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Confused... Need some help

lukeCarroll July 4th, 2015

I am a bit confused these days... I don't know what to do with life.. Everything is good... life is good, but I don't enjoy it anymore.. I don't know what I want.

It will be really helpful if I can get some material to read/watch/listen, which can aid in understanding what's going on.

Thank you :)

plausiblepauses July 4th, 2015

I totally understand this feeling! Try to go on Netflix and check out the most popular section. They're popular for a reason, right? I'm personally a fan of independent movie. Go on pandora or spotify and choose a random station until you start liking it. Books are always great to find if you visit a local book store and walk around and get a feel for what you like. hope this helps

lukeCarroll OP July 4th, 2015

Thank you :) Hope this works

supposebritgirl July 4th, 2015

I know this isn't a page for dating advice but I sort of need help.I been dating this guy for a few months now and I really like him.when we first started dating we used to talk hours on end but recently we only talk for like ten min max and that's only if I message him first Or the rear ocassiom he decides to message me.I feel like a bother to him or like I'm being to clingy.I'm confused on whether I should message him or like I said would it be to clingy. I really like him and don't want us to end,what should I do.(lomh distance relationship BTW)