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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 24th, 2023

Hey hey @FrenchMarbles, super grateful to your fossil-self, for being a wondrous hooman, always supporting and appreciating (Read: making people legit cry tears of joy) everyone around. You're a delight, Frenchieeee! ❀

Wow smh xD I started out and forgot to introduce the actual appreciation xD well okay, this one's from an anonymous peerson who'd like to give a sweet shout out to you! ❀


At last, I'd say even though it might sound cheesy, that you're abso-freaking-lutely grate! The world needs more of You! And Nutella! πŸ˜›β€

FrenchMarbles February 24th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou staaaaaap you're sweet

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 24th, 2023


It's the nutella talking soooo Nuuu-tella to staaap!πŸ˜›β€

GloriaD February 24th, 2023


Here is an appreciation post for you πŸ–€

You are appreciated by an Anonymous peer for being :

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart.

Forgiving - They make conscious, intentional decisions to let go of resentment and anger toward someone for an offense.

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity.

And the peer has a message for you πŸ–€


A short but very important reminder. Thank you for this Dear Anonymous peer πŸ–€

Gemini, you have so many amazing qualities and I'm sure your personality has made many others smile, including your appreciator !

Do SMILE to celebrate your amazing self, I'm smiling with you 😊😊😊😊

Lots of best wishes,

🌻 GloriaD 🌻

TabbyCat97 February 25th, 2023

Helloo everyone!

This Appreciation is for...


The Appreciator was...


Little message from me to start (: -

Firstly I'd like to say that Maria you are so lovely, so kind and such an amazing part of the group chats. It is so lovely seeing you talking to others as you are so kind and really lift the mood of that chat! And we are birthday twins :o so you must be awesome hehe!

Also Elwin, you're amazing. You're always so kind, thankful, loving and caring. Always looking out for others and supporting them so well. You have been so kind appreciating a peer and you deserve all the appreciation right back β™‘ thank you for all you do here on 7cups.

Now onto this lovely appreciation β™‘

elwinthisside124 describes mariainfj as being...


Elwin also left a note for Maria to say...


Thank you both so much. I am so proud of you Maria. And Elwin you are so lovely β™‘

Take care,


mariainfj February 25th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 thank you so much for this amazing appreciation ❀️❀️❀️

TabbyCat97 February 25th, 2023


You're so welcome Maria, you're wonderful β™‘ keep being amazing


VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023
Hey everyone! πŸ˜ƒ
We have a wonderful appreciation today for
@Sleepwalkermw 🌟

From an amazing appreciator
@kyuun ⭐


These are the qualities Kyuun finds in you 🌟

From me to both

Thank you for giving this appreciation and know that you are a wonderful person too! 🌟

Thanks for being an authentic, supportive, and empathetic person. You are appreciated πŸ’«
Sleepwalkermw February 26th, 2023


Dear kyuun, thank you so much for this appreciation, this literally made my day ❀️ This made me smile and feel acknowledged after a really tough day. I appreciate your feedback and your kindness... and I am looking forward to seeing you around! ❀️

Dear Vicoria, thank you for posting this and for your kind words, it truly means a lot 😊❀️

VictoriaLove7 February 26th, 2023


I am glad you like it 😊 and hope things will get better for you

VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a special appreciation for
@Maude221 ⭐

From a secret friend! πŸ’«


These are the qualities they find in you Maude

From me to both
@ secret friend Thank you for giving this appreciation though you want to remain anonymous, hope you know that you are a wonderful person!

You are amazing for being supportive through others' struggles. Keep being amazing!
VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023
Hey all! πŸ˜ƒ
We got an amazing appreciation today for

From a special secret friend ⭐


These are the qualities they find in you, Testimony


From me to both
@ secret appreciator
You are a wonderful person for giving this appreciation! ⭐

Being patient as you listen to others is not easy, but you have shown that skill as shown by the testimonial from your secret friend. ⭐
VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023
Hey everyone 😊
We got another awesome appreciation from a secret friend today for 🌟


These are the qualities they find in you 🌟


From me to both
@ secret friend
Thank you for recognizing the goodness in others! 🌟

You are appreciated for your support to others and for being able to cheer up others! 🌟
KidnappedByAxolotls February 25th, 2023


Thank you, I appreciate it.

VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023


You're most welcome! 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023

Hey hey @Mitanshi003, your cheerful and bubbly self is appreciated by one of the most amazing peers, someone we all look upto, @Jenna. πŸ’š


I sooo agree with everything Jenna said, Mitanshi, you're an amazing peer to be around, your positive vibes are highly contagious and we love having you around. πŸ’š

Jennaaaaanaaa, what to say for you. XD Thankyouu for being so wondrous, you do a whole lot for the community AND find time to check on people and appreciate your peers ~ truly admirable and just speaks for the special being you are. πŸ’š

(More for you in the post belowπŸ˜›)

Mitanshi003 February 25th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Jenna

Thank you for the lovely appreciation ❀️ It brightened my day and finally put a smile on my face.

You're amazing and beautiful people. It is always lovely to be around you 🌷

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023

This feels like karma xD except it's appreciation, goes around and comes back with extra love woohooo! I love when appreciative people get the appreciation back! *youu* are sooo deserving of it! πŸ’›

@Jenna the entire community is appreciative of your fabulous self always going above and beyond in being exemplary in every possible way. πŸ’›

We've got a special message by another super appreciative peer @FrenchMarbles for you! πŸ’›


You're out of this world and extremely space-al! We adore and appreciate your shiny bright self! πŸ’›


February 25th, 2023

Dear @vroomvrooom, a secret friend has left this appreciation for you:

"The peer sticks to their values, even when greatly opposed. They have awesome values, and they helped me during a particularly confusing time."

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023

Welcome to the team, @thisisanthony. Happy to have you onboard! ❀

February 27th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you :)

February 27th, 2023

@vroomvrooom Of course :)

February 25th, 2023

Dear @Fristo, @Gaygirl90 has left this appreciation for you:

"They always check in with you."

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023

Hello @MunchieTaters, you've received an appreciation by @ViVikun9, what they have for you, is what I believe every listener's listening goal on this site. To help people feel better and support in their healing. Thankyou for being your incredibly kind self, Munchie! πŸ’™


Sending love your way, Vivi. I hope you continue receiving all the kindness and compassion always! πŸ’™

VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023


The bees are so cute! πŸ˜‹

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023


Aww you are bee-youu-tiful!❀

VictoriaLove7 February 26th, 2023


You are a bright 🌞 and bee you tiful soul. ❀

Even the sound of your name lights up my heart and brings smile to my face.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 26th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 πŸ₯Ίβ€hold-tight-milk-and-mocha.gif

VictoriaLove7 February 26th, 2023


🌞*tight hug back*❀


MunchieTaters February 26th, 2023


Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to hear them. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’œπŸ’œ

adventurousBranch3786 February 26th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou. @Vivkun9

@MunchieTaters is helping a lot of people, I couldn’t agree more!

MunchieTaters February 27th, 2023


You're so sweet to say that. I just lend an ear and hopefully friendly voice wherever I can. So many just want to know they're own voice is being heard and they're not alone.

You do so much more here on cups than my life allows me to do right now. You, and so many others are keeping it all going far more than I. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Trintzu February 25th, 2023

Hello everyone! ❀️

We have a wonderful appreciation today for

@Walker7957 🌿

From an amazing appreciator

@amiablePeace77 🌿

You are appreciated for being

Coachable - You have the desire to improve;

Determined - You steel your resolve and keep always going forward even if you feel discouraged;

Authentic - You can be your real and true self, without any pretension, posturing, or insecurity.

And she also has a message for you:

Despite many challenges, you always keep going and never give up!

Thank you @Walker7957 for being such a nice person and also thank you @amiablePeace77 for such kind words! ❀️

Trintzu February 26th, 2023

Hello everyone! ❀️

We have a wonderful appreciation today for

@kala 🐳

From an amazing appreciator

@amiablePeace77 🐳

You are appreciated for being

Resilient - You bounce back when things fall apart;

Coachable - You have the desire to improve;

Determined - You steel your resolve and keep always going forward even if you feel discouraged;

And she also has a message for you:


Thank you @kala for being such a nice person and also thank you @amiablePeace77 for such kind words! ❀️🐳

kala February 26th, 2023



Awww Thank you sooooo much ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️

adventurousBranch3786 February 26th, 2023

@Trintzu. @amiablePeace77

I appreciate @Walker7957. and @kala too! ❀️❀️❀️.

VictoriaLove7 February 25th, 2023
Hey everyone! πŸ˜ƒ
We have a wonderful appreciation for

From an amazing appreciator


These are the qualities they find in you Juliet13 🌟


From me to both
Thank you for giving this appreciation! You are a wonderful person too! ⭐

Keep being an amazing person, you are appreciated! ⭐
amiableBunny4016 February 25th, 2023

Hello @Spokette , you have been appreciated by your peer @AnonomyousWriter13


"Spokette always supports me and makes my day so much brighter"

Spokette has been appreciated for having these qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity

Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts


Wohoo! hugs for both of you if okay!



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2023

@AnonymousWriter13 thankyou for being so appreciative towards @Spockette ❀

AnonymousWriter13 February 25th, 2023

@Spockette πŸ’œ