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There's nothing wrong, and that's what's wrong

User Profile: EmeraldForest2006
EmeraldForest2006 November 29th, 2022

Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a good day and know that you're valid, appreciated, and awesome just the way you are.

I have something that's been bugging me for a bit, and I really don't know where to say it, so I'll just put it here.

So basically, I feel like there's something seriously wrong because of how not-messed-up my life is. Like, it should be more messed up than it is. I live in a peaceful, safe neighborhood in a nice house with loving parents, and I go to a beautiful, clean school and get good grades and hang out with my awesome, kind friends. I have everything I could ever need and want to live a happy life. My life is basically perfect, and I'm very grateful. But there are SO MANY people out there who are suffering with the worst problems you could ever possibly imagine, and I'm here in all of my glory and health and privilege and not suffering in the slightest. Shouldn't I be suffering, too? So many people have it worse than me. I have no reason to feel anything other than happy and grateful and content, and my "problems" literally don't matter because I'm a meaningless kid with no struggles in life whatsoever even though half of the planet is going through the worst stuff imaginable. I have it good...way too good.

There's nothing wrong with my life, but there should be. And that's what's wrong.

User Profile: Zevia1MM
Zevia1MM November 29th, 2022


Well lemme organize my thought process in response to the dilemma you've put forth.

My initial reaction is that well y'know, if you feel like there's nothing wrong with your life and that's what's wrong with your life then imao technically it kinda seems like there is something wrong with your life.

Then I felt tempted to note that having a life that's leisurely when others are suffering doesn't necessarily dictate your meaning; that is your meaning doesn't come from rather you have an easy life or a life paved with suffering. All human lives have purpose. We are all put on Earth for a purpose. And even if you believe we're only here by chance, wouldn't you live a fuller life if you lived each moment as though you had purpose?

Also I note that you use the word problems with quotation marks, which kinda makes me feel like your saying 'if they could even be called problems' which makes me assume that you do have some minor problems in your life, Which proves that maybe your life isn't really as good as it appears, even if the said problems are minor in relation to the issues others face.

Honestly, if your feeling guilty that others are suffering while your not, then my advise would be to look for ways you can help those in need. Maybe you could donate to charities, or fund a charity yourself, or even just look for subtle acts of kindness you can do to brighten others day.

Your life isn't going to be perfect forever, I can guarantee that imao, so I'd just focus on strengthening yourself, and enjoying what you've got now because someday there will be problems in your life.

That's pretty much my thoughts on the matter :P

3 replies
User Profile: Zevia1MM
Zevia1MM November 29th, 2022


Btw I hope I didn't come across as rude or judgmental hahaha, I have a tendency to speak my mind sometimes and I understand that occasionally I say things that come off as rude or judgmental when that's not necessarily my intent :P

2 replies
User Profile: EmeraldForest2006
EmeraldForest2006 OP November 29th, 2022


No it wasn't rude! Thanks for all of that honestly. I needed to hear that. You're the best :)

1 reply
User Profile: Zevia1MM
Zevia1MM November 29th, 2022


Glad I could help :)

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