my presence

#3 Including me amongst this highly admirable group of Cupsers who are so consistently making an impact and people who I personally respect and feel greatly inspired with as well (way to go @GlenM @Heather225 @ASilentObserver @Laura~ your presence is indeed felt, Laura πŸ’›)

#4 Writing such a heart felt, sweet and encouraging note for all of us

#5 Reaffirming to what this community is all about and redefining our "why" to keep pushing forward even better

#6 For the kind secret friend for being themselves, being an incredible blessing to the world

Secret friend, I do hope you see it someday, your kindness means a lot to me and I'm beyond humbled and forever grateful to have been able to create a positive impact in some ways. ❀

Thankyouu for posting this beautiful appreciation for all of us, Vicccc. I feel it's not the easiest task to keep the personalization intact when there's more than one people being appreciated in the same post/ message but then again, where is will, there's always a way. I absolutely love how you've personalized this one for all of us, the little cups are soooo adorable lol, I'm totally vibing with the designs, plus your individual notes for all of us is a treat to read, I wholeheartedly agree with what you said about others as well. Thankyou for being so so thoughtful and loving always! ❀

VictoriaLove7 May 17th, 2023


My pleasure, Sunshine! 🌞 Each one of you, Glen, H, you, Obs, and Laura deserves to get your own cup for your significant impact in this community.

You have worked hard and have made significant differences in Cups community in numerous way, Sunshine 🌞 You earn our gratitude every day. Thank you for everything that you have done for Cups! ❀

FineFrog15 May 17th, 2023


What Vic said! 😊❀️

VictoriaLove7 May 17th, 2023


Thank you, Froggy! πŸ˜ƒ

FineFrog15 May 17th, 2023


You are most welcome my wonderful friend! 😊❀️ I respect you, I admire you. You know the good stuff and the good people around here when you see them! I "see you" too! ❀️ Thank you for being a powerful force here in our community!

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️ Weeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeee! 😊

VictoriaLove7 May 17th, 2023


Thank you Froggy! I'm actually at a loss for words. Thank you so much for saying that! 🀧 The people up there, Glen, Sunshine, H, Obs are the ones whom I have always looked up to.

I respect and admire you too! You are a kind presence in Cups (and MCR) and I can see that you are a good person fosho. It's always great to see you in MCR, I meant it. You keep the rooms safe and fun with your presence. 🐸 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 19th, 2023


All heartssss!πŸ€—β€πŸ€—

FineFrog15 May 17th, 2023


Well said my friend, well said! 😊 I'm glad your appreciator has good taste! ❀️❀️❀️ I agree with them.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 19th, 2023


Oof too sweeet as always! *biggest hugsss* πŸ€—β€

FineFrog15 May 19th, 2023



VictoriaLove7 May 15th, 2023
Hey everyone! (βŽβ›α΄—β›βŽ)
We got a wonderful appreciation for

@saraamin 🌸

From an amazing appreciator

@N09imous 🌼


These are the qualities that N09imous finds in you


From me

@N09imous Thank you for giving this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🌼

@saraamin Thank you for being your true self and to introspect. You are appreciated! 🌸
Optimisticempath May 15th, 2023
Sweet appreciation for a sweet peer πŸ’•

@Womango9097, you have been appreciated by @beck1 for being awesome πŸ’•

Thanks for supporting the room Mango πŸ’• you're sweet πŸ₯­ and I'm not biased even though I love mangos a lot πŸ˜›

Thanks for the appreciation Beck πŸ’• and for hosting amazing sessions!
Optimisticempath May 15th, 2023


Really glad I'm not posting this on Mother's day by the calender date because truly...every day is mother's/ care giver's and guardian's day πŸ’•


Thanks for this thoughtful message @jadebutterfly9191 πŸ’• you're appreciated also 🌸

I am thinking about...


And also want to send some love to...



YourCaringConfidant May 15th, 2023

@Optimisticempath What a beautiful posting! Sooooo empathetic and loving.

Optimisticempath May 15th, 2023


Aw I am so happy you feel so! Sending hugs πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

YourCaringConfidant May 15th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023
Hey hey @Caretoshare1821 lovely to meet you! Your username is super spot on hehe! πŸ’•


Big ups for acknowledging your struggles, and appreciating yourself for being motivated to support people. It can be truly gratifying to brighten someone else's day, I hope you have many bright days ahead also! πŸ’•
Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023

What a heartfelt appreciation this one is. πŸ’™

From @CompassionateOak202 for @Foreigner419, for being Patient, Empathetic, Coachable, Emotionally Intelligent, Authentic, Innovative and great at communication. πŸ’™


Way to go, Foreigner, your kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion truly makes a difference and it's so great to see you being appreciated for the same! πŸ’™

Really enjoyed reading this one, Oak, you mean from the heart, you write from the heart, you write to the heart! Glad you found support and many new friendships here! πŸ’™

VictoriaLove7 May 16th, 2023


The font color you chose is pretty, Sunshine! 🌞 I like the neon tone decorations too. They blend well with the color πŸ₯°

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Yay love the neons too, thankyou for being so wondrous, Vicccc!πŸ₯°

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2023

Just @Beck1 being on the look out for amazing people, observing their appreciable qualities and sending them an encouraging message! πŸ’›

This one's for you @HelpfulHawk98, you are recognized for being Supportive, Respectful, Coachable, Emotionally intelligent, Great at Communication and Problem-solving! πŸ’›


(The graphic is created with love by my fellow wonderful Smile Spreader @Avaria πŸ’›)

Keep being awesome, Becki, it is an amazing thing, what you do~ encourage, uplift and motivate people to continue trying their best! πŸ’›

Keep it up, Hawk, it's super brave to reach out for support as a listener while navigating difficult chat situations, we don't need to do it all alone PLUS it's always such a great learning opportunity to seek insight from others! Happy learning, and happy listening! πŸ’›

beck1 May 16th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for posting and @Avaria thank you for making such a beautiful graphic

VictoriaLove7 May 16th, 2023
Hey everyone! (βŽβ›α΄—β›βŽ)
We have a wonderful appreciation for
@morganwindow 🌼

From an amazing appreciator
@Tobedoctor 🏡

These are the qualities that Tobe finds in you

From me

@Tobedoctor Thank you for giving this appreciation. Hope you be kind to yourself too! 🏡

@morganwindow Hope you stay strong and hang in there! You are appreciated! 🌼

EnigmaticCat24 May 16th, 2023


Toast baby is soo cutee❀

blissfulSky8162 May 16th, 2023

We have @beck1 appreciating @TheCrew4887


Here’s what @beck1 thinks about @TheCrew4887

🌈 Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity.,

🌈Supportive - They are kind and helpful.,

🌈Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts.,

🌈Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

🌈Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

🌈Here’s what @beck1 wants to say to @TheCrew4887 ❀️


It reads: I had the pleasure of meeting Crew in the discussion I was hosting today. They are awesome and a delight to talk to. They were answering the questions amazingly well and at the end, had some very comforting words to share. Great job, Crew!

🌈To the appreciator , @beck1

Thank you so much for appreciating a peer! You’ve written an amazin note that highlighted our fellow friend’s qualities and it’s beautiful❀️ We are so very happy to have you with us!

🌈To the appreciated, @TheCrew4887

You’ve done an amazing job helping out and sharing your thoughts during a discussion and that’s pretty amusing! You’re making this world a better place already and we’re here for it! Way to go buddy!


blissfulSky8162 May 16th, 2023

We have A secret peer appreciating @DrNinja



Here’s what they think about @DrNinja

🧑Cheerful - They are fun to be around.,

πŸ–€Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

🀍Coachable - They have a desire to improve.,

🧑Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity.

🀍Here’s what they want to say to @DrNinja 🧑


It reads: You are really funny DrNinja 😁 i hope we can talk more. Thanks for being supportive as a listener πŸ’œ

🧑To the appreciator

Thank you so much for appreciating a peer! You make this community a better place. It’s a beautiful sight to see :)

πŸ–€To the appreciated, @DrNinja

You’re clearly an amazing person! Hoping you see more fun filled days to come. Thank you for being a part of this community !

blissfulSky8162 May 16th, 2023

@blissfulSky8162 oh no my ninja edit :(


blissfulSky8162 May 16th, 2023

@blissfulSky8162 trying once more
