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please help me through my worst time

Eitas December 27th, 2023

I am desperately need help. I have been through a bad period when my  school debate club rejected me, okay fine i still manage to overcome it. However, at the later time of the day, i realized that my mom didnt register me for the taekwondo band enhancement exam while i am qualified for the exam to get a higher rank band.... I have practiced continuously for the past weeks to prepare for this and the next exam in March i cant join due to school. I seriously feel burnout and want to give up on it because i just intended after taking the higher band i would leave taekwondo class (not really because i hate it, but i want to rest) to try for the singing class that i am desperately wanted to learn singing techniques. I feel reallly hopeless, mad and even do self harm and suicide thoughts mainly for 2 reasons:

My mom dont let me rest stop taking taekwondo for a while because she insist it is for health and singing sucks needn't to learn

I want recognition, and getting a higher band in taekwondo give me many benefits such as recognition to boost my self esteem, to feel that i have something that a person who i extremely hated to the point i am obsessed with them, compare myself with them and more. I also want to give the certificate into my scholarship document to show that aside from learning i also take care of myelf in front of universities' admissions.

I seriously desperated and need someone help


Mya000 January 3rd

@Eitas I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging time right now. It's clear that you're dealing with a lot of pressure and conflicting emotions. It's completely understandable that you feel burnt out and overwhelmed. It's important to recognize and acknowledge your feelings.

Firstly, it's great that you managed to overcome the setback with your school debate club. That resilience is a valuable trait, and I believe you have the strength to navigate through this difficult situation as well. Regarding the Taekwondo band enhancement exam, it's unfortunate that there was a miscommunication with your mom. It's okay to feel disappointed and frustrated.

It seems like there's a lot riding on your desire for recognition and achieving a higher rank in Taekwondo. While the benefits of self-esteem and personal achievement are undoubtedly important, it's also crucial to consider your overall well-being and happiness. It's tough when there's pressure from others, especially when it comes to decisions about your own pursuits.

Perhaps you could try having an open and honest conversation with your mom about your feelings, explaining your desire to take a break from Taekwondo for a while and explore your interest in singing. Communication might help bridge the gap in understanding between you and your mom.

Remember, it's okay to prioritize your mental and emotional health. Taking care of yourself is important, and pursuing activities that bring you joy and fulfilment is a valid choice. If you need someone to talk to or seek guidance, consider reaching out to a trusted friend, family member, listener, or psychologist.

You're not alone in this, and seeking support is a strength, not a weakness. Take small steps, and give yourself the time and space you need to make decisions that align with your well-being. Take care 💚

LZYYYy January 3rd


I definitely understand where your frustration and anger is coming from. If I were to go through the same series of events, I would just be equally upset and hopeless because debate team, taekwondo rank, and singing class are significantly important to you.

It's sad that your mom has forgotten to sign up for the taekwondo exam. I mean, you have put in so much hard work and time to pass that exam, so you can showcase your achievements in extracurriculars to college admission office and join the singing class that you're truly passionate about. But because your mom has forgotten to sign up for the exam (no disrepect to mom), all your efforts seem to be futile. 

As a high school student, I know how important awards, certificates, and extracurriculars mean to us because they prove our achievements and increase our chance of being accepted by our dream colleges. You have all the right to feel frustrated and angry because you are competing with countless other students from around the globe. 

But also keep in mind that the skill you have learned always belongs to you and will stay with you. Despite not being proven by a band or a certificate, you can use your skills anytime you want. So don't feel like all your efforts have lost its meaning, because what you have learned would benefit you in the future whenever you need it.