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[Listeners] Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards
by MonBon
Last post
4 hours ago
...See more This is the public support counterpart of this thread [] [L] so that listeners can let the whole community know if they are leaving or if they have come back. Below excerpt taken and modified from the original thread: Some Listeners decide, at one point or another, to take a break or in special cases to leave the site as a Listener. During their time here they may have made connections with others in the community and sometimes people aren't aware that they have left or are misinformed and thus never get the opportunity to sent their warm wishes. Thus, this thread is meant for Listeners to inform the community that they are leaving or taking a break and leave their appropriate comments for others to read. Moreover, returning Listeners can post here as well to inform the community that they are active again. Returning to 7 Cups after a break? We have a welcome Back Committee now, you can find information here [] (clickable), and reach out. Your peers and mentors are here for you. <3 Lastly, others in the community can send their regards to these Listeners. [L] indicates a Listeners Only thread [Welcome back committee information added by Sunisshiningandsoareyou, 02/10/23]
Listener Classifieds (2024)
by Heather225
Last post
7 hours ago
...See more This space is for listeners who are currently accepting chats to introduce themselves to the member community! Here are some things you can consider sharing (only share what's comfortable): Are you an ATL (Adult-Teen Listener): Gender: If you like focusing on supporting one gender, what is your preferred gender to support: Languages you speak: Topics you'll support: Topics you donā€™t support: Lived experience: Are you open to taking on members for long-term listening support? Your availability (in EST time) and day(s) if applicable: Members, this oneā€™s for you! Pursue this thread, check out their bios, and see if any listeners might be a good fit!
Weekly Prompt #38: What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 27th
...See more Hello all!Ā  A few weeks ago we discussed:Ā What did bring you to the 7Cups Community? How did 7Cups shape your experiences so far? []Ā Ā  []If you haven't checked yet,Ā please click here to add your thoughts.Ā  [] This week's prompt-Ā Ā What's one negative thought pattern you'd like to challenge or reframe?Ā  Today, let's reflect on one negative thought you may have and you may want to change, challenge, or reframe it. It can be anything. Take a moment and share to discuss with us.Ā Ā  Also,Ā I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to general support every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form andĀ  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion.Ā  [] Have you explored 24/7 group chats to share to be heard and supported? Explore them here!Ā  [] -------------------------
My new keyboards
by reneg4de
Last post
...See more Just wanted to share some keyboards I assembled, it's actually an effort from my side to cope with a condition called misophonia. A few months under stress due to some situations, for some reason I couldn't stand the sounds of they keyboards anymore, I had to study really deep until I could find the right switch with the right amount of silence to it, but it's paying out and although I still face the effects of the condition where I get triggered by the sound, it's working decently and makin recovery way less painful. I made sure of using keycaps that are related to some I like, and I am into 90s, so I used the IBM color scheme from mid 80s keyboard (see IBM Model M/F) and I decided to use a black / beige combination in the spare one. If anyone is interested in knowing the specs I can totally help with that.
New birdie parent šŸ¤
by sky2Ocean20
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...See more Introducing ..... This is kukiĀ šŸ¤ ļ»æ Here is PanoiĀ šŸ„ I can use some advice as a new bird parent. Drop some off if you have any.Ā šŸ’ššŸ’™
I dont know where to post about this. I just want to talk to someone. Does anyone here have epileptic seizures?
by Slayer22
Last post
June 26th
...See more So, for last 12 years, I have had epileptic seizures. They can happen anytime, any place. Sometimes I have gotten hurt badly. Last one I had week ago, I lost my consciouness, I hit my shoulder. My shoulder is very painful right now, it is swollen and yellowish colour. I am on medication, yet they still happen to me. I cannot live in fear.
This is my Life Journey so far (I'm 16)
by TheArtistSystem
Last post
May 26th
...See more āš !Tw's for this: S/A S/H Early childhood trauma!āš  you have been warned!Ā  The first 12 months of life were hard.I was born the Size of an adult's hand I was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) this was 2007 so we did not have the technology we have now.. something very sweet though me and my twin were in the same hospital as our adopted dad (we love him shout out to ya dad!!)he was in a motorcycle accident earlier that year. but after we were discharged we were not cared for and were S/A'd by our birth father.. we're no longer in their care thankfully! but after a while we were saved by our grandmother Ethel may she rest in peace, but she saved us and my grandfather toby and her raised us for the first 2 years of our life then she passed away unexpectedly.. I miss you! I was adopted in 2010 so its been 13 years with this family (I was 3 when I was adopted) not much happened until I was around 11, COVID-19 hit and that was a crap show in its own right.. after all of that having to deal with a toxic boyfriend (now ex) and self-harm and other things that come along with that.. fast forward to now I'm 16 gonna be 17 in Dec happy as I can be right now and just typing on 7 cups sharing my story with you guys! so thanks for reading this take care be safeĀ  -NoahĀ 
Um..anyone have any suggestions of what I can do?
by stampy83
Last post
May 16th
...See more parents want to take me out of school May 24 but school ends in June. I want to stay the rest of the school year but they won't let me...I'm frustrated and I can't help but cry about it. How can I try to convince them? Because there's a fun field trip, parties, a school dance, my friends, karate which I never want to leave, not even for a day. :(Ā 
This is the first time that I will be posting something like this..
by pinkMap6575
Last post
May 15th
...See more Being 17 feels like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, especially lately. Losing 19,000 pesos to online gambling has left me feeling lost and hopeless. The money wasn't just mineā€”it was from my aunt, who has always been there for me. Now, I'm drowning in regret and guilt. The thought of disappointing my aunt and mom weighs on me like a ton of bricks, and it's pushed me to consider endinÄ” it all. But I can't bear the thought of my family finding out about this mess, adding to their worry and disappointment. The anxiety is suffocating, but deep down, I know that suicide isn't the answer. So, I'm reaching out for help, hoping to find a way out of this darknessā€¦
Some people are ray of hope
by Preesha
Last post
May 11th
...See more Dear Listener, I felt really good by talking to you for over 1 week.As u said you will always be there for me but i couldnt find your account to chat with you. You were a great listener who could understand me.Please do reach out to me.I atleast deserve a goodbye Waiting for you.
How did you move on ?
by sky2Ocean20
Last post
April 28th
...See more "Move-on" is not a one-time thing. It happens gradually. Which we don't seem to remember in pain. So here is a little reminder that even if you thought you overcame a hardship but it came back to haunt you, it does not mean that your effort went to waste. In a hurry, we can not move on. Our minds and hearts do not work that way in my opinion.Ā  šŸ’Œ What did you do to cope with a particular challenge of your life that you are proud of now?
Back at Cups and my story
by TheSweetNight
Last post
April 10th
...See more I used to have an old account here around 2 years ago and just left for like a year I guess. When I came back here it's so quiet and not as fun. I still remember the pikalution and the šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ if you wanna know how long I have been here.Ā  Tw: Bad friendship circles and self doubts The reason why I got here is because I used to deal with a condition where I feel like daydreams are better than reality (maladaptive daydreaming). In my case, it was caused by loneliness and I got tired of school. But now I'm not as bad as before. I can get a little more organized and a little more attentive...Ā  I recently made a new bestie at school (thank God) and yea we relate, we understand each other. And the thing is, I'm not sure if I should feel concerned or just ignore them when I found out about the **** behind my back. Me: "But how did you and her knew about me back at 8th grade" Her: "So there was this circle of gossips and they were talking about you pacing back and forth (I guess when I wait for my mom to pick me up) and yk other stuff... They thought that you're autistic" The people who talk behind my back about it probably don't fully understand autism but I act odd... I have self doubts about it.Ā  I mean, the thing is, I can pick up on basic social cues. However I feel the need to stim a lot like if theres nothing to do for a second, I'll lose focus and probably either pace back and forth or play with stuff. My mom also told me that I lack self awareness. Like "Look, this person is doing A, why don't you do B?" My mom thought I'm just ignorant but I feel different. Since I was little (elementary school) , my classmates think I'm weird since I don't initiate social interactions and I stim a lot. And when I wrote a letter to my school counsellor (cause I am good at writing but awkward at speaking), she was like "I dont think you're autistic, you have good grades and you dont seem to struggle in your studies" Bruh... I mean, I don't have to be autistic to have these traits but like... I'm so confused... Why do I feel the need to do these stuff? Why do I feel the need to stim? Why is it when I write the words cone out but when I speak it just got automatically held in by fear? Is it possible that I have some kind of neurodivergence? Also, not only classmates reported about this. Adults had also talked to my mom about this. The people at church reported about this. But my mom thinks I'm normal. I mean, other people might not be entirely correct but... This concerns me... And what do I do if I couldn't get tested cause my mom denies it? It's like no matter what I say, my mom is like "You're normal, you're just bla bla bla"
by Optimisticempath
Last post
March 26th
...See more are you really independent or have you never had anyone to actually rely on... are you really self sufficient or did you never learn to ask for help.. do you really not like talking about yourself or have you never had anyone who actually wants to know you.. listen to you.. are you really a giver or do you just never want anyone else to feel the way you did when you've always been only taken-from.. do you really feel like you'll be fine alone or are you scared to get abandoned by someone... again.. are you really selective of peopleĀ  or do you accept you have walls and nobody really cares trying to climb them for you... are you really ok...or do you feel disconnected from reality at all times and you'd never wanna really know how you actually are... do you actually don't know how to self care or do you not even care about self to do self care ...(both for this one lmao) can go on... thoughts...thoughts...šŸ¤”Ā  so much of who i thought I was... were actually just trauma responses lmao....coping mechanisms....defenses .... survival instincts....over the's been just one unfold after another... and idk who i am actually.... so lost and devoid of any energy or will to find or explore or like do all...šŸ˜”Ā 
To my listener friend rain, with luv
by pluckyVillage735
Last post
February 19th
...See more My rain friend, Ā  Ā It's been two days since you went for a self care break. I know that you are not on cups currently. But since I am not forgetting my rain on cups I am writing this. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  I hope you are taking care of yourself like you used to take care of me.I hope your finals are good.I hope you are working through struggles and moving mountains and still smiling since it's worthy to care for ourselves. You are one of the most resilient person I have ever met. Ā  Ā  Ā Now every day passing, I am trying my best to take care of myself.I imagine you are here. And talking to me when something is up.your words echo through the darkness I sometimes get into.Now I am starting to believe I will probably once again be able to love myselfĀ  a little more. I would do that for you. If we overcome the storms we are indebted to the sunshine, rain. I will try my best. So one day I can say 'I made it rain' I know you would be proud of me. @littlebirdie and @teenmorgan friends really helped me out.Ā  So take care @chillingRain No matter where you are, I will remember you.I won't lose hope. I know you will come back once you feel like coming back after self care break. Luv ušŸŒ»šŸ˜Š Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ...... ......... plucky, friendĀ 
Donā€™t know what to do
by Nyla07
Last post
January 29th
...See more My first time here, it may be long Im a college student and Iā€™m trying to become Vet Tech. However, this is a fast-paced program and it lasts a year and a half. Ever since my senior year of high school Iā€™ve been battling bouts of depression, but never got therapy about it. I didnā€™t want to go to college yet because I felt I wasnā€™t ready to step into society without a job so I wanted to get a little experience so college could be smoother. Unfortunately that didnā€™t work because my parents wanted me to go to college immediately. Alright I just went.Ā  I felt the immediate effects of a fast-paced program and I didnā€™t know how to grasp the concepts fully. By the time I had some material down, we were taking a test and off to the next course. Therefore I donā€™t feel I got the best out this program and desperately wanted to start over, but by that time my parents al

Hello everyone!Ā smiley

Welcome to the General Support sub-community, we are glad to welcome you here. YouĀ can seek support on a variety of topics such as: getting unstuck, long-term support & boundaries, managing emotions, mental health & awareness, physical health & awareness, grief and loss, self-care support, and stigma support.

* We want to get to know you better :)Ā Introduce yourself here.

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* Share your thoughts in our daily check-in.Ā 

* Join our weekly guided discussion in the General Support chat room every Sunday 1pm GMT.Ā We support you during Sharing CircleĀ and Small Steps towards Healthy Habits sessions too.Ā 

Come learn about coping skills for various situations and share with us what you have learned. We are happy you are stopping by!Ā heart

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* Be kind and respectful.Ā 

*Please always add a trigger warning ifĀ your topic might be triggeringĀ to users.Ā 

*Please refrain from graphic content.

*Please avoid double posting (IfĀ you have doubleĀ posted,Ā please contact @CheeryMango)

*Please avoid swearing as this can be triggering for users.Ā Ā 

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