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AMA Drug Benefits being cut

Skits13 August 20th, 2014

Hi, I've received notice that my drug benefits are being cut off. I take psych drugs and just one of them costs $399. All together my drugs per month are $500. The most expensive one really is working well for me and I'm afraid I'm going to lose it because of the expense. I live in Ontario what am I to do. At this point I feel I have no other choice but to go off all my medication. That could be disastrous, I have Bipolar disorder

liligrace August 20th, 2014

I will look for answers for you. I do not live in Canada. But I want to look for places where you might get some good info re where to turn Here is a Canada Mood disorders forum link I will start there

Also, and maybe better, here is a link for a page, if you scroll down you will see an area for bipolar disorders with a bunch of links. You hopefully will get some phone numbers to call to find a way to deal with getting your medication

If you give me permission, I will past this as a messaage to a retired nurse I know in Ontario who goes toanother website. She is sadly all too familiar with mental health stuff.

I believe there is an answer for you. And a way that you will be able to continue to get your medication. I am sorry though that you are having to go through this process of finding it. REALLY sorry

Skits13 OP August 20th, 2014

Yes, I live in Ontario

Skits13 OP August 20th, 2014

yes you have permission to discuss this

Chester August 20th, 2014

Hi Skits13. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm not sure if you'll qualify for the Ontario Drug Program or Trillium Drug Program, which appears to be the same coverage but with lower costs depending on if you qualify, and what your income is. Hopefully you'll find something useful here.


Skits13 OP August 20th, 2014

Thank you for that. I appreciate it

liligrace August 21st, 2014


The only info i got from the woman I asked who is a retired nurse is suggesting you callCMHA Canadian Mental Health Association let them know whats happening. She thinks they could have connections to get your medication covered. She also asked if you have spoken with your doctor and asked him/her to fill out a form to get the meds youneedcovered by the drug companies who make them. Some of the drug companies will do that if a person is unable to pay them

Sounds like the links you have above might be better in providing info and options. I do not know. I wish you the best. And believe in my heart that you will have a way to continue on with the medications that work for you.

Skits13 OP August 22nd, 2014

Thanks lilygrace