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New Year isn't so New

loyalBlueberry7653 December 31st, 2023

New year for me started off with this big wsve of sadness. I cannot wish my loved ones because I'm not being able to type it properly. my brain is telling me that this year is just like the last one, and the previous, and the previous. I'm just hiding behind my screen watching everyone celebrate. It feels nice to see the people celebrating everything. I wish i was better. I wish i was younger to not know all this trauma that dwelves inside of me. I wish. 

Mya000 January 6th

@loyalBlueberry7653 I'm truly sorry to hear that the start of the new year has brought a wave of sadness for you. It's completely okay to feel the way you do, and it's important to acknowledge those emotions. Remember, it's okay not to have everything figured out. If you ever want to talk or share more about what you're going through, I'm here to listen. Take care <3