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Self care for Naomi πŸ’•

Axtyn January 25th, 2023

Hi Naomi! Its Axtyn as you can see :b

I thought i would leave this forum just to check in on you and leave you notes every once in a while to make sure you're staying okay and taking care of yourself during this really hard time

I made this to show you how much you are loved, cared for, and how much more you truly deserve.

This rough patch will pass, honey. It may take time and it may seem so so hard, but it will pass, and i hope this forum just brings a little smile to your face every now and then! Hugssss πŸ’• @Nomifordaysyou-are-loved-today-tomorrow-and-forever.gif


Axtyn OP April 8th, 2023


Aww hii Naomi! Thank you so much for checking in <3 Im okay, thank you for asking

And of course im always here for you too. How has everything been lately?

Nomifordays April 8th, 2023


no problem. anytime.

everything has been going by very chaoticly I guess but it'll be fine. thanks :')

Axtyn OP April 8th, 2023


Well certainly things do eventually fall into place, but no need to keep it all in! Do share if itll make you fell better. I genuinely hope you feel better soon, Naomi, youre always in my thoughts πŸ’—

Nomifordays April 9th, 2023

yeah i hope they make sense soon. ty (:

Nomifordays April 24th, 2023

Hola axy! I've been thinking about you all morning ( in the least weird ways possible lol) but anywhooooo I wanted to drop some would u call it wise? Nope lets go with encouraging words lol. I love you so da!n much and you deserve the world so its the least I can do.

First lets start with quotes bc I'm just your average auntie with quotes on everything πŸ˜ƒ

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” β€” Muhammad Aliβ€œ

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” β€” Dumbledore

The point I'm trying to make here is that ik that you're going to find your people. You are awesome and amazing and smart and kind and anybody who can't see that, screw them. You're like one of the few people I actually find interesting and like fun and like idk entertaining lol. Anyways I get that it hurts and that its confusing and hard and frustrating but damn axy you're so strong yk? Never let anything get you down ok? And if it does I'll still be here by your side cheering you on. Never give up because you have so so so so so much going on for you, very good and bright things in fact. ✨✨✨✨

Anxiety and coping is hard but dude like man you're going to get through it yeah? Small steps. Ilysm axtyn, Keep your chin up and don't let these people get to you (:

Axtyn OP April 25th, 2023


Ahh its my sweet friend! Hii naomiii! Omg you are simply the sweetest 😭 thank you so much for dropping by! I love you too much and this honestly means SO much to me!

Ahh i lovee Muhammad Ali!! Thank you soo much for the lovely quotes

Your words honestly made my day, thank you soo soo much, Naomi! Thank you for listening, for being the most amazing friend, for taking the time out to write this for me! Thank you for being the most fabulous you there is ! I love you too much! Thank you thank you thank youuu

Now how are you girl? How have you been coping? Honest answers only please- i do expect some detail :')

Nomifordays April 25th, 2023


Im so glad that I was able to make your day :') And ofc I'm happy to listen to you and be there for you always yeah? I meant it all though truly and really no need to thank me πŸ’™

Ah Im alive. im coping but idk how to explain its complicated. But dw about me really I'm fine :') Thank you for asking <3

Axtyn OP April 25th, 2023


Aww Noami, im sorry to hear you arent well- please always remember that i truly care and im always always here to listen <3


Nomifordays April 26th, 2023


Aw thanks axy <3 I appreciate you so much. I just don't wanna put all my childish problems on someone else to worry about but thanks really :')

Axtyn OP April 26th, 2023


Naomi none of your problems are childish at the slightest, but no pressure to share <3

Nomifordays April 27th, 2023


really? its ok to talk? thanks sis I appreciate it so damn much πŸ’™

Just alot to process atm and my few brain cells cant keep up. I've been up for two days on energy drinks and adrenaline so yay that's fun :') I am getting thin and people are like you need to eat your too skinny and my sick brain is like "omg dude look at that! Your work is paying off. Keep up the good work and you'll be even MORE skinny and more happy. " idk its dumb. and then Riley and Mr Griffin is increasing their ongoing bull and I got these so realistic delusions of ma and yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah sooo yeah life is great. Im great πŸ˜ƒ.


Axtyn OP April 27th, 2023


Girl i made this thread for you to talk! Ofc its okay

I hear you, it sounds like you haven't been sleeping much; that can definitely affect your emotions as to remain stable we need to consistently keep up with our normal day-day lifestyle. Have you been eating enough, Naomi? Sometimes when we don't sleep and we're overly stressed that could also lead to weight loss. No one should be making those sick comments about anyone, I'm so sorry ): More skinny most definitely doesn't equate to more happy- that is horrible!! It sounds like the people in your life really haven't gotten better at the slightest. Any new updates on them? I understand, when I was grieving I had lots of delusions of the person Have you been able to speak to anyone about them? Don't be sorry at the slightest. I love you soo much, Naomi, and I'm here for you forever <3


Nomifordays April 27th, 2023


No, I haven't really been eating much for awhile now. its how I fell this morning on my run cause I had got dizzy and tripped. And idk ik its bad but I feel like I'm not idk like I'm not pretty or that kinda stuff.

The delusions I'm how to explain but it feels so real like the knocking and the talking and her singing it feels so real and its like i forget what happened and think that I was just imagining her being gone but really its all just in my head yk? If i told anyone irl about this they'd think I'm going crazy so I've just been shrugging it off.

And the the people in my life idk. Riley bruised my hip. And Mr. Griffin? He just needs help. Mentally help bc there's no way i could use someone body like that and not feel bad or insane or gross but yeah πŸ˜ƒ

Axtyn OP April 28th, 2023


Ooh i hear you. I'm sorry you're struggling with eating ): I understand completely, we all cope with loss in different ways and it sounds like she often comes to you which is understandable and must be quite startling. Damn Riley doesnt seem to ever get any better. Im also so sorry to hear about the other person. It sounds like youre going through a very hard time ):

I hope you feel better soon, Naomi <3

Nomifordays April 28th, 2023


Thank you axy. Thanks for understanding and like like taking the time out your day actually care and listen. It means a lot. I hope for you things get better as well bc the world need more ppl like u in. so genuinely caring. πŸ˜ƒ love u sis

Nomifordays May 17th, 2023


( Im like 95% sure its ur birthday but even of its not I still mean every single word ❀)

Hiiiiiii! Happy birthday!! People usually don't say this people on their birthday but I'm so so so so so proud of you for making it thus far. I know it's hard and that it's not right but yk i get it. I just want to send you the best wishes and a happy 16!

Growing up is hard yk? getting older and stuff but ik wherever you go that you are going to do amazing things :') ilysm. you're like one of my best friends and I'm sorry if that sounds weird or stuff but yeah (: You are so sweet and kind to me and you're always looking out for me and helping me even if when you're not at your best and those are great qualities to have. You are always making an effort to be there for everyone and I admire you so much for that.

Again happy birthday βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚

love, Naomi

Axtyn OP May 17th, 2023


Ohh em geee- thank you SOOO muchhh naomiii!!! You are simply just the sweetest and you mean soo much to me and are 100% one of my bestest friends πŸ˜­πŸ’—

You totally made my day! I loveee you so much!!

I hope you are well πŸ’—

cakeee 🍰🍰🍰

Nomifordays May 18th, 2023


:o no need to thank me I was just spitting straight fa it's lol :') but fr it's the least I could do πŸ˜ƒ

im so glad I made your day ilyt ❀

im okay thanks :') now go watch some peppa pig Suzy πŸ˜‰

(lol Idl why I put a wink emoji but I'm just gonna keep it there 😭😭) anyways yeah lmao

Nomifordays August 4th, 2023

o// Axy. So we haven't really talked as much lately like we used to, and for that I apologize buttt I was thinking about you and so yeah πŸ˜€

how are you holding up? how's life been treating you?

ilysmmmmm never forget that ok?

Nomifordays August 4th, 2023

whoops forgot to tag you


Axtyn OP August 4th, 2023


awe naomiii

hiii sweetie! im alright thank you so much for asking!

how have you been holding up? everything alright?

i love you mosttt! and this threat is always always always always open for you sis <3

Nomifordays August 4th, 2023


ofcc, u sure ur okay? im not suggesting ur not, just making sure.

im getting by, thanks πŸ˜ƒ

really hope ur doing alright and I'm here if u ever wanna talk about anything

Axtyn OP August 6th, 2023


All good, thank you for being here naomiii, you are simply the sweetest ever

I know you are, you are just too strong :')

I hope you had a good weekend