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Wolf's Campfire Stories

KindWolf2023 August 19th, 2023



Ok so gather round for a story, y'all! Grab your hot mugs of tea/cocoa/coffee/your fave. Toast those marshmallows and listen to this tale.

The Woman Who Became An Avenging Spirit

Once upon a time, a homeless woman came "home" to her spot. Her friend had "deeded" her the place before he got on a bus to go home to see his mother. He did not think he would ever come back, and he indeed didn't so that place was hers fair and square.

She was tired wanted to rest what does she see but two of his friends there. Two men.

She was filled with righteous fury at the sight. Stood over them like the scariest angry librarian you ever did see, told them that was HER spot and ordered them to leave.

They didn't want to, but she did not yield, give ground or stop ordering them away, so at length they got up and left!!

She went to sleep in territory she had retaken, thinking they are men and will never live this down. What will they tell others??

And months later, she heard this epic tale.

There were three men, not two. She came upon like a winged Fury, literally a flying avenging spirit, and chased them into the park.

The black cat at church that was super fond of her? It couldn't be that she gave him the best head rubs or brought him food. He was her familiar.

The woman laughed and applauded. Because people did not dare mess with her now.

Bravery is its own story, you see.

The End

Got a story? Leave it in the comments!

FrenchMarbles August 19th, 2023


Hey KindWolf,

Wow, what an incredible story you've shared with me! I was utterly captivated by the tale of the homeless woman who transformed into an avenging spirit to reclaim her spot. How she stood her ground and faced those two men with such fierce determination is truly inspiring. Her image as a flying avenging spirit is powerful and imaginative. And the twist with the black cat being her familiar adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

I love how the story highlights the theme of bravery and how it can shape its own unique story. It's a reminder that our actions can profoundly impact how others perceive us and the course of events. Thank you so much for sharing this story with me—it will stick with me for a while. I can't wait to hear more stories from your creative mind!


RogueOne1983 August 19th, 2023

@FrenchMarbles I am so glad you enjoyed it!! Thanks for leaving this great commentary!!

RogueOne1983 August 19th, 2023

The Twenty Four Elders


Once upon a time, there were some very fine soldiers in a very wealthy, large and well fed country.

They had all risen to the rank of general, and had exceedingly distinguished records of service.

The Queen of the Earth at that time was hiding, impoverished, with her royal husband waiting for her people to come rescue her. She had her fortune stolen from her, for this country that seemed so great and noble on the outside was now merely a whitewashed tomb with only devils and darkness within.

The generals knew of the Queen, her prince husband and their piteous condition. Being fine men of honor, they stood in between the royal couple and all the real darkness that had grown to occupy the heart of the still shiny country.

The darkness was not amused. It rose up all unexpected. Twelve were pulled from the cave where they hid and slain. They all died bravely without renouncing Love.

Twelve were hidden, offering prayers, when the building they were in suddenly collapsed killing them all. They all died bravely without renouncing Love.

For this is the amount of hatred darkness has for Love and Love's children: it cannot rest until it has seen the destruction of all that is truly good. It patrols to and fro, seeking something or someone to rend and devour, lit from the inside by flame that never dies.

Love's children were caught up to the stars and set as individual fires among the myriad constellations.

They were caught up to the tenth heaven where they have thrones and crowns, and there they drink in Love, and adore it.

Persevere to the end; the reward is immense!!


KindWolf2023 OP August 19th, 2023


The Tree

When I look back upon my life huge areas of it are darkened.

Horrible unthinkable childhood but we looked so great. We were the best fakers. Recently I looked at a Google image of the house I grew up in. It was as usual well tended, updated landscaping in excellent condition. It defied all my accounts of the horrors within it by its unyielding perfectness.

They were convicted in court of abusing me, told everyone it was a mistrial. Sentences suspended because the convicted criminals were in their 80's; their fancy expensive lawyer obtained that much. One is dead now.

Nothing happened here; that house will proclaim to the end of time.

Then the decades of recovery why is she so sick? Past that doesn't exist now cannot be ignored. Its shadow embossed on every waking moment and activity. The thing denied took over swallowed pride and everything else.

Years later...decades later...facing my biggest challenge up to that time. Living in a house full of demons and I won't discuss further. Except to say I reviewed the events in Amityville Horror and I experienced them all except one.

That night years later I woke up and my bunk was strung about with ectoplasm. That weird substance!

By then I was living by rote I still kinda do. Wake up there must be something to do as I am still alive. Ok.

To find out ALL mulch. Fertilizer. All that crap made for the richest most exotic soil in which Jesus deposited His Word.

And then made Us grow and grow and now a tree!!

I had to share: the failures faults problems darkness mistakes fear misery DO NOT STAY THERE. But they are excellent mulch; wonderful fertilizer when placed in God's hands!!

Every last regret and tearstained memory, in God's hands it is mulch. He sows His Word and the crop that comes up is a new you. The seed died broke open the new plant body pushed up and into the sunshine. What we never dreamed of being, or that we ever could be.

We are so amazed now.

Nothing is wasted!! Nothing!!

KindWolf2023 OP August 19th, 2023


No Such Person Here

I have gone where you can't go.

The chains upon your legs

The manacles on your wrists

Above all your heart hot as an oven

I have gone where you can't go.

I found the ancient paths again

Fled down them ran straight into

Faith, Hope and Love.

These my constant guardian-companions

They ensure I step neither to the right

Nor the left

But only the path.

The person you sought doesn't live here.

He never did, or he would live here still.

Up the pleasant byways

The narrow path to Life

That's my road.

Along with my Wife my Bondmate

She who is like Light dances upon the rainbow

Along with her we walk the Path of Life.

We know the Way.

There is no trio no room for you in this coupling.

Begone foul creature seize other prey!!

KindWolf2023 OP August 23rd, 2023


There was a day it seemed like all the others.

One more try to achieve the seemingly impossible.

The man came out. He was kind; he wore a lanyard of the football team sponsored by the city I grew up in.

Then he was gone and things were done. Just like that.

Made a few calls, yes everything is good we will talk to you tomorrow about more plans.

Kindness and I am not scratch claw fight.

A therapy appointment things going almost normally like I haven't seen since March of 2018.

Packed then flew I had no idea then how many years I would be flying, nor all the places I would go to, nor the adventures I would have.

Now I am a seasoned traveler/adventurer and the scariest thing in town!

Which is why the quiet kindness...because

Tick tock

You are almost out of time.

KindWolf2023 OP August 26th, 2023


The Path That Was Actually Taken

When I left my second husband he did not seem to understand why. I do not think he would really understand now.

He assumed and took an attitude of utter self-righteousness, when that was in fact the complete opposite of reality.

1. He put everything and everyone ahead of me.

Girls. Girls and more girls -- did I mention we were married? -- he never saw a halfway decent female he didn't feel the need to have sex with. They were all FIRST. Marriage???? I threw the rings in the river!!!

Businesses, friends, his own interests. His whole demeanor was and continued to be after breakup, I don't need you; look at all these things and people in my life more important to me than you are!!!

His phone that EVERYONE got to use except me.

2. Did I mention I was the breadwinner? Ouch. Yeah I was doing all the work bringing home the bacon, which then he stole from me cooked and fed to his girlfriends!!! When he moved one in....

Well I learned the following:

Don't use his phone. Calling and texting are for everyone else, not unimportant you.

I had to work and he didn't. I had to do what he said even so.

In every word deed and action he screamed at me over and over how completely worthless I was to him by putting everyone and everything else ahead of me.

Working me until I cried for rest. Various forms of abuse.

I am not an idiot; I met a man who treats me as follows:

  • After Jesus I am first. Period. In everything.
  • He takes care of me. He helps ensure everything we need happens.
  • He lovingly helps me plan meals and outings. He treats me and gives me gifts and surprises.

He has fought so hard to become the amazing man he is; we will never part!!!

And I had learned from the other guy to be self-sufficient. That I didn't need him. That I was fine on my own and in fact far better off on my own.

Other guy was my rock bottom.

I believe that dude is still puppeteering others, things, look at all the stuff this life of mine you have no part in?

That's not new. The difference is, now I accept it.

My BELOVED Husband wants me. I want him.

And everything we do and say communicates that.


KindWolf2023 OP August 30th, 2023


The Game

It was another night another chance. Another breath; there was always another chance; they rained on him like water.

Of late the Arcade had less people. Not many could play up to his level of course. He figured the herd was naturally thinning itself as always.

Tonight is the night! I am finally going to win "The Mermaid." He had tried before, failed, done well with others but "The Mermaid" always eluded him it seemed.

He hadn't taken it seriously; there were so many pleasures at the Arcade. The Mermaid was a tough card to obtain; it would wait. Wasn't he a legend? What about the time he outplayed all five Drummers; they were still talking about that night he was sure.

The Mermaid wasn't going anywhere he just had bided his time getting to her.

He looked at the game options for the evening, handwritten like always because the Arcade was like no other. "The Triple Six Sirens" always so enjoyable. "Double Eights" for a bit of unpredictable adventure. His eyes swept down the now familiar list looking for "The Mermaid."

Ran down twice then three times; it was unlisted.

"Hey, uh" it did no one any good to appear anxious in the Arcade, "The Mermaid?"

"No longer carried. Can I interest you in something else?"

His mouth went dry. No Mermaid??? But...

"Well actually truth is I have already played the rest many times; I was hoping to finally have a shot at 'The Mermaid.'"

"Sorry the Big Boss went through discovered 'The Mermaid' was never selected by you, so that game was dropped from the roster permanently. All the games you most love are still here."

But...and he woodenly listened to his exploits, rehearsed over and over cause he was the Arcade's favorite player. The night he mixed the Sixes and the Eights. The night it was Deuces Wild and he was there almost half the night...

The Gametender finished the stories fondly.

"So we took 'The Mermaid' out of the lineup it is the only offer you never touched."

"Don't worry you won't miss what you never had anyway."

His mind was far far away by then. He hadn't noticed the sharp *** in his shin.

Why did that top never stop spinning.....

KindWolf2023 OP August 30th, 2023


I don't understand.

Why did you never think: Be Kind?

Why did you wrap yourself in a cloak of hubris and self-righteousness, along with sycophants to tell you every move was perfect?

When you were alone suffering in the dark, the sycophants now gone, whole life in free fall...

Why didn't you practice kindness?

A gentle word to soothe a hurt spirit? A touch "I want to work this out?"

No! Nothing but screaming abusive language until my protectors formed a wall and hid my location?

And one day you wake up and that story has been archived.

Because all you could ever throw my direction was rage.

KindWolf2023 OP August 30th, 2023


The Greek Chorus

We had little to do but fight next to you and near you, and cover your butt lotsa times you covered ours.

We were in the King Lear tragedy in which a man gets redeemed from horrific circumstances, finally receives justice and all he requested.

Only a putz could FUBAR such a perfect set up and you were that putz.

You were given all asked, and like a tantrumming destructive toddler, screamed "No! No! No!" broke the plates, binned the food, crawled down from your hi chair, wrecked it all then blamed everyone else for all you did!!

You know pain anger destruction no one is trying to save you bubba. We are finally telling you what enduring you was like.

Stomp out drag your bib the toys and the baby food along with you we have seen it all before!!!

Survive your game!!

We aren't playing with you anymore!!

KindWolf2023 OP August 30th, 2023


So What This Is

Yeah take a good look this was gonna be your life.

Maybe you will close your mouth next time.

Open your ears.

The world, revolve around you it does not.

And people who valued what was so graciously granted you, now have it.

KindWolf2023 OP September 6th, 2023


The Toy Shoppe

The new neighbors were quiet kept to themselves.

No one had to ask why because we all knew where from.

We did find out that before IT (the Day) they had owned a toy shop with all the finest products. People came from all over the world and haggled for their amazing toys.

It turns out that he should have stopped smoking would have saved more than his lungs.

They were in a rush did not keep inventory well, worry about laws or any of those hindrances to free trade.

Here is the last known picture of the Toy Shoppe.

KindWolf2023 OP October 1st, 2023


The Road to Annihilation Is Paved With Good Intentions

I am a ghost come back to tell the tale of a life not well spent.

In life I was a man; I thought I was so cool. I was always a chick magnet; I was a honey Venus flytrap who caught women instead of insects. I saw little difference between them.

Other men well that was serious; I always tried to make a name for myself and a fortune if I could. Money, women, and illegal trades were my forte and my bread and butter.

When I got married it all went wrong.

She was beautiful, fresh; I thought I loved her. Certainly I wasn't lacking ooey gooey romantic thrills when it came to her.

And somehow that did not turn into happiness.

I subjected her to the same abusive crap I grew up with. I ran out on her so much of the same stuff those who spawned me hurled on me. I cheated on her. I lied and I stole her money to do what I wanted, telling all my fairweather friends and floozies it was my money, and we had good times with her wages paying for the parties.

One morning I woke up; my arms were empty; my side was cold. I blearily opened my eyes and discovered the woman I married was gone.

I never saw her again. Ever.

I turned to my best friend, a man, for more and more companionship. He was for everything that killed me. Anything goes and I gave myself to this man until we had a joint bank account so he could put money in it and I could withdraw it easily. Everything he said to do I did it. I have forgotten why.

The condition of him being BFF was I never reconcile with my wife who had in any case disappeared off the map. I never asked why he had this peculiar condition.

Eventually he and I were an old married couple. He actually got hitched, but his wife quickly left him because her seat was already taken. By me.

I was in a *** relationship with a female for awhile. She was cruel to me and I also submitted to her. She found new ways to torture me daily and all she required was complete submission. Eventually she got it and thought she got all she wanted.

I hung onto these two like lifelines. I no longer knew who I was or could survive without their misery. I lived to be beaten. I had become a slave.

I did not survive this; I died.

There is no happy ending.

So why tell you this story? Cause sometimes people who end up in fiery Annihilation want to say stuff to people Earthside like do not ever do any of this stuff I did, for one.

For another it is what you do that counts. Not what you think, feel, want or fear.

I had a sweet, beautiful, loving wife. I used her up until she could stand no more. I burned out all her love for me.

I stand, the damned, knowing my happiness was down that road with her and she is now happy with a man who loves her like I never did. She loves him completely and not me anymore, and she never will love me again either.

Do the correct things. Maybe they are hard and uncomfortable. Do them anyway.

Because I am not a ghost of any Christmas. I am a winding howl of misery, despair, darkness, and loneliness, and I am writing to say:

Do NOT do anything I did.

KindWolf2023 OP October 9th, 2023


When Failure Is Not An Option

I recently was faced with a dilemma. My ex husband was behind bars but there was a real question whether or not he would stay there.

He was a parolee so jailing him should have been a piece of cake. Instead, he stayed free and on the streets no matter what he did!

His ex bestie commented on this to me last year, saying "if I did half the stuff (my ex) did I would be behind bars. Why does he stay out?"

He was in fact committing serious crimes and evil people were protecting him so he could continue his evil and deadly works.

Why? Well I have a friend she is a friend here of many. She was born enslaved used and abused horribly by wicked evil people simply because they had evil desires and the power to carry them out. She is proof of the present existence of people that lawless and wicked, and such people were protecting my ex so he could continue to perpetuate his reign of terror.

I knew what he did; in addition to all the abuse he perpetrated on me he confessed to many crimes, of course with no identifying details so even if I wanted to report him no one could use the information.

But he did enough personally, told me enough I knew he was for real that way and not just a delusional wannabe who watched too many horror movies. The abuse he perpetrated on me was over the top unusually wicked, and only people who are accustomed to high grade evil can even do those things.

I had a number of incidents, two in particular where hospitals and authorities had been involved so there was proof and documentation of what happened. And one that was just shocking but along with the ones I could prove needed reported.

He did even more but I stuck to the ones that could be researched as to what happened.

I live thousands of miles away now; I am very safe from him so it had to be me.

It was very hard to get the police department in my small town and the police department in the large city where it happened talking to each other. A lot of prayer and grace from God, thanking Him (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the bravery and support of beloved current husband H., resolved this and I finally gave my testimony to a female police officer where I live.

This enabled the police department in the city where it happened to legally use it to file new charges. My understanding is this met with great success.

I am very proud of myself; I helped protect the city where I used to live. Failure to do this meant he would get set free, be almost impossible to jail afterwards, and he then commits atrocities with almost impunity.

Failure on my part means the blood of innocents is on my hands. I COULD NOT FAIL.

And thanks to grace and strength from God, and the participation, support and cooperation from greatly beloved husband H., I DID NOT FAIL.

My town was proud of me too. I came out of the courthouse where I gave the testimony, and the bus I needed swung by while I was looking for the nearest stop.

She saw me, stopped said do you need the bus? I said YES hopped on; I wasn't at a stop!!!!

She drove to the transit asked if anyone needed transfer. I said yes, I need Bus#X. And she said,

"We know; they're waiting for you."

Small town love!!!!

I cried later. It took quite awhile to recover.

I helped keep the residents of the city I lived in safe, and enabled the authorities to deal with the menace posed by the ex.

And I feel very good about that.

KindWolf2023 OP October 20th, 2023


Once upon a time there was a hard bitten hard knock boy. He was violent angry he hurt people badly so spent a lot of time either in the mental ward or just in jail.

His family was so wicked and cruel he would commit crimes just to go to jail and be safe from them for awhile. He was a train hobo and hopped them to escape. He had a perilous life and eventually was imprisoned for many years.

He got out of prison and married a beautiful kind girl who fell so deep in love with him. Few knew it but she also had had a dreadful childhood where she was tortured and abused many ways. She looked normal but she wasn't living a normal life. She seemingly could not rise out of the poverty and homelessness escaping her first husband, running for her life, had put her in. 

It did not go well. The monsters of all his past and most of all, his many many evil deeds, ate the boy until nothing was left. The girl fled; she ended up thousands of miles away, safe but lonely and longing for the husband she lost.

God was kind and someone she had no idea even existed found her alone and crying, and he resolved to stay with her forevermore and there they now are, in love.

And I looked and your eyes were clear they were normal not a mess; they were normal and I got on my knees on my bed and cried and thanked God, and I wanted you to know.

Because Love.

It cannot be stopped; it overcomes all obstacles like they aren't there!

And no purpose of God shall be thwarted.

KindWolf2023 OP November 5th, 2023


There is nothin'

I understand cause I walked through it so many times, I just always deserved it too.

To see an innocent watch her cry once again because a buncha people were jealous and they listened to a gossiper who had deliberate malicious intent to destroy.

It isn't enough to show up do your work faithfully reliably and well anymore. That office gossip will end your job, and from someone who of course wasn't carrying his share of the load.

How dare she try to be happy! 

So jealous insecure work group has themselves and their cherished gossiper.

And I do all I can to make her happy, because she has gone through way more than anyone even knows.

RogueOne1983 November 6th, 2023

@KindWolf2023 here Frau Wolf.

You are never alone.