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Starlitsky's appreciation corner

User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 May 25th, 2021

I would like to thank @Tazzie @EvelyneRose @ASilentObserver for their leadership in the community overall, and for helping create the structure and organization that the rest of the volunteers to do our work. Thank you all.

I would like to thank @LuLuRings and @KindSoul10 for helping me with discussion scripts and developing my skills as a script writer.

I would like to thank my teammates @competentParadise6344 @LinearWaves @StarlitSky4762 @Fireskye13 @FirstLight4762 @Dancia for doing an awesome job helping with the Personality Disorders Subcommunity.

May 25th, 2021

@StarlitSky4762 Super happy to support you with your writing efforts, and I'm excited to see where your listener journey takes you! Thanks for the shoutout!

User Profile: kindSoul10
kindSoul10 May 26th, 2021

@StarlitSky4762 you're very welcome

User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP June 2nd, 2021

I would like to thank @jovialButterfly6752 for helping me deal with a difficult situation in group chat. We were able to descalate the situation and keep the space supportive for all members. I also learned a new skill that will be useful for moderating chatrooms. I'm really grateful that I recieved support and education from such a wonderful community leader.

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User Profile: IceCream4IceCream
IceCream4IceCream June 2nd, 2021


Oh man <3 I appreciate you so much! Thank you :) Always happy to lend a hand! You did a great job. Keep doing all the lovely things you are for this community heart

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP June 17th, 2021

I would like to thank @Xe for his initiative to create new and innovative support sessions in the Personality Disorders subcommunity. I greatly appreciate the new and unique perspective you bring to our team.

@competentParadise6344 The role you play in our Personality Disorders community is vital & I am so happy to have you as my teammate! Thank you for taking the time to make forum posts for members to do check-ins, and thank you for answering forum posts.

@Lulurings Thank you for helping me write discussion scripts. I am so proud the work we did together! I consider myself so lucky to work with such a kind, smart, and dedicated person like you!

@Tazzie Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write and lead discussions in the Personality Disorders subcommunity. The challenge took me out of my comfort zone. I learned a lot about staying professional, collaborating with others, and working within guidlines. Thank you for creating the structure that makes this work possible, and for being a guide to me when I was new to my role. I’ve enjoyed working with you this year and have learned a lot from you!

2 replies
June 18th, 2021

@StarlitSky4762 You're most welcome always! I love seeing how much you're growing as a leader here!

June 18th, 2021

aw thank you ^^ that's so sweet of you. Good to be working with you on this team.

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 1st, 2021

I would like to thank @competentParadise6344 for taking a really active role in the Personality Disorders Subcommunity. Your efforts make a huge difference to me and help our community function better.

User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 3rd, 2021

I would like to thank @sereneButton43 , @kindTurtle3738, and @AffyAvo
for answering the forum posts on the Personality Disorders community forum.

User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 3rd, 2021

I would also like to thank @QuietMagic for making really supportive posts on the Personality Disorders community forum

1 reply
User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic July 3rd, 2021

@StarlitSky4762 Red heart 🤗

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 3rd, 2021

I would like to thank @blitheEmbrace27 for running a really awesome, well-organized depression support subcommunity.

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User Profile: blitheEmbrace27
blitheEmbrace27 July 4th, 2021


Awe thank you!! 🥰

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 3rd, 2021

I would like to thank @Xe for taking the time to write new discussion scripts for the Personality Disorders Subcommunity! You rock Xe!

1 reply
July 4th, 2021

Thank you

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User Profile: StarlitSky4762
StarlitSky4762 OP July 17th, 2021

I would like to thank @competentParadise6344 for making the check-in posts for Personality Disorders community. You are a vital teammate and I am so grateful for your help!

I would like to thank @FirstLight4762 for hosting awesome discussions in the last month! You helped revive our community!

I would like to thank @Xe for decidicating your time to writing scripts and hosting support sessions for our members. I am so impressed and inspired by your leadership and initiative.

I am grateful to @insightfulSalamander4097 @QuietMagic @Lou73 and @NewPenguin for joining the Personality Disorders team, and I look forward to working with you!!

1 reply
July 17th, 2021

thank you! 🥺 Looking forward to working with you as well!

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