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Thank the Veterans around you

CyclingThroughLife November 10th, 2023

I know we have a Veterans support section, but I want this post to reach everyone, not just the Veterans.  I'm not sure if this is where that will happen so I apologize to the forum leaders if it doesn't belong here.

Veterans day in the US is tomorrow, Nov 11th.  Please take time to thank those around you who have sacrificed big parts of their lives to keep you safe and maintain your freedoms.  Many Veterans, while on the surface look to be ok, are actually struggling inside.  Take the time to thank them, have a conversation, and check in.  Sometimes a little goes a long way. 

To all the Veterans out there.  Thanks you for your service.  If you are in need, please seek assistance.  Keep your head up and have a great day.

mollyAngel3138 November 12th, 2023

@CyclingThroughLife thank you for this message! honoring veterans is so important and their sacrifices should always be remembered

glisteningCreature8806 November 12th, 2023

Thank you @PM1965

PM1965 November 14th, 2023

@glisteningCreature8806  thank you so much, it is appreciated when somebody takes the time to recognize our service. 

CyclingThroughLife OP November 24th, 2023


Thank you for your service.