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Happy mothers day to the unsung mothers ❤

AvyIsKing May 12th

Hiiii!! Today is mothers day here in America and I just wanted to take a second to wish happy mothers day to everyone, but specifically the mother figures in our lives who don't get celebrated today. If you see this, we love you and appreciate you. 

Happy mothers day to the siblings who give up their childhoods to care for their sibilings. The sisters who get up every morning and cook because their own mother can't. The sisters making sure homework is done. The sibilings who distract their sisters while their parents are fighting. 

Happy mothers day to the teachers who care. The ones who bring food to class because their kids can't afford food. The ones who make sure kids have a happy and healthy life. The ones who teach life skills when parents fail to do so. 

Happy mothers day to the grandmother's, aunts, and cousins, who take care of children when a parent can't

Happy mothers day to the foster parents, for taking care of kids who don't have parents, or who's parents can't take care of them. 

Happy mothers day to the babysitters, nannies, and neighbors who care for kids who's moms are too busy for them 

All of you are so loved and appreciated.  And I just wanted to say thank you. I see you, I see what you did, what you are doing. It's amazing 

Keep being awesome ❤❤



Awwww Mop, this is just too sweet. 💜 to take the time to appreciate the different mother figures in our lives, who usually don’t get appreciated enough on this day. 💜 This is beautiful. *hugs if okay* 💜 lots of love to you Mop 💜 

AvyIsKing OP May 12th


My sister and I are having a lil mothers day party for me by watching my favorite movie with my mum. She always wishes me happy mothers day and it makes me so happy I just wanted to make sure everyone was appreciated 



that’s so wholesome 🥺💜 you're just the best you Mop 💜 

AvyIsKing OP May 12th


I try ❤



Hugs if okay 💜