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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

TheRusticMystic74 May 1st, 2022


You have been appriciated!!!


@McWaya had a lot to say about you

Resilient.: They bounce back when things fall apart,

Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong,

Coachable. They have a desire to improve,

Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals,

Determined. They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged

In the words of @McWaya:

"The peer is determined, motivated for change, coachable, humble, and resilient because, they are wanting to change everything about their self harm and make themselves better."

GloriaD May 2nd, 2022

💛 @Estrellitaa 💛

You have been appreciated by @Anon 🥰

_1651480697. Anon FOR  Estrellitaa - Original (GloriaD).png

Stars, happy to see that you've received an appreciation! You have a growth mindset and are supportive as well, which are wonderful qualities in a person

Wishing you all the best in your learning and listening journey 🌸

Kind regards,

GloriaD 🌻

GloriaD May 2nd, 2022


rommebai000 May 6th, 2022

@Help127 You have been appreciated

Your peer says:

Help127 is an amazing member of the 7 Cups community who has had such a positive impact on so many people here! ❤

They regularly host the sharing circle and always convey such warmth and kindness to the members who share. No matter how he/she is feeling that day, they never miss a hosting session, which really highlights their strength and reliability. (It would be okay to take days off though; you've helped so many people - you deserve to take care of yourself too! ❤)

Help is also a great communicator! Whenever someone breaks the rules, they respectfully remind the person of what the rules are. They also always know the right things to say or do to help someone feel comfortable, validated or less alone.

I remember one time in the sharing circle, a sharer asked for advice. She seemed extremely confused and stressed. Help kindly explained why giving advice is against the rules but was also aware of how lost the sharer felt. So, he/she suggested anyone in the sharing circle, who's experienced something similar to the sharer, share what they did. A lot of people did share what route they took, and the sharer was extremely grateful. It was such a wholesome moment! Thanks to Help's great problem-solving skills, empathy and leadership, the sharing circle was able to work together to help some in distress.

Help is truly a wonderful person ❤ Thank you for everything you've done for this community!

Reliable: They always are on time for their hosting sessions in the sharing circle

great communicator: Whenever anyone strays from the rules they Kindly and gently remind them in a way that makes them feel validated

Help shows warmth and kindness in every interaction. It is a true honor to be able to appreciate this peer like this. Keep shining You are awesome.:)

(Edited by Sunisshiningandsoareyou to add message)

ReadBooks7 May 6th, 2022

@rommebai000 thank you so very much, this means so much to me. I appreciate you taking the time to say these kind words. You are valued and appreciated, and I am glad to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. Thank you so kindly ❤️

gentleFox20 May 6th, 2022

🌷 We have a thoughtful appreciation for @MiraculousWaves3694 from @ImaginitivePear6493 🌷


What a wonderful way to desribe the thoughtfulness that Wave shows in her listening 1-1's! Thank you both for being such supportive peers! 🥰


anjellyna May 8th, 2022

Hi hi! Today we have an appreciation for @LavenderHere ! 💜

Lav is:

Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart

Coachable. They have a desire to improve

Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

Anon says: Lav is geniunely amazing, one of my favorite people on 7Cups. They are kind, and intelligent, and driven, and helpful. They always leave me feeling better than before. Thank you Lav, we love you!!

A note from Angie too: Lav is patient and dedicated. Just like lavenders, they have a calming presence. Thanks Lav, we appreciate you!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 13th, 2022

I always admire your creativity, @anjellyna, thanks for this wonderful post. 💜


Who's awesome? Lavvvvv! 💜

*shares lots of cookieees*

LavenderHere May 13th, 2022

@anjellyna So sorry for late response and thank you so so much for this lovely post and beautiful picture!

I'd also love to thank the naughty anonymous person who sent in this appreciation, thank you so much and this means a lot. Really means a lot!!
And awww I'm always happy to help any way I can.
And @sunisshiningandsoareyou aww thanks a lot, you're really awesome too! *noms and shares cookies*
Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 13th, 2022


Awwww sweet lavvv, thankyouu *noms cookies too hehe* <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 10th, 2022

Hello @EmpathicPikachu, we have a sweet message for you by your member @rotdi, thanking you for being so supportive, kind, empathetic, emotionally intelligent, understanding and optimistic. These are such wonderful qualities, Pikachu (and I adore your username haha), thanks for being an awesome part of the community. ❤


How very thoughtful and nice of you to appreciate your listener, rotdi. Super glad you felt supported in cups. I spot a "maybe" before good quality so I have to say, without even talking to you personally, I can tell you are kind-hearted, determined to work on yourself, appreciative, and a great friend to have ~ these are great qualities in a human being and you're allowed time to accept and acknowledge these, we'll be here to celebrate, when you do. Sending good wishes for your journey ahead. ❤

EmpathicPikachu May 10th, 2022


That was very kind of you, @Rotdi. I hope you continue to grow and achieve all of your goals because you are an awesome human being with such a caring side.

And thank you @sunisshiningandsoareyou for letting me know about the feedback. You are doing a great job!

frustatedapple May 24th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @EmphaticPikachu Thanks a lot for your wishes!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 10th, 2022

Hey hey @lovelyWaterfall2170, we have a lovely message for you by @buzluktakibira, who is appreciating you for being supportive, empathetic, accountable, having a desire to improve and work on yourself, and for being emotionally competent.


Fall, I so agree with buzluk, you're indeed a super beautiful and amazing person. I've enjoyed our interactions always and it's truly gratifying to see you grow as a listener. Keep it up. 🤗

Big thanks to you, Buzluk, for being so appreciative towards our peer. ❤

lovelyWaterfall2170 May 10th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou :)

Hello Sun 🌞 Thanks for your kind words for me :) Thanks you for you giving me the opportunity ,to show how I could fit into your verified listener team ☺️All by your guidance 😎

Yes sun 🌞 i agree with you ,you know me better as you were and are my mentor 😎

@ buzluktakibira :) 😎

Thanks for you :) Your Thoughtfulness is a Gift :)

Thanks for making my day 😊 Thanks for making my heart smile ☺️ and my eyes shine :)

All the very best @ buzluktakibira :)

Thanks and Regards

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 10th, 2022


Awh hehe, sweeet always. I'm really happy to be a part of your listening journey, and always a pm away for you. Keep shining bright, fall. ❤

lovelyWaterfall2170 May 16th, 2022

🌞@Sunisshiningandsoareyou :)

Sure Sun 🌞 Thanks :)

WarmLightXO May 13th, 2022


Thank you for submitting this self appreciation! I hope you like your graphic 💚💛


WarmLightXO May 13th, 2022


Hey hey friiiiiend it's appreciation time!!



This was sent to you anonymously (and it wasn't me 😛) but I couldn't agree more! You obviously put so much love into everything you do and say, and it doesn't go unnoticed. We appreciate you dearly, Sun 💚💛


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 13th, 2022


Awww this is toooooooo sweet, thankyouuu so very much dear anonymous hooman, it means the absolute world to me and I possibly cannot thank you enough for making me feel so *seen* and appreciated. 🤧 Sending lots of love and hugsssss. 🤗

Feel free to poke me in PMs sometime okie? 😛❤

Thankyouuu for the kind words and the lovely graphic, Elliot, you are too kind hehe, I really appreciate it. 💜

bubblingBreeze14 May 15th, 2022


WOW... what an amazing post and appreciation!! Great job with the appreciation post Warm.. It really showcase the essence of our lovely friend @sunisshiningandsoareyou!


See... there's so many that sees your beautiful personality! You are one shining Sun for sure!☀️ After reading this anonymous appreciation I can safely say that you touch so many people's hearts with your wonderful personality just as the sun shines bright and let it's rays touch every possible inch of the ground!

Shine bright my amazing friend!❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2022


Awww Breezyy making me cry now! 🤧 Thankyouuuuu for being super sweet, encouraging, supportive, motivating, helpful, fun and loving always, Breeze. I'm reallllly grateful to be your friend. ❤ Keep being the lovely Breeze you are and let's shine together hehe! *hugssss* 🤗

bubblingBreeze14 May 21st, 2022


Sorry I got a bit late to reply here... but I'm hoping I'm not late to give you some tissues to wipe away your tears 😊

And, 💛❤️ Lots of hugs to you my shining friend! I'm sure you'll always share some of your light whenever we pass you by or just come for a visit.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 21st, 2022


Super okay to take your time always, Breeze, you know by now that I don't mind at all lol. Thankieees for the tissues, needed haha! And awww, always such a sweetheart you are. 🤗❤

WarmLightXO May 13th, 2022

@unassumingAcai6477 you've been appreciated!!

From @kindheartedLily6247 💜


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 13th, 2022

Hey hey @CommunityModAnne, you're being summoned today for a lovely message by @GloriaD, I agree with Gloria and I'm sure everyone in the community does, we all adore Bot Anne 😛 all jokes aside haha, we truly adore you Anne, You are one of the most fantabulous Mods we have with us and your presence is super duper appreciated. Thanks for being ever so supportive, proactive, kind, fun, helpful and simply wonderful at what you do. ❤

Here's what Gloria has to say:


Oooh and a thankyou card:


How considerate of you to appreciate Anne, many thanks for sending this sweet message and thankyou card, Gloria. You are amazinggg my fellow Sunflower lover. 🌻❤

CommunityModAnne May 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou yay thank you for posting this beautiful positive message

@GloriaD - thank you so much for your sweet appreciation. Your support has made my entire week and your words as well as the great card really made me smile ❤️ loving the pink energy and positive vibes here

Thank you also for leading great events at 7 Cups - your work and leadership really matters.

GloriaD May 16th, 2022


I'm glad it made your week Anne, that's so amazing, I'm so happy, you totally deserve it 😁😁🌸🌸 Oh, and the beautiful card was made by our very own @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌻

GloriaD May 16th, 2022


Thank you so much Sun for creating the beautiful card 🌻🌻🌻 It definitely reflects how much we all love and appreciate @CommunityModAnne 😊😊😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2022


Awww ofcourse, Gloriaa, super happy y'all like it hehe, it was a joy doing this for you lovely people. 🤗❤🌻


WarmLightXO May 14th, 2022

@Cuddles4Karl check it out! @ShoulderToCryOn appreciated you!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2022
Hello @PaisleyPrincess421, we have a sweet message for you by @ChasmicFae, who's appreciating you for being supportive, respectful, kind, helpful, understanding, empathetic, resilient and a great communicator. Thanks for being awesome. ❤

Fae, I really appreciate you for showing compassion towards your peer. You are really thoughtful and kind. ❤
PaisleyPrincess421 May 15th, 2022

Ohhhhh, thank you ChasmicFae. I love seeing you in chat and sharing this journey with you. Thanks for the appreciation post, this really brightened my day!!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2022

Hello @LovingPeacefulHeart, I hope you're doing well. We have an appreciation for you by the amazing @InternalAcceptance, who's appreciative of your resilience, optimism, determination and for being innovative and inquisitive. These are such fabulous qualities, Heart and I really admire your username too hehe. ❤


Thankyou for appreciating your member, Internal, it's nice of you to encourage them with this sweet message. Your considerate nature is appreciated greatly. ❤

LovingPeacefulHeart May 17th, 2022

Thank you Sunshine! ❤️🌞

And thank YOU @InternalAcceptance for appreciation post. You are amazing and I very much appreciate you as well. ❤️🍑😌💋🌷🌹

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2022
Hey hey everyone coming across, bear with me, for I have a lot to say :P

This is by far the *most* appreciated peer and I always look forward to see what the ones appreciating them have to say for them, astonishingly (or maybe not?) different people find different ways of appreciating this same person and that makes me wonder, how versatile this person is to have so many reasons for being appreciated and to be really *seen* by everyone always in a bright light. How does that feel? To be fantastic as *you*. ;)

This is however, not at all surprising, as I know it firsthand how easy it is to say something good for them and how effortlessly they make their way in our hearts. None other than the wonderful @Fristo ❤
Fristoooo, It is gratifying to know someone like you and have the honor of working with you, might I say, on something that we both are passionate about Haha.
Thank*you* for being super kind, respectful, thoughtful, attentive, innovative, determined, supportive, motivated, inspiring, helpful, optimistic, a fantastic communicator, a dear friend and lovely presence in the community.
This is something you once said for me and I think it applies to you naturally, thankyou for carrying so much love and warmth for everyone in your heart, Fristo. We all appreciate you and cherish you beyond words. 🤗

Moving to the actual appreciation messages now haha, soooo we have two sweet messages for you, one by the awesome @Freely1904 and another by a kind hooman who chose to be anonymous. 😊

Here's what they had to say:
Thankyou for the kind words, Freely and "one who we don't know *yet*" :P y'all are fantabulous for appreciating our peer so generously. ❤
GoldenRuleJG May 15th, 2022

_1652623776.image.png@Sunarislistening appreciates @BoxyFishy

Fish you tick all these boxes:

👍Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart

👍Coachable. They have a desire to improve

👍Inquisitive. They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future

“The Peer is Resilient because they rose back from an awful difficult relationship. The Peer is Coachable because they seek and welcome new support available. The Peer is Inquisitive because they are welcoming new change in life.”

Thank you for your kind words for Fish, Sunar!!!

_1652623834.image.pngWell done Fish 😊

GoldenRuleJG May 15th, 2022

@BoxyFishy here is also the gift from @Sunarislistening reflecting your fighter spirit!!

GoldenRuleJG May 15th, 2022

Anonymous Appreciation for @cheerfulIceCream

Not surprised to see another appreciation for Cheer – you are amazing.

Always a lively spirit in the rooms.

Here is what your appreciator says about you:

Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Problem-solver. They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.

Optimistic. They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

“To be honest, just 5 qualities to select does not do justice for them. cheerfulIceCream is an Ideal listener and mentor and a leader. They follow the guidelines to the word. They are very supportive, encouraging, they have knowledge to do what they do at the best level. I do not need to say more because I believe everyone has seen their awesome work.” :)

Also, a lovely image from them to reflect your cool nature J


GoldenRuleJG May 15th, 2022


Anonymous Appreciation for @HopieRemi

So well-deserved, Hopie


Here is what your appreciator says about you – these are the qualities you embody:

Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong.

Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act.

Purposeful. They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

“Hopie is such an amazing person and friend. I love her jokes and how she is caring and finds time to hear my complaining. You are vv loved and appreciated Hopie 😊
