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Become an Appreciation Avenger!

March 23rd, 2023

*invoking your inner avenger, the time has come!*

Hey, this is some serious stuff!

We are on a grand mission to spread appreciation in the world, starting from our community.

Want to join our appreciation squad?

Become an Appreciation Avenger

Sign up on the sheet linked above and start sending appreciation using our appreciation form for the leaders of our community. The leaders do so much so generously for us, they deserve to be avenged😛

Let's put on our avenger uniform and do it!


Appreciation Avengers FAQ:

1) I am a bit confused. What do the avengers do?

Answer: Try signing up on the sheet! Instructions are very clear there! To put it shortly, the appreciation avengers fill out the appreciation form for the leaders of the community.

2) Who's a leader?

Answer: Any member or listener who shows a good quality is a leader. A quality that brings smiles to others or helps them grow personally.

3) How do I become a top avenger?

Answer: The avenger who fills out the form the most number of times would be displayed at top as the top avenger! There's also another tab called "Top 10 Appreciation Avengers" -you can even download the radar from that tab, it looks like this.

4) There's an Avengers Motivation tab too?

Answer: Yes! Read those avengers quotes, I am sure they are enjoyable and motivating!

5) What should I be careful about?

Answer: Please don't edit Column E and Column F on the sheet as it displays information automatically. But editing something there makes the auto feature not work.

shinequeen001 March 23rd, 2023

yayyy! I really love the idea of appreciation avengers! it's really amazing.. so proud of you❤️🍪🍪

TabbyCat97 March 24th, 2023


Loove this so so much Fristo ♡

Foreigner419 March 24th, 2023

I’m all Avenger ears! Let’s Avenger Appreciate our members staff etc.

Keith22534 March 24th, 2023


This is a wonderful idea!
BelovedMe March 24th, 2023

@Fristo Cool Concept ☺Looking forward to translate it in realities 🌙

Keith22534 March 24th, 2023


I checked the link to become an appreciation avenger but there is something wrong. It’s not opening. I would appreciate it if you’d look into it, thankyou!

March 24th, 2023

@Keith22534 it's working fine at my end, let me pm you. we'll sort it out together!

March 25th, 2023

Superb going, Avengers!


riaislistening March 26th, 2023

@Fristo this is cool!!!😯😯😊

March 26th, 2023

@ALeXaNdEr0712 i can add hulk for you😛

AvyIsKing March 26th, 2023

*spider man crawls*

I will totally do this :D

March 27th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 wohoo💛

May 25th, 2023

Well done, spiderman!


Summershy May 25th, 2023


Great photo but I don't see Rocket or Starlord

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 10th, 2023

Big ups to everyone who signed up to become an avenger, and everyone who appreciated their peers! 💛

Y'all can continue to do so, by filling the appreciation form (clickable) anytime!

We appreciate your warm presence in the community!💛

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023

I want to become a avengeor but cant access sign up sheet