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Present for Cheebs

Sakiuu August 16th, 2023


Hey, I drew a picture of Daisy as a puppy. I really, really hope this brings at least a second’s smile to your face.


I know we only communicate online and all, but just know that I’m always here to support you.

Hope you like it!

Sakiuu OP August 16th, 2023

@Sakiuu @cheebsra

Btw, let me know if you want a digitally enhanced, properly scanned version so you can print it out or something.

cheebsra August 16th, 2023


Okay first of all you're so talented!!! I would love a scanned version so I can hang it in my house!!! And sign it!

Online or not, I consider you a true friend and treasure you all the same. 🧡 You have succeeded in bringing a smile to my face. And if there's ever anything I can do for you, please let me know. I don't know how to return this gesture. It brought happy tears to my eyes. Thank you, saki.

Sakiuu OP August 16th, 2023


Oh, yay, I pinged you properly!! :D

You flatter me, but I’m really not - I should show you the page behind that drawing and you can see all the practice work I did to prep for this portrait :p

I’ll head to my uni’s library tomorrow and scan it! No promises I can digitally remove that soy sauce stain, though (life pro tip: always double bag soy sauce bottles when you pack a suitcase . . .)

Awwww, Cheebs. I’m happy I can say I have another friend :D It’s always fun laughing and venting with you. I’m genuinely here for you, okay? When I say comforting words during your shares and offer blanket hugs, I really mean those, not just doing them as a gesture. You’re a great person

Sakiuu OP August 16th, 2023


Oh, there is one thing you can do for me - stop apologizing for your 10000000% valid feelings!! Yes, it’s normal to hate those feelings, it’s normal to be really sorry that you are in a temporary part of your life where you have those feelings. But don’t apologize for them like they’re a mistake. The feelings are there for valid though sucky reasons, they’re the best way you’re dealing with the situation right now, they’re important

cheebsra August 17th, 2023


Okay, I will try to stop. ☺️ Thank you saki. P.s. the soy sauce stains make it special. I'm gonna draw for you too!

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


Draw me a winning lottery ticket!

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


I’m heading to the university library to scan the drawing now, except I’ve lost my student ID so they might not let me in

If you never hear back me from me, they probably arrested me for trespassing 🤣 Jk

Clairebear2007 August 17th, 2023

So pretty

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


Thank you! It took under an hour, if you don’t count the practice sketches I did first 😅

Tinywhisper11 August 17th, 2023

@Sakiuu that's soooo cute ❤ and so sweet Thank you for doing this for our wonderful cheebs ❤

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


Thank youuuuu <3

trueconfidant123 August 17th, 2023

That drawing is an absolute pleasure to the eyes! @Sakiuu, you are talented. Please post more of your works. 💞

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


6b712663-2e05-4891-a9a9-0248fac4e48f_1692294149.jpegI followed a tutorial for this one

dfdd0dd4-3df0-48a9-86a0-67d436e338c8_1692294166.jpegDrawn from a reference photo!

Thank you for your sweet words :D

trueconfidant123 August 17th, 2023


OMG, you're an artist Sakiuuu! 😍

Perfectionism at its peak! 🤌

Bunnylovesyou August 18th, 2023


Wow, honestly you should be so proud 💕💕

You are obviously so gifted

Gabrielamtineo August 17th, 2023

it look awesome 😍

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023


Here’s hoping I don’t break it . . .

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023

@Sakiuu img001-1_1692314917.png

Sakiuu OP August 17th, 2023

@Sakiuu img001-1-1_1692315003.png

cheebsra August 18th, 2023


You're the best saki. 🧡☺️ thank you!

Bunnylovesyou August 18th, 2023


You really truly are such a talented artist 💕

Never stop creating, and remember I always have your back

-Bunny 💕💕

cheebsra August 18th, 2023


I need your favourite animal, favourite colour, and favourite flower/plant plz 🧡

Sakiuu OP August 18th, 2023


Awww! Well, I guess horses? I used to ride throughout middle and high school! Or dogs? Cats? Crows?

Btw, are you free later to chat? >_<

Sakiuu OP August 18th, 2023


Oh! And pale indigo. As for plants, hmmmm - the black bat flower is pretty cool

cheebsra August 18th, 2023


Free to chat now just direct me where

Sakiuu OP August 18th, 2023


I gotta bunch of phone appointments all morning ;; You know how it is

Thank you again >_<

cheebsra August 18th, 2023


I'll be free all day saki just let me know when you're available okay?

stonepath August 19th, 2023

it's cute

Sakiuu OP August 21st, 2023



It’s gonna be hard leaving the house on Monday, I know. And it’s gonna be sucky having to work and possibly see people, I know. But hey - you’ll do it! You can do it and you will do it!

I hope it goes easy for you :D

cheebsra August 21st, 2023


🧡☺️ thank you for always thinking of me. I hope you feel better soon. I wish I could make a comfy blanket and pillow for you to help. I'm working on your surprise :O it might take me a while, it's been a long time since I've drawn. I'm sorry things are rough for you right now but I believe you can find a way 🧡 sending all the love 🥰

Ayoe August 21st, 2023

@Sakiuuso cute and talented! I just wanna reach out and pet the doggo

Sakiuu OP August 22nd, 2023


Thank youuuu, but it’s really not talent at all 😅 I had to do a lot of practice sketches and some tutorials for the final product!

Sakiuu OP August 24th, 2023


Do you happen to like books? I was reading something and thought you might like it! The Warrior Cats series :D It’s a children’s fantasy series about wild cats that live in the forest as four separate clans and a bunch of cool prophecy stuff. You can easily find free copies online

It is remarkably gory for a kid’s series though, keep that in mind @_@

Sakiuu OP August 24th, 2023


I’m an idiot! Forgot to mention that the first arc of the series has an important subplot about a mother adopting out her kittens :(

cheebsra August 24th, 2023

@Sakiuu I've read those books! So good!! Thank you for sharing 🧡 I love to read

Sakiuu OP August 24th, 2023


You’ve read Warriors too??? Which book are you at now? :D I finally have someone to discuss the series with, yay!

cheebsra August 24th, 2023


I read them a long time ago so I can't remember but I'll start rereading so we can talk about it! I remember loving the series!

Sakiuu OP August 24th, 2023


:D Be prepared for all the cat gore. I guess Into the Wild would be the best book to start with?

And I’ll check out the Edge Chronicles. It’s not usually my type genre but I’m so bored here

cheebsra August 24th, 2023


What's your typical style in books? Maybe I have something else you can try out!

cheebsra August 24th, 2023


A suggestion I have is The Edge Chronicles. It is also a bit gory and dark but soooo good and also a children's series!