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I need a long term listener to help cope with my bullying trauma issue

Eitas July 7th

Hi, i had posted in this group about my trauma before and i honestly need someone to talk to and on my side because i desperately need it.  An ATP listener please, if possible because i am about to become a young adult soon and i prefer adults' wisdom. I had a toxic listener before so i hope i won't meet that kind of listener.

To the ATP listeners, please look at my previous post on my profile to see whether you can help or not if you decide to help me.

Many thanks!

juliak1968 July 27th



I'm sorry nobody has been available to respond yet to this post. We have a backlog in the "Needs Reply" forum. I'm Day! Hi! I just want to let you know that your not alone and I went through being bullied in Hawaii when I was 12yrs until 16yrs old. When I was younger I was bullied in school because I had asthma and was the shortest kid in school. So I know how it feels to be pushed into a corner!!! at this point we have a few choices: RUN, Fight, or feel 2 inches tall while being hit. I chose to fight at an early age because I hated the feeling of helplessness. Id rather have 2 black eyes than feel that way again. Which led my life down a path that I don't recommend! I'm much older now, and have been to anger management classes and many many others plus I am in therapy, and take meds.

Tell me about the bullying!! Maybe we can figure something out.

Blessings, Day

Eitas OP July 28th

@juliak1968 Hi, thanks for finding me and i appreciate it! It seem like i can't message you because you are a member like e. Do you have a listener account? Thanks so much! I would prefer to talk in pm, because it is quite a sensitive topic, you know.

juliak1968 July 28th


I'm sorry, I'm not currently a Listener but "Message me again" and I will find the name of the listener that helped me so much, and give it to you. If you connect with her you will be in great hands!!

Eitas OP July 29th

@juliak1968 yeah sure thanks! Btw, if you don't mind, you can check my profile and my past posts and give your thoughts, thanks!

juliak1968 July 29th


Good morning,

I don't know how to find your posts but I've read everything on this new forum you created and I think you are doing great communicating with new people.

Blessings, Day

Try this link:

Eitas OP July 29th

@juliak1968 ah, you can see my post n trauma forum, here: Trauma about bullying ( Part II) - 7 Cups Forum

juliak1968 July 29th


Thank you. I read PART II, I never confronted my bullies. Please contact Jenny using the link I provided. I'm at a loss as to how you should proceed! Ask Jenny :-) She will know. Your doing great starting to advocate for yourself. I never tried talking it out with any bullies. I wouldn't know how. If I were going to try to do what you've done, I would have my therapist involved. On 7cups we can support people and comfort them, but 7cups tells us not to give advice. Will you try to get a therapist or counselor? Jenny is one of 7cups very best free Listeners!

Keep up the good work, but don't let to much drama or trauma rent to much space in your head. In other words "be sure to handle the other aspects of life's business"!

You've got this!!

Blessings, Day 🤗

Eitas OP July 30th

@juliak1968 I swear in my country therapists and counselors honestly bad i cant trust them unfortunately what a shame as a future psych major student.