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genericbeing September 7th

What helps with phobias? I know people say you get cured if you face it, but in the meantime how do you handle the pounding heart, deep upset, and inability to sleep?

BlueDarkAurora September 7th

@genericbeing not sure about phobia, but somethings I do to manage fear induced anxiety is to think about how much better it'll feel when it's over, try to keep my attention on that and on telling myself that I am safe and protected. I think shifting my attention helps a lot, breathing techniques help too, guided meditations help to focus. Talking to someone helps too, everything feels a little too big when inside our heads ^^ 

genericbeing OP September 7th

@BlueDarkAurora Yeah I get stuck in my head when I get anxious fear and I keep repeating the negatives, its hard to get out and focus on positives for me, especially when a phobia is involved.

BlueDarkAurora September 8th

@genericbeing I get that, you know what I do xD Blast positive affirmation videos full volume so that I can't hear my thoughts or anyone else's :3 It can be very annoying but sometimes does the trick! Most of the times only distraction works ^^ 

genericbeing OP September 9th

@BlueDarkAurora I play video games to distract myself, that's like a similar thing

BlueDarkAurora September 9th

@genericbeing Glad you have things that help :)

genericbeing OP September 7th

@BlueDarkAurora Thank you :)

Carly23 September 7th

Sometimes when we have such strong phobias, all we see if the negative and scary stuff. Sometimes creating a safe space in your head, like imagining yourself a the beach, can pull you away from that fear state. You have to practice it a lot though for it to become safe and reassuring to you. Then you can prove to yourself you can overcome some of that fear. I’m sorry you’re dealing with your phobia; I know from personal experience it can be so overwhelming, and I’m glad you reached out. I hope you find some tools to help.

genericbeing OP September 8th

@Carly23 Thank you, that's helpful

LovingPeacefulHeart September 7th

@genericbeing I feel like if you’re doing exposure therapy, you need something to balance it out. There’s many mindfulness techniques to try like paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization. Finding where the fear and anxiety manifest in your body will help when you’re try relax your body. It may also help if you self-soothe during times when you’re not “facing it.”

Be patient and gentle with yourself! ❤️

genericbeing OP September 8th

@LovingPeacefulHeart Thanks, I'll look into those techniques

Justmeforyou September 7th

IMO, Dealing with phobias can are horrible, but here are some ways to cope when they walloped you:

  1. Breathe Slowly: When your heart starts racing, take slow, deep breaths. Breathe in for four seconds, hold it for a second, and then breathe out for four seconds. This helps calm your heart down.

  2. Baby Steps: Don’t plunge into your fear all at once. Start small. For example, if you’re scared of dogs, start by looking at pictures, then maybe watch a video, and slowly work up to being near a calm dog.

  3. Chill Out: Learn some chill-out tricks, like meditation or yoga. They can help you relax when you’re feeling stressed.

  4. Fix Your Sleep: If your phobia interferes with your sleep, chill out your bedtime routine. For a bit before bed, avoid phones or screens and try reading or listening to calming music instead.

  5. Talk to Someone: Sometimes, phobias are too extensive to handle on your own, and that’s okay. Talking to a therapist can help. They know the best ways to tackle phobias.

By trying out these steps, you can relieve your phobia and work towards feeling better bit by bit.

genericbeing OP September 8th

@Justmeforyou Thank you, and 4. was most helpful I have a big problem sleeping when facing phobias

coolj9 September 8th


I think understanding and remembering our strengths and resources we can access helps great deal. 

For example, afraid of a cockroach - remembering about repellent sprays, flat footwear, people around us who aren't scared of a cockroach ... 

genericbeing OP September 9th

@coolj9 The last one helped, people near me who aren't afraid of the same thing

coolj9 September 9th


Glad it did, cheers !!!