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What is your daily routine?

User Profile: xLoneWolfx
xLoneWolfx July 2nd, 2016

I am living a monotonous life. Even the word "monotonous" sounds more meaningful and exciting than my life. I wake up in the afternoon, eat br-unch-ner (breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one) watch news, play video games and try to sleep til morning. Its been like this everyday for 2years now.

The worst thing about it is that I know, tomorrow is still gonna be like that. Even the next day.. Or the day after tomorrow.. And the day after that.

Yes, i know. There are days that I really convinced myself that things has to change. But we all know that its not that easy as said right?

User Profile: DeborahUK
DeborahUK July 3rd, 2016


I understand when you say it's not that easy to change things, but the power to change things really does lie with you. Can you imagine this routine continuing for the next year, 2 years, 10 years?

I wonder how you shop for your food? I'm assuming you must leave the house occasionally, and I would suggest maybe that's the best way to start altering this monotonous routine. It's just making the odd change that can get the ball rolling towards real change. Engaging with people you meet, accessing your community a bit more, connecting to the real world.

I wonder how your self esteem is? Please believe, because it's true, you deserve a fulfilling and happy life as much as anybody else. It may not all change over night, but small changes to your day really can make a big difference to your life. So be brave, grab it with both hands, and make that change.

User Profile: SenpaiXD
SenpaiXD July 3rd, 2016


Of course it's not easy to change it.

You have done something that has become a habit. Changing a bad habit is pretty difficult, especially something that's pretty much all you know how to do.

What you can do is to recognize other things that may interest you, pursue your other passion besides video games. If you like to write, then write a story a day. Remember to go out and some exposure from the sun, you'll feel a lot better about yourself when you are outside instead of staying at home.

It's only up to you whether or not if you want to change your habit, a habit is burdensome to change but with hard work and persistence. You can and will change it.
