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Tired of feeling worthless and useless

greenHuman8078 September 24th, 2016

I've been in a downward spiral dealing with depression and anxiety. I was dignosed with major depression and have been admitted to the mental hospital twice for having suicidal thoughts (both consecutively ). Sometimes I feel so useless that I begin to think that I will be like this forever, that I will never get better. It's hard when you feel like a total burden because you can't work or do anything, sometimes I just feel like giving up. I just feel so tired physically and mentally. I've tired getting some help with my therapists only to be told that I have to "try" and o things for myself, what does she think I'm doing by going to therapy. Clearly she doesn't know what she's doing or she wouldn't make me feel less than I'm feeling already. I just don't know how to move on, I AM SCARED FOR MY LIFE!!!.....I WANT TO LIVE AGAIN!!!!......I WANT TO LIVE MY LFE!!!!... I JUST WANT TO LIVE...

AloStar September 24th, 2016


God, seems like I hear myself. I am also being diagnosed with major depression and bipolar. I have also tried suicide in which the last time I was out for 3 days in the icu and to this date I wish I had died.

and yes, i still think about suicude and how to do it. I also feel worthless and a loser. Therapist, they know nothing but to empty your wallet. They don't care and they don't

know that perhaps you need someone to listen while you get it all out, instead you listen to all this "work" and "goals" they want you to pursue.

yrah right!

i have not been taking my medicine for 10 months now, and boy I feel like I needed. Sometimes I believe I'm really going crazy. Nothing goes well in my life .... and it's because all my thoughts just like yours are negative.

i don't love myself and I don't know how, I'm looking for

love in the wrong direction, I keep saying that I can't do this or that, when I know that if I change the way I think and just love my day because I can breath, because the birds are chirping at my window, because I have a job were I can learn from positive people.

If I just set my mind free of all the worries and the negativity

greenHuman8078 OP September 24th, 2016

@AloStar I hope you get better as well iitts hard for me when my mind in a depressive state of mind when I'm feeling sorry for myself the thing is that I don't know how to move forward with my life how to motivate myself because I know no one will do it for me. Like right now I'm close to a panic attack and it hard to overcome it and e positive when you re eeling anything but nevative. m cared that I won't be able to overcome it, I'm scared of thinking I'm going to die and I'm scared of living too.

AloStar September 29th, 2016


I am too, I feel like I keep falling and I don't have the strength to get up... but I am trying.

There is people that love me but the best love is the one I need to give to myself and I am starting to realize that I am not alone and never been.

Dont tie up yourself to what is not there. Free your mind from all the things that aren't good.

Leave the past behind, there is nothing to do about it the past can't be fixed because it's already gone and living there is just hell. You can keep the good memories of the past just let them be that.. memories and live your present, your today.

Look within yourself and see how much energy and love there is. Meditate, just close your eyes and let yourself go into this peaceful breathing and imagine a beautiful path, peaceful place

Don't think about the future because it's a waste of time, you don't know what is coming ... but live today to the max, laugh, cry, jump, love all creatures ... specially love yourself

Being here helps me a lot, you help me to be better and to see myselg