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[Listeners] Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards
by MonBon
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more This is the public support counterpart of this thread [] [L] so that listeners can let the whole community know if they are leaving or if they have come back. Below excerpt taken and modified from the original thread: Some Listeners decide, at one point or another, to take a break or in special cases to leave the site as a Listener. During their time here they may have made connections with others in the community and sometimes people aren't aware that they have left or are misinformed and thus never get the opportunity to sent their warm wishes. Thus, this thread is meant for Listeners to inform the community that they are leaving or taking a break and leave their appropriate comments for others to read. Moreover, returning Listeners can post here as well to inform the community that they are active again. Returning to 7 Cups after a break? We have a welcome Back Committee now, you can find information here [] (clickable), and reach out. Your peers and mentors are here for you. <3 Lastly, others in the community can send their regards to these Listeners. [L] indicates a Listeners Only thread [Welcome back committee information added by Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 02/10/23]
Listener Classifieds (2024)
by Heather225
Last post
7 hours ago
...See more This space is for listeners who are currently accepting chats to introduce themselves to the member community! Here are some things you can consider sharing (only share what's comfortable): Are you an ATL (Adult-Teen Listener): Gender: If you like focusing on supporting one gender, what is your preferred gender to support: Languages you speak: Topics you'll support: Topics you don’t support: Lived experience: Are you open to taking on members for long-term listening support? Your availability (in EST time) and day(s) if applicable: Members, this one’s for you! Pursue this thread, check out their bios, and see if any listeners might be a good fit!
Weekly Prompt #38: What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 27th
...See more Hello all!  A few weeks ago we discussed: What did bring you to the 7Cups Community? How did 7Cups shape your experiences so far? []   []If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts.  [] This week's prompt-  What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?  Today, let's reflect on one negative thought you may have and you may want to change, challenge, or reframe it. It can be anything. Take a moment and share to discuss with us.   Also, I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to general support every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.  [] Have you explored 24/7 group chats to share to be heard and supported? Explore them here!  [] -------------------------
One From The Journal.....
by Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Last post
June 20th
...See more Wrote this is in September last year, but over-thought and couldn't share with the larger group then, however today I came across this again (I often do), and just had this massive urge to let everyone have this kind reminder.💛 I really hope it's okay to share here. Sending lots of love and strength to everyone!💛 [content advisory] (Kept questioning where would this fit the best, I hope here is okie❤) From my heart to hopefully yours.❤ September is observed as Suicide Prevention Month and today (9/10/2023) is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day! This is one of the most difficult topics for me (and I believe for most people) to even think about, let alone write for, the one thing so so so incredibly misunderstood in our world, unlike anything else. I believe most of it lies in the fact that conversations around the "S" word are shushed as soon as they are started. I'm a believer that nobody in their right frame of mind would want to take a step as this one, it's not the answer to your problems they say, it's not the escape you think you need they say, its not necessary they say and maybe "they" (hopefully) are right but how is it supposed to be expected from someone considering to end their life to understand that they shouldn't, when they aren't in the best frame of mind that comprehends what the world might be looking through the lens of right vs wrong! People who consider probably have a hundred reasons in their mind already, no wonder they are so done with pain they want to just not be here, but is it possible to give them one reason to make them stay? While I wish we didn't need a specific month or a single specific day to talk about it, because if we truly believe and practice it, every day can be this day, where we "create hope through action"~ the theme for this year! Now, action might be different for different people, also perceived differently by different people but for me, compassion, kindness, acceptance and love top the list. To creating hope with compassion, being more accepting of people, providing them a non-judgmental, safe and comfortable space to be themself, to being more kind in everything we say or do and to take initiative in loving people and making them feel loved too. (Yes, those are different things, telling someone you love them and making them feel loved by you~ it's the latter that is more impactful, I feel) Not feeling my best with words so most of it is just a compilation of scattered reminders for everyone, hope it still makes enough sense though. The bravest thing you'll ever do is to continue living when you don't see any reason to. The reasons seem bleak at times, the stressors in your life and the thoughts in your mind may tell you a lot of things but the most important thing to remember always, is that, you matter, you're worthy of life and living, your presence makes a difference in the world, you are loved and you are needed here, this world wouldn't ever look the same without you. There might be the same stars in the sky, the same rivers flowing, the same mountains standing tall, the same birds chirping and so on but it still wouldn't be the same without you. You are not a burden. You're not taking unnecessary space or being a waste of space here or using more oxygen than you deserve. There's enough space for everyone, there's enough oxygen for everyone~ yourself included. You've probably committed a lot of mistakes, disappointed a lot of people, been an absolute nuisance too, if you feel like it and even so, you matter and deserve to be here. It is absolutely okay if the past has stuck onto you too tight and its difficult to let it go, it's okay if you feel scared and worried for future and it most definitely is okay if you aren't able to live in the moment, we can all have our pace and be on our path, your simply just trying to be here is what counts enough. No matter how much you're made to believe otherwise, you're not a disappointment, you're not a failure, you're not a burden, you're not a waste of space, you're not worthless, you're not~ every X word they use against you! You might feel like you're alone in your struggles, or perhaps that nobody sees or understands your pain, and while it's valid to feel like nothing makes enough sense for you believe that you aren't alone, it's needed to remind that you aren't. Throw out a hand and watch people fighting over holding it first for you. Allow them to hold your hand, because no matter how you're made to feel about seeking support from others, you do deserve support. If you ever come to point where life feels meaningless, reach out, explore, try again and create a new meaning, do it as often because just because you're not able to see it at a given point in time, doesn't mean it's not there. There is help, there is hope, there is light, there is love and it's all worth fighting for, its all worth staying for. And because someone else said it better... "Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it, isn't there. If they say Who cares if one more light goes out? In the sky of a million stars, It flickers, flickers Who cares when someone's time runs out? If a moment is all we are, We're quicker, quicker Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do!" Rest if you must, hide if you need, but do not quit. You are more than every X thing going wrong in your life currently, every Y thing that happened unfairly, and every Z thing you are worried will happen in future. You are worthy of being a part of this world, whether you currently believe it or not. You matter, whether you see it or not. You are loved, whether you accept it or not. So be here till you believe it and believe in yourself to become it. To become the life you deserve to live and to become the love you deserve to feel. ❤ I'm not here to promise you without knowing that life is going to get magically beautiful for you or that every little pain you feel in your chest is going to poof or that you'll be free from all the darkness always, because that would be a cruel thing to do, to give you a false hope and make promises I'm not certain could be kept also because who is a random persun on the internet to tell you anything riiiightttt? but this random persun is only here to remind you that there will be pain, suffering, stress, heartbreaks, failures and every single thing you can think of that's gonna make you question on life again and that, yes, even so, despite all the pain and suffering and numbness you'll experience, you still matter and deserve to be here, you just need to continue believing in yourself! Repeat it to yourself as often you need~ "You are worthy of the life in you, every breath you take is a reminder for it, the universe wants you here. Stay. Hope. Live." "Cling tightly to all things that remind you of love, light, kindness and everything worth living for, in life, you'll need those someday. But most importantly, hold onto yourself, cling tightly to yourself, have your back, for it has *life* written all over it." ❤ We often need just one sign to continue, just one person to believe in us, just one kind word and just one reminder of the good in the world and the great in us~ if you ever struggle to find it, look for the Sun in the sky and consider it to be your reminder to keep going. And if it's pitch black during the night, and you don't see the sun, remember to hold onto yourself through the night, hanging in there tightly, because the sun will be there in the morning, again, shining for you; shining with you, embracing you in the warmth reminding you of your beating heart in your chest! ❤
daily gratitude
by steph8402
Last post
May 16th
...See more hiii! i thought i'd post more on forums since i don't see many lovely people outside of when i am on. this year i told myself i wanted to be more positive to outcomes so i think doing a daily gratitude of something will be helpful:). while sometimes a day can go pretty bleh. there still are some fun times.  (if wanted you can totally join in too) day #1 of daily gratitude: happy i found inspiration for a big art piece for a contest my AP studio art class will be submitting in a week:)
Happy mothers day to the unsung mothers ❤
by AvyIsKing
Last post
May 12th
...See more Hiiii!! Today is mothers day here in America and I just wanted to take a second to wish happy mothers day to everyone, but specifically the mother figures in our lives who don't get celebrated today. If you see this, we love you and appreciate you.  Happy mothers day to the siblings who give up their childhoods to care for their sibilings. The sisters who get up every morning and cook because their own mother can't. The sisters making sure homework is done. The sibilings who distract their sisters while their parents are fighting.  Happy mothers day to the teachers who care. The ones who bring food to class because their kids can't afford food. The ones who make sure kids have a happy and healthy life. The ones who teach life skills when parents fail to do so.  Happy mothers day to the grandmother's, aunts, and cousins, who take care of children when a parent can't Happy mothers day to the foster parents, for taking care of kids who don't have parents, or who's parents can't take care of them.  Happy mothers day to the babysitters, nannies, and neighbors who care for kids who's moms are too busy for them  All of you are so loved and appreciated.  And I just wanted to say thank you. I see you, I see what you did, what you are doing. It's amazing  Keep being awesome ❤❤
Help Post
by SolarGlow
Last post
May 10th
...See more How do you cope with difficult emotions?
I am grateful I did meditation and yoga today
by seashell145
Last post
May 1st
...See more I felt so fresh afterwards. I realized how anxious I was before when after the meditation, I was hearing the birds clearly. 
I can give loads of hugs
by shashank78
Last post
April 2nd
...See more So hey , I'm a newbie ...if any listener or any person needs help  hit me up  :) ... toodles 
Moving Forward 💪
by Glowingkiwi2024
Last post
March 27th
...See more Letting go and moving on is a journey of self-discovery and growth. It’s about releasing the weight of the past and stepping into the light of a new beginning. 🌅 Embrace the lessons learned, cherish the memories, but don’t let them hold you back. 📚✨ Sometimes, the hardest part is accepting that certain chapters in life have ended, but with every ending comes a new opportunity for growth and transformation. 🌱🌟 Allow yourself to heal, to forgive, and to embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead. You are resilient, and your future is bright. 🥰🥰
Make Your Own Self-Care Kit!
by Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Last post
March 23rd
...See more Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope you're doing well today. 💛 Inviting everyone to partake in a fun activity where we make our self-care kit, based on the different kinds of self-care there is. Let's add one activity/ item for each of them, in our kit. 💛 Physical self-care: Mental self-care: Emotional self-care: Spiritual self-care: Intellectual self-care: Environment self-care: Social self-care: Financial self-care: You are also welcome to add one bonus item/ activity of your choice to this kit. Super excited to see what your self-care kit looks like. Feel welcome to tag your peers encouraging them to engage in some self-care also! 💛
appreciation of the small things
by lgbteario
Last post
March 22nd
...See more the gentle poetry that is the feeling of music gracing your ears, occupying your mind while you do other. music is quiet and gentle, loud and unforgiving, or wordless and moving -- it truly is a gift upon mankind that whatever created this cursed and blessed universe gifted us. forever i will lay down at the creators feet and grovel in endless gratitude for the ability to create
A gentle reminder 💌
by sky2Ocean20
Last post
March 17th
...See more 💌
Meaningful lyrics
by Tinywhisper11
Last post
March 12th
...See more I just heard a awesome song thought I'd share some of the lyrics for you all ❤ 🎶here comes a baptist, here comes a jew, there goes a Mormon and a Muslim too I see a Buddhist and a hindu to I see a Catholic and I see you. where all God's children, yeah where all God's children, why can't we be one big happy family. white folks, yellow folks, black and ran on the same planet, in the same plan 🎶
Don't be mean behind the screen
by Optimisticempath
Last post
March 7th
...See more This is a reminder for everywhere in internet world in general, I didnt think it was needed as much even in 7 cups too... a place where it is evident most people are hurting and battling some challenges but I guess some people treat every place similar and are never thinking about others or their struggles ... it is sad and frustrating at times because having a trashy off cups life we don't need to deal with your unkind self who passes unsolicited opinions and tries to feel better by putting others down for no reason at all ... it is easy to be mean online ... it really is ... you can just say something and remove your account, change username, block person or do nothing and still be around but you dont realise the impact your 1 unkind word can make on someone don't realise that someone can lose sleep because of it ... skip food because of it ... go back to their self isolated space because of it .... start having trust issues with people or humanity or never consider talking to people again because of it .... you dont know and and you dont care ... but it's not right .... please care ... even a little and be kind to others by being kind to yourself first... you can do better. Hurting people who are already in a bad place in life isn't your solution or an end to your suffering... do yourself a favor and start being kind ... it'll help more 😊 Have nothing kind to say? Say nothing... it is you being kind enough for the world !! when I first became active here i was happy to see an actual positive, supportive and kind space , it still is usually but some people just need to ruin it for god knows what reason....I don't want mine or other people's experience here being bad ... we are here to seek support..please do that and let us do that also! If you are kind .. you'll receive more kindness ... I can guarantee that from my side at least 😊 Some ways to handle situations where people are unkind/rude : In forums: Flag posts that are unsupportive or violate guidelines In rooms: Mute the user as it can temporary remove their messages for you until you refresh In PMs: I haven't got any unkind listeners recently thankfully. But if they are then we can send feedback for them and report or block as necessary In general, I'm glad we aren't obliged to reply to people and so I usually don't respond to people who try to engage in unnecessary drama and conflict and remove myself from any space that feels uncomfy !! I can think of these many for now ....if anyone has more ideas or thoughts to share without being unkind about this lmao then please go ahead 💕 thanks for reading! A huge shout out to all the kind people I've met here also [and those I haven't... I hope soon 🤗]... you all make me continue to believe in humanity and trying, thanks so much for always being really kind and understanding towards everyone 💕

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