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Weekly Prompt #8: What’s been bothering you lately?

ASilentObserver April 5th, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope everyone is having an easy week.

In the last week, as you may know, we discussed a bit about Share about a past struggle that you overcame. If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts.

Today I want us to think about and discuss feeling stuck. It would be wonderful if you have smooth sailing through life at all times but that's not the reality. That is why it is okay to feel stuck sometimes. Whether you are stuck in your thoughts, progress, relationship, family, or life path. You are human and not alone in that feeling. It is okay and we going to figure it out together to get unstuck. It is part of the process.

This week's prompt is: What’s been bothering you lately? What are some things within your control that might help the situation?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 7th, 2023


Thankyou for creating this space for everyone to share what's on their mind, Obzieee! I'll take the virtual hug haha! *hugs back* 🤗

Sending love love and kindness to everyone coming across! ❤


1 reply
ASilentObserver OP April 10th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Sending virtual hugs back Sun. Thank you for being with us

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carefulNest7366 April 9th, 2023

I feel like I can't trust my friends anymore. They are very supportive and have never actually given me a reason not to but I am really paranoid and irrational. I feel like I have ti walk on eggshells while talking w/ them or ill say sum akward or weird. Something I can do is to keep my distance and set boundaries and be honest but I am afraid that these things won't work😭

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ASilentObserver OP April 10th, 2023

@carefulNest7366 I am sorry to hear that, nest. I understand feeling paranoid and irrational can be distressing, even if there's no clear reason for it. It sounds like your friends have been supportive, but you're struggling with trusting that and worrying about how you come across. Have you considered trying these steps:
1. Setting boundaries and being open about your needs could help you feel more comfortable
2. Keeping some distance until you feel ready to reconnect could give you space to work through your feelings

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kiamay8 April 11th, 2023

i feel like i don’t deserve love or happiness. for example, i just went to a week vacation with my best friend and some other friends, i had a lot of fun but got back today and i’ve been liyng on bed all day thinking about two boys i met. So one boy was in my group, and a girl that i met there told me that he liked me, but i really don’t know why i said no. i also liked him, but i feel that if he ACTUALLY really knew me and my family, etc he wouldn’t lien me anymore. Also i met another boy whose name is Daniel, we went along very well, but we didn’t exchange instagrams because i didn’t have my phone and while i was texting my username on his phone (the battery was at 1%) it died. i don’t know how to find that boy and i don’t know why i said no to the other boy. i feel like i’m too ugly for them and that if they actually knew me they wouldn’t like me. i don’t know what to do and how to get over the fact that i’m waiting my teenage years all because of my low self esteem.

ps the second guy told me that on april 15th he’s gonna go in a disco near where i live, he invited me and i’m thinking about going, but i’m afraid he won’t like me or stuff like that.

any tips??

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ASilentObserver OP April 14th, 2023

@kiamay8 I'm sorry to hear you are feeling this way about yourself. Many struggle with low self-esteem and self-doubt. You are not alone. Please know that you absolutely deserve love and happiness. Others opinions do not define your self-worth. You are a unique, complex, and multi-dimensional person - there will be many people who see your beauty, inside and out. We are all here with you to listen to and support.

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DoveyLoveyDovey April 13th, 2023

I was told that I’m probably not gonna pass one of my classes…and now I just feel hopeless. Like why bother keep going to class if I’m gonna fail anyways.

I guess I could keep going to class but going to class reminds me that I’ve failed and *** up and that makes me cry

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ASilentObserver OP April 14th, 2023

@DoveyLoveyDovey I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Keeping your head up in challenging times can be difficult, but there is always hope. Focus on the things you can control and try your best in the time remaining. You are so much more than just one class. Remember your strengths and stay determined. We are all here with you to listen to and support.

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pineapplepeanut June 12th, 2023


My employment has been bothering me for the past year or so. Ever since I got promoted to a baker, my boss and trainer have been telling me to do more and go faster. I have been told that they do that to other new persons also. Most recently my boss started on me again with a raised voice in front of other coworkers about going faster again and said he will have to reevaluate my being a baker. When I went on break I could have cried. Also I got the position as baker because they could not find anybody else for it. They tried hiring new people for it, even though I have been there for over 5 years. I was getting so stressed and drained I called my employer's HR department. Things at work have improved, my boss seems calmer and nicer but I don't know if it will last. I will need to do something again if this starts again. When you are learning a new job, of course you are not going to be fast, it takes time. I need to learn to keep calm and not let them get me angry. Thank you for letting me vent. Any help would be appreciated.

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ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@pineapplepeanut I'm sorry to hear this situation has been causing you stress. The pressure and criticism from your boss sounds unwarranted and unfair. What strengths have helped you cope so far?

Please know we are all here with you to listen to and support.
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sunnyPenguin1889 June 13th, 2023

What bothers me lately is the way I react to other people's emotions uncontrollably. I know they care about me a lot and all they want to do is help me overcome my emotional struggles. I just need to talk about the feelings I feel instead of bottling them and that's the hardest part for me. I think if I were to just think positively about the outcome of me sharing my feelings it would help a lot. Sharing them in a calm collective "I feel... " statement and them sharing their emotions and then me sharing my emotions about their emotions is a good start/plan to help myself become better at feeling feelings and maybe eventually helping other people with theirs.