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More Than One Major Issue?

User Profile: funnySquare1982
funnySquare1982 January 17th, 2018


I'm currently trying to seek out therapy to help with some major issues that are causing me a great deal of difficulty for me lately...The problem is, I have more than one major area of myself that needs addressing. It seems that therapists normally have specialties, and for my problems, I feel like no one therapist will be able to help me with the different ones I'm experiencing.

What should I do? Should I just pick one of my issues out and go from there? I would appreciate any experience or advice you may have. Thank you.

User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie January 17th, 2018

In my experience, for what it's worth, the best therapists usually specialize in one method (for example, CBT), but they can apply that one method to a very wide range of issues (for example, anxiety, depression, obsessions, addictions, relationships, sleep, etc.) This means that having a wide range of issues is not in itself a problem.

I imagine a therapist will want to understand all your major issues and how they relate to each other, before making any decision with you about what to address first.

But you can also ask a therapist that question before you arrange your first appointment: "I have more than one major issue—do you think you'll be able to help?"
