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I literally can't do anything, help!

Tei May 22nd, 2016

I want to do things, I need to do things... but I never do them, chores, errands, favors, exercising, having a life, being even slightly ok, etc. I cant do it... all I do is sit around and do nothing, or sleep 14+ hours... I've already completely wasted every year of my life, every single second is a huge regret. There isnt a moment in my life I wouldn't take back and change, I hate all if it...The pain is unimaginable and it never stops. I feel like I'm way too old to do anything, and I just want to give up bc my chance at living a life I wanted is gone, I'm too old to get there, its not happening, bc i never did anything... so goes everyday and i just keep wasting time!! Someone help me before I need to give up... even then im not sure if I could do anything about it... after all...I just can't do anything... I hate myself so much, for ruining my life.

Minxx May 22nd, 2016


Hi. How old are you and why do you think your life is ruined?

ShadedJade May 22nd, 2016

@Tei I understand and can completely relate to your situation. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all the regret, remorse, disconnection, self loathing, unworthiness and internal rage that comes from being in what I refer to simply as perpetually stuck. Elaborately I'd say it's a paralyzing, time snuffing catatonic numbness who feels like a quadriplegic and looks like a horrible uncaring lazy and selfish person only you do care, you aren't lazy and while being this way causes us to seem selfish that couldn't be more wrong. Despite my best efforts I only seem to disappoint and further disconnect from those I love relating more with statues than judgemental humans. It's as if the real carefree life-loving person i know is w/in me has been imprisoned, marooned on wasteland and is only an observer trapped deep inside my on head in a well of fear and anxiety. Have you seen Dr? If so and this sounds like your woes will you please pass what the Dr's opinion is ab your situation on to me. Now, let me again say I'm so sorry for your pain, frustration and turmoil, I know that is not you nor what u desire. I know people make jokes ab wishing they could sit on their butts forever but reality is no one would choose this not even laziest person ever. I can't talk to loved ones over phone, answer knock at door, respond to text, cook for myself, family or dogs and leaving my bed much less house is devastating and infuriating on the really bad days.

Disneykstew May 22nd, 2016


Hey tei! I don't think it's late to do anything! You can still start over and try to do what you wanted to do. I hope you would try starting again.

quietKite1932 May 22nd, 2016


It's never too late. Never. You can live the life you want.

Failure of using time wisely, can now be a lesson learnt. Be easy on yourself though, but just know, it is not too late.

cristiana33 May 22nd, 2016


Hey dear!

I believe one thing is clear. There are just too many things we all can do in our life. The problem is who is asking for us to do them and what we, alone, can do or not. It's important to choose to make yourself happy. That may be the first and most important thing you need to admit.

Yeah, maybe you didn't do what you could and what needed to be done most of your life... from the eyes of whom? Others? Yours? But no matter what, you are now regreting and wanting to do more. It may be late to repair things from other peoples eyes but what matters the most is that you are in peace with yourself. Forgive yourself for not being able to do more, accept that you are in a bad moment right now and give yourself options to make it matter. For yourself not others. For your own peace of mind. That's I think what counts most to stay sane and keep it going, slower or faster, it doesn't matter!


Playingwithstring May 22nd, 2016

@Tei "Every breath is a second chance"

Harry53 May 23rd, 2016

@Tei You have done something. You posted in a forum! smiley