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I'm having a bit of trouble :/

ashtonswink47 October 12th, 2022
So recently my anxiety decided to make a return. I've had really bad anxiety since I was 6 and it always goes off and on like one year I have anxiety and the next I don't. Idk if that's just me or other people get that.
I've noticed for a while that depression is starting to come into the mix. Well... kind of depression. I'm definitely having lack of motivation and I am sometimes pretty sad and I feel dead inside or something sometimes.
I still haven't gotten to getting a therapist which is something I really think I need but for now I'm just pushing through.
If any of yall have any suggestions on how to cope pls let me know. :)
Krustythekrab October 12th, 2022


First of all my best wishes for you but from experience doing soemthing like this reaching out even if its just to strnsgers is very beneficial and helps get thoughts down also workouts pr spending time put doors also does wonders for me hope that helps :)

Shyness98 October 12th, 2022


Hello Ashton!

Anxiety can be such a nuisance. I know what you mean when anxiety comes in one year and out the other. I struggle with my anxiety on and off as well. The fact that you came to a community is a great first step. I would definitely recommend therapy but I understand that it's expensive. One thing that I do with my anxiety is journal as much as I can. Sometimes we just want to get our thoughts out. I see that the thoughts I have are out of proportion and don't make sense. Another thing I do is go outside and walk. I downloaded this app called Wysa and it's an A.I penguin helps you reframe your thoughts and has guided meditations, you should definitely check it out if you're interested. One new thing that I've been using for my anxiety is sensory toys. It gives me a way to channel my anxiety into an object. I wish you luck Ashton!